⚤ Retro ⚤ Retro-G ; Yukiko Fujioka ; The Sassy Pixie


( )  Retro - G


                                                                           Yukiko Fujioka ;  The Sassy Pixie  ;  Lead rapper, face of the group ; Park Jimin   

         basics; Wassup? .
               Name ¦ Yukiko Fujioka (ゆきこ)
               Other names ¦ Scarlett Fujioka - English
               Nick-names ¦
               > Yuki: a short form of her name used by friends
               > Scar: a short form of her English name, best friend calls her this 
               > Ki-onee chan: an affectionate nickname from younger brother
               > Snow White: from the Retro members, since her Japanese name means snow
               > Miss Independent: a nickname from her fans because she stated in interviews she likes to rely on herself, not on other people
               > Midnight Beauty: she always wears black to formal events (Pink Princess if she wears pink)
               > Cupid: another nickname from the Retro members because she loves matchmaking

               Date of Birth ¦ 09/24/1994
               Bloodtype ¦ B

              Place of birth ¦ Nagoya, Honshu, Japan
               Hometown ¦ Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
               Languages ¦ Japanese (native), English (fluent), Korean (fluent)

               Fashion ¦ Yukiko works hard to look good. Her style has a touch of girlyness in it, which means a lot of dresses and pretty patterns. Yukiko wears darker tones at the aiport, but her casualwear and training clothing is mostly in brighter colors. When it comes to formal events, she must, absolutely MUST, wear black because she thinks it makes her look more dramatic. If not, then she dresses in pink. She loves her Hello Kitty pajamas and will refuse to wear anything else.

               Casual - 1 2 3 4 5
               Formal - 1 2 3 4 5
               Training - 1 2 3
               Airport - 1 2 3
               Dorm/sleepwear - 1 2 3

               Other¦ Four piercings on her right ear and three on her left. She also has a belly button piercing.

  basics; How do I look? .
               Faceclaim ¦  Suzy

               Gallery ¦ 
               Back-up Face Claim ¦ Naeun
               Gallery ¦

  deeper; Do I know you?
               Personality ¦ 
               Yukiko Fujioka /yoo-kee-koh /foo-gee-o-kah
/ noun  1. the older twin sister of Yuto Fujioka. 2. the romantic, sassy-mouth drama queen of Retro. 3. a professional procrasinator who can be a real b*tch if you get in her way. 4. the form of perfection, if it had one (in her words)
              Synonyms - narcisstic, independent, stubborn

              Meet Yukiko Fujioka, the girl who's always walking around with her head held high. Although she's not as gorgeous as Retro's visual, Yukiko takes extreme pride in her looks and isn't afraid to show off her beauty. She's practically aware of her own existence and will do anything to make sure she's the first one in the room to be noticed. Yukiko can be a tad arrogant, simply because she's one of the most experienced trainees, and a lot of people hate her because of that. Yukiko is very insensitive to their feelings, so she goes about with her business without making a fuss. She is however, a MAJOR drama queen. Yukiko tends to make even the smallest details seem like World War III and often drives the Retro members crazy with her little dramatic meltdowns and tantrums. She loves arguing with people just to avoid getting in trouble.

               Onstage, Yukiko adopts a 'up-in-your-face' kind of attitude. She's very confident about her stage presence and although she knows she isn't the best rapper in Retro, she doesn't doubt that she's one of the better female rappers in the industry. On variety shows she is one of the more vocal members and never fails to shock the hosts with her bold answers to their questions. While Yukiko pushes herself to the limit onstage, she refuses to show up to practice. She is said to despise rehearsals and practices as according to her, "it makes me sweat and sweating does not make me look pretty." It's no use forcing Yukiko to do what you want her to do, because Yukiko is extremely stubborn and follows her own set of rules. And the manager and leaders can't threaten her because she  knows they're just empty threats. But if she does get dragged to practice, she'll often daydream and won't go full out. No one has ever seen Yukiko practice, but she somehow always manages to get the choreography down and song lyrics memorized in time. Either she sneaks into the practice rooms late at night or she's a musical genius.

