Pee Mak's Korean Version.


I am the co-author of this story...

I hope you guys will like it. Try reading it. 

The author is my cousin. She's the one creating the grammars and I am giving some ideas about the story. We put some twists. It is Modernized Pee Mak because in the movie, the reception is like a province & on the riverside. And now, we did this to enjoy and to make exotic fans happy. :) 


When we watched the movie, I was eager to make a fanfic using the Exo's member. So we think Luhan suits the character of Pee Mak. My cousin and I was very happy and excited about the outcome of the story. We always imagine every night what will be the characters, place and the scenario. We shared each others ideas to make the story good. We get excited when we got a good idea. We put some efforts on it. I'm sorry about the poster guys. We're not good in editing pic.. But my cousin work on it. It's just TEMPORARY..


So guys, please enjoy and love the story. It's a very good story..

Thank you~




   FallingInLoveLulu <3



{---Original PEE MAK---} 




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