Made It!


I made it, guys! ^o^ Woohoo! The paper's all done and pretty; the only thing I need to do now is do my works cited page.

Unfortunately, I found out that in Chicago style, you don't cite quotes the same as in APA or MLA format...

ex: "asdfghjkl" (fangirl, 88).

Instead, I guess they do footnotes? Where there's little baybay numbers at the bottom of the page, with the page number and the author??????

Unfortunately, I'm also operating on a new version of Word that I have NO idea where anything is ._____. So I just...

I was so close, but then I just said "Screw it, you can wait 'til morning." Because I'm literally WIPED. And my brain has been cooked, fried, steamed and stirred around my skull with a fork.


THAT PAPER CAN WAIT. I got a full 24 hours to mess with it now, and the citing process should only take maybe 30-40 minutes. :]

But you guys don't know how relieved I am now; it's like there's a HUGE weight off my chest. ^o^ Don't you guys love that feeling?

So anyways, I just wanted to tell you th--

Bed: Hey... Hey Art..

Arty: ...o__o *mybedjusttalked*

Bed: I'm kinda cold... Care to come warm me up? <3

Arty: *rebellious teenager voice* Not now, Bed, I'm blogging!

Bed: You knowwww you wannnttt meeeee.... <3333




Bed: tumblr_m45r5ib1Ef1qbmbj6o5_500.gif


Arty: ... stock-footage-four-month-asian-baby-boy-

I'M ON MY WAY~~~~~

Goodnight guys (or goodmorning/afternoon) ^o^ <3


Delirious post is delirious

But you can't blame me because it's 12:30 a.m. here.... Just as I predicted it would be when I stopped. Aww yeah.


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Woah~ the bed is talking.... I WANT THAT BED TOO!! kekekke XD
Lol wow you get crazy when you don't get any sleep