               Yukiko isn't as ladylike and petite as she looks. For instance, she lacks manners. You'd think after spending 7 years in Korea she would have known every single honorific, but no, Yukiko calls every person by their first name only. Unless she's near the cameras and people of importance, she's calling out, "Yah [insert name]!" Of course, she's always getting smacked in the head because of that. She loses her temper easily, and if you do manage to tick her off, she's really rude. Luckily, Yukiko's temper calms down just as quickly as she loses it. She’s quite manipulative as well and knows how to convince people to get what she wants. If Yukiko tried hard enough, she could persuade the maknaes of Retro to shave their heads off and even convince her members to do the wrong dance moves (but the leaders always intervene). One thing to admire about Yukiko though, is her independence. You could dump her on an isolated island by herself and she would still be able to survive. Don't expect her to ask for help when she's in trouble. If someone offered their help, she gets extremely offended and will turn her nose up in the air haughtily. Another good thing about Yukiko is that she doesn't get affected by negative rumors and scandals. She continues holding her head up even in the hardest of times.  

                She's not the best at expressing her sincerity and appreciation, so it always looks like she only cares about herself. Yukiko often tries to return her kindness towards her members by either organizing their closets (it's her personal way of saying thanks) or sticking little post-its on their doors saying she's proud of their hard work. Whenever someone mentions it, Yukiko denies it, scoffs, and sassily tosses her hair over shoulder in reply because she's secretly embarrassed. Though she doesn't seem like it, Yukiko is very devoted to her friends. She's actually pretty nosy interested when it comes to the romance lives of the Retro members. Yukiko is a huge romantic and she will do everything she can to ensure that the Retro members win the hearts of the ones they love. It's always difficult in the beginning to be friends with Yukiko because of her narcissism and the drama she creates, but you'll eventually come to love her strange yet adorable personality.

               Background ¦ Yukiko was born into a Japanese middle class family in Nagoya, Honshu, Japan. She was born ten minutes before her younger twin brother Yuto. The twins were raised simply, but they modeled for children's apparel when they were small toddlers. Around the age of four, Yukiko became interested in performing and would always dance around the house with a plastic toy microphone in her hand. She'd always been a drama queen as well, and as a young child she frequently participated in her kindergarten plays. The twins were six their parents divorced, and their mother decided it was better for the twins to live with their father. Their father's job stationed him in Honolulu, Hawaii, and while they spent most of the year in the US, the twins only got to see their mother every summer in Japan. Their father remarried soon after to an American born Japanese, and the twins' half brother wasn't born until they were nine. As her love for the stage grew, Yukiko began taking drama classes both outside and in school. She was always the lead role in the elementary school plays.

               Four years later in the summer, the twins were in Tokyo for a day trip with their mother. Suddenly, a man approached them and asked the twins if they were interested in entering the entertainment. The man turned out to be an SM scout, who was here in Japan for the Global auditions. He offered the twins to audition there, but their mother objected since she thought the Fujioka twins were too young to audition. But she kept the scout's card in case she changed her mind. The twins were disappointed, but it gave them the chance to work on their entertainment skills. So when they returned to Hawaii, the twins immediately joined the school choir to strengthen their vocals. When the twins were twelve, their mother accompanied them on a flight to Seoul for the SM weekly auditions. Yukiko originally signed under SM as an actress, but once she was accepted into the company, she expanded her horizons and decided to take up rapping because she thought it would be cool for a girl to rap.

               Likes ¦ 
               - Rapping
               - Acting
               - Romantic things

               - Matchmaking
               - Fashion blogs
               - Rilakkuma
               - Strawberry mochi
               - Taking pictures
               - Accessories
               - J-pop (she can't wait for a Retro Japanese debut)
               - Animals
               - Mirrors
               - Photo sticker booths

               Dislikes ¦ 
               - Sweating
               - Waking up early
               - Coffee
               - Being told what to do (unless you're the choreographer or the photographer or whoever related to the entertainment industry)
               - Clowns
               - Sashimi (ironically)
               - People who touch her hair
               - Spiders
               - Windy days

               Hobbies ¦ 
               - Composing rap lyrics
               - Playing the piano
               - Acting out scenes from other dramas or plays

               - Color coding the clothes in her wardrobe
               - Watching makeup and hair tutorials on YouTube

               Habits ¦
               - Whenever she gets in trouble for not addressing someone with an honorific, she shouts out, "I'm American! Don't blame me!" in perfect English
               - She puts on a face mask every night before sleeping
               - Says "RAWR!" before anyone can make a move to pet her head
               - Bites the straw when she's drinking something
               - Answers her phone with "mushimushi" (the Japanese way of saying hello)
               - Presses her nails to her palms to control her angry outbursts
               - Unknowingly touches her hair as she passes by a mirror

