medlympics hotties/cuties

i actually started my day in a ty way. had to be at the motorcade/registration station at 5 but i woke up at 5.30 am! i actually woke up saying "! i'm late" you won't believe how lightining fast i was. i just wet my hair, washed my face and the important parts and wooosh to the room and dress up, then brush my teeth and left the house... and i was still late for the registration. so it was really ty!!! >.<

but at the main program, back at school, because i was crowd control comm so i had to take part in holding the rope. and just by peripheral vision i saw a familiar skin tone and shape and when they (he and his gf ) came back it was confirmed that it was my 4 year crush?! so i was so energized. they were at the same line as me first, so it was difficult to look at. then they went across, so it was better. when we changed the form of the barricade... they moved to the side opposite me again so i can both look at the dance competition and at him! 

then some minutes pass by, my new crush in med school arrived and stood beside him! omg! no breakfast but my eyes were full. 

then some time after... i head to my other committee, and helped with the prepartion of props for the race. we were at the parking lot then (in this race, an adventure race, we use up all sides and places of the university) and when i looked at the side looking for something, idk i saw coming out from the dent dept one of my korean dent crush~! so that's cuttie/crush no.3

then some time passed again, the race started. this certain med school which is known for breeding nanning, serious, intelligent doctors-to-be actually have cuties in both their teams for the race~!!! (two teams per 5 schools) and i was even like "what school are you?" while signing the cutie leader's id (part of my job) and he actually answered. me asking that question was actually useless coz they were wearing an obvious shirt saying 'we came from this school'  but yeah... there's a lot of hotties/cuties there. and i hope to see and mingle with them in tonight's after party.... mingling would probably not happen as i happen to be a shy person >.< but i still hope to have a lot of vitamins for my eyes hahahahah

then thirty minutes or so after... while waiting for the last 2 teams to come to my hidden station (because they were not told where the next challenges are, they have to find it) my med student crush since way back 4/3 years ago came in asking about the was like:

S: "naai mugamit ani nga rum?" (anyone's using this room?)

me: "wala man cguro." (no one i think.) note: i was smiling deep inside.

S: *looking around the amphi-room which is btw airconditioned* "para unsa d.i ni?" (what's this for?) and i think he was asking if a test was going to be held there... for class or something.

me: "para adventure race. wala ko'y sure if naai mugamit unya." (for the adventure race. i'm not sure if anyone will use the room later)

S is walking back up and to the other door of the room. "wala mai mugamit ani para checkpoint sah?" (no one's using this as checkpoint?)

i had no idea what he meant by this but i just said no. so he went out... and there goes a few minutes of my boring time. then he went back again, carrying a foam from their reserved room for athletes (oh, he plays bball) 

S: "matug sa ko ngari ha, dili man kaha ni gamiton?" (i'll sleep here for awhile, no one's going to be using this later right?"

me: o cge, wala ra man. (okay, yup.) and he went up to the backest part of the room and made his secret nap station there. so even though i was bored, and even though it wasn't a personal conversation i actually felt so happy! 

and update or edit on previous post. NOW I'M CERTAIN THAT EVERYTHING IS JUST FUN AND GAMES WITH HIM. *sigh of relief* now i don't have to feel a little guilty for actually being too harsh on him, now i can play and ride along with this flirting-game with him like how i play with my guy friends. how did i know?

coz apparently he got a gf himself. he brought her along, i don't know when she arrived but she was there at the reserved room for athletes. he was laying on one of those mats S had and the girl was sitting on a chair with her legs resting on his legs.he actually had some time to tease that moment, well my friend's bf suggested i lay down on the foam beside him when my friend said to go rest on some other foam on the other side (which was a good thing i didn't go to that other side coz enemy forever was actually there) well i just took the foam/mat away from him and near my friend. some time later, enemy forever woke up and teased again "nganu wala man na nimo pahigda.a... (why didn't you let her lay beside you while looking at me then his eyes shifted.) imong uyab.. (your gf)" and enemy forever did this 'boom! some words that meant he just made a clumsy mistake... or something like you got owned! 

so... i was like 'ah.. so that's his gf.' on my mind well... what guy would bring a sister or a cousin to some event and what girl would come in a place when she probably doesn't know anyone, right? oh well... at least now i know how to handle things...probably. but i really want to face him upfront and ask if he's serious or not, because if he's not then i really don't want him saying out loud that he likes me or something, what if someone else is there and probably better than him and is afraid or intimidated and wouldn't introduce himself TT_TT... 

but on that same reserved room for atheletes and even at the food comm room S would sometimes look my way, i probably just happen to be in his line of vision or he remebers me as that girl from the amphi-room. so even if i'd be such a feeler i feel up in cloud 9 nonetheless. good thing is enemy forever doesn't know i have a crush on him and just tease my gay friend. i thank my gay friend for that... i can actually ogle at him undisturbed as enemy forever teases me to HIM or just tease me.


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Normibells #1
hala~! kaila ko ni S~! hahahhaa bday niya the other day noh? :D
So kami ra diay ni norman ang makahibaw~ cge2x~ nindot nasad bya akong nails.. picture.ran nya nako~ Lolz~
Ka remember ko ni P pero wa ko ka remember sa naong ni S~ Lolz Basta mao na toh xa... lolz~ kamusta man love life ni Mer?
Layshoo~ gi nlng unta toh nimu imong crush... jokez~ BWAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! Hilas ra jud xa nga guy~ uuuyyy... naa nakai love life problems~ suya kow.. BWAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!! Nalingaw ko sa imong mga blog entries lately~ Hehehehe~