               Trivia ¦  
               - Because of her smart mouth and her delicate, fairy-like appearance, Yukiko is called the Sassy Pixie 
               - She played Go Hyemi in the OST Dream High
               - The first place she immediately goes to when she is in Japan is Shibuya for shopping
               - She owns more bottles of nail polish than the average nail parlor but she doesn't even paint her nails that much
               - Her home screen on her pink cased iPhone5 is a picture of Jimin from BTS
               - Appeared in the following: SHINee's 'Juliette' (Japanese version) MV, BtoB's '2nd Confession' MV, and the Smart Uniform CF with B1A4
               - She owns a Shiba Inu puppy called Momoko, and Momoko even has her own Instagram account (@mo2ko_inu) full of her pictures

deeper; It's about connections, yo.
              Family ¦ Sora Fujioka - Father - Businessman - Warm hearted, protective, respectful
              Tanaka Fujioka - Mother - Professional photographer - Free spirited, loving, optimistic
              Yuto Fujioka - Brother - SM trainee - Dorky, mischievous, trustworthy
              Ayame 'Alice' Komori - Stepmother - Housewife - Blunt, caring, sensible
              Hiro Fujioka - Younger half brother - Elementary school student - Loud, playful, demanding

              Best-Friends ¦ Kim Jongin 'Kai' - Best friend/dance buddies - Member of Ex0 - Loyal, hardworking, bossy
              Kim Kibum 'Key' - Shopping companion/partner in crime for sassing - Member of SHINee - Dramatic, umma-like, sassy

              Friends ¦ Gong Minji 'Minzy' - Friend - Member of 2Ne1 - Prideful, stubborn, competitive
              Peniel Shin - Friend/close oppa - Member of BtoB - Funny, social, down-to-earth
              Hwang Miyoung 'Tiffany' - Older sister figure - Member of SNSD - Bubbly, energetic, sweet

              Rival ¦ Amber Liu - Member of f(x) - Dorky, trustworthy, easygoing  - It's a matter of pride really. Amber always points out Yukiko's mistakes when she raps. Amber's not trying being a know-it-all or rude, she just wants Yukiko to improve. Yukiko often gets irriated, since she had more training than Amber and therefore thinks Amber has no right to tell her want to do.  Yukiko understands that Amber is only trying to help her out, but her stubborn nature makes it hard to accept the advice. So Yukiko mostly ignores Amber and rolls her eyes at Amber's. Yukiko also harbors a grudge against Amber because she got to debut first instead of Yukiko, when Yukiko had been training longer.

deeper; Romance is in the air .
              Love Interest + Gallery ¦ Park Jimin (BTS) + 
              Personality ¦ With a cheeky smile and perfectly scuplted abs, Jimin has the ability to catch every girl's eye. He is a huge flirty mcflirt, no doubt. Out of BTS, he is the member with different personalities. Onstage, he oozes out charisma and performs with a fierce passion. The real Jimin is a little ball of cuteness. He is a dorky boy who enjoys telling corny jokes to lighten up people's spirits. No matter how many obstacles he faces, Jimin has a strong will to never give up and pushes himself to work to the very limit. Even though he carries a confident attitude onstage he has his insecurities. He does not feel quite confident about his looks, especially since there are some people who believe he isn't the best looking without makeup. Though there are times where he's so chatty he won't shut up, Jimin can be introverted and shy. Other than that, he has a pure and good heart.

               How do you act around each other? ¦ Although Yukiko is one year older than Jimin, she's the more childish one in the relationship. From the way she gazes at his pictures and squeals out his name, Yukiko is the crazed, lovestruck schoolgirl. She simply loves to pinch Jimin's cheeks and give him tight hugs, which creeps Jimin out but since she's his noona, he's respectful and patient with her. Yukiko refuses to let Jimin call her noona and instead insists he call her 'Yuki-chan.' She is quite flirty around him and tries using cliche romantic tricks to catch his attention. They always fail, and Yukiko doesn't understand why Jimin doesn't feel attracted to her like she is to him.  She often declares on variety shows and interviews that Jimin is her future husband. Although he expresses discomfort at being called, 'Yukiko's future husband,' he makes no move to deny it when people about it.

               Back-up Love Interest + Gallery¦ Kris Wu (Exo) + 
               Personality ¦  Kris has the appearance of a cool, mysterious, bad boy. People are somewhat afraid of him but often find him very arrogant, when he's really is an innocent, warm hearted guy. He takes excellent care of s, and immediately goes to their side if they're in trouble. Kris protects s no matter what, even if it means getting hurt in the process. He is very open to the people he's close to but likes to be alone at the same time. Kris is looked up as a gege and one of the most responsible members of EXO. He won't let anyone bring him down, and puts every bit of his heart and soul into his work.

               How do you act around each other? ¦ Yukiko doesn't like Kris that much. To her, he's the annoying sunbaenim who always nags at her. He nags at her for being lazy and he tries to force her into attending the Retro practices as well as speaking respectfully. Kris is the one who suffers the most from her dramatic outbursts, but he's very patient about it and calmly waits until she is done. Yukiko often childishly rants to the Retro members about him. Yukiko even keeps several pictures of Kris, so that when she's annoyed with him she can rip or draw or stab his pictures with a pen. Strangely enough, Yukiko often feels disappointed when she goes for days without seeing the Exo leader.

               Love Rival+ Gallery ¦  Jung Ilhoon (BtoB) + 
               Persoanlity ¦ Ilhoon is described as the 'spark type,' meaning he's very lively and his actions can be unpredicatable at times. Once he steps on stage, he transforms into a fierce, charismatic rapper. Ilhoon is very dedicated in his work, and gets angry with himself when his progress doesn't meet his expectations. He's always trying to create his own rapping style. When Ilhoon is in a bad mood, he'll often change his hair into interesting, weird hairstyles.  He is a child stuck in a nineteen year old's body, and he isn't afraid to be silly and do dorky activities with s. Ilhoon is quite talkative, whether it's around his friends, fans, or strangers. He can be a bit of a sassy brat if he wants to, as well. 

               How you act around each other? ¦ Even though there is a one month age gap between the two, Ilhoon tries to make Yukiko call him oppa, when it is she who's the elder. They have very pointless and very childish arguments over this tiny matter, but anyone can tell they are quite close. Ilhoon usually hates skinship, but Yukiko is the only one who is allowed to hug him and he in return is the only one who can pat her head.  They see everything as a friendly contest between them and like to compete as a way of bonding. Yukiko and Ilhoon love giving each other rapping tips, but they also like trash talking one another's rapping skills. While Yukiko is passionately in love with Jimin, her heart rate quickens whenever Ilhoon smiles at her. As for Ilhoon, he does not deny that he has a crush on her. He often drops flirty comments and glances at her to see if she picked them up.

  Even deeper; Practice makes perfect right? .
              Stage Name ¦ Khia (short for Khione, the Greek goddess of snow)
               Trainee Years ¦ 7
               Trainee History ¦ It wasn't easy for Yukiko when she and Yuto entered SM. They didn't know a single word of Korean, so the first year was hard because most of the Korean trainees ignored them and they struggled to keep up in their language classes. And because they were only 12, the twins had to quickly learn to be independent. While Yuto managed to fit in with the male trainees, Yukiko was looked down by the girls and they made fun of her because she couldn't understand Korean. She had to work hard in order to gain the teachers' respect and because of that dedication she often fell sick and lost an increasingly amount of weight. But Yukiko forced herself to continue because she wanted to see herself onstage. After polishing her acting skills and Korean for four years, Yukiko finally scored the lead female role in the 2011 OST Dream High. It proved to everyone that a mere Japanese trainee was able to make it to the top. SM realized that Yukiko was capable of becoming an idol and put her in more singing and dancing classes. But it was rapping Yukiko excelled best in, and she spent every day practicing and watching videos of other rappers.
               Singing Twin ¦ Amber
               Dancing Twin ¦ Suzy, Bora (for backup position)

               Rapping Twin ¦ Woori
               Talking Twin¦ Suzy
               Position¦ Lead rapper, face of the group
               Back-up Position ¦ Lead dancer, vocalist
              Social Media ¦ @snowkiss - Instagram, @RetroYuki- Twitter

Done!; Thanks for applying, back to RETRO .


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