〔 ⎋ : BUCKET LIST。〕〜 Yoo Jiwon






If your time was counted, would you do as you are told or escape ?




http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/garsya/garsya1209/garsya120900151/15516354-pile-of-paper-cards-stethoscope-and-stopwatch.jpg http://www.organizeit.com/item-img/hires/hr_all-purpose-bucket-pink.jpg 




Username : MissTomorrow

Nickname : Maria

Activity Level : 8/10


Character Name : Yoo Jiwon

Nicknames : -

Date of Birth : May 21, 1994

Age : 20

Birthplace and Hometown : Gwangju, South Korea

Blood Type : B-


Languages Spoken : Fluent Korean


Faceclaim : Kim Ahyoung // Yura of Girl's Day

Pictures : | | | |

Back-up faceclaim : Yoon Bora of Sistar

Pictures | | | |

Height & Weight : 168 cm & 50 kg

Style and appearance : Jiwon likes to dress in layers, in part because she gets cold easily, but also that she likes to hide within them. Cozy sweatshirts are her favorite thing ever, and she often wears jeans well into the summer months. She prefers darker colors, especially blue, but doesn't really care what her clothes looks like, as long as it's comfy. She's known to borrow her brother's clothes when she can. That said, she'll dress in comfortable jeans and one of her favorite sweaters or sweatshirts on a daily basis. 

Yoo Jiwon




Personality : Jiwon's personality isn't static. In fact her personality is far from it. She's very dynamic in that she adapts to situations, and has a habit of changing herself to fit in with whoever she's talking to. This is rooted in her desire for someone -- anyone -- to call a best friend and to trust, but it's also been the cause for her questioning herself as a person. If you asked her to describe herself, she honestly wouldn't be able to do it beyond talking about her family and her disability. She's a strong believer that the people you surround yourself with and the things you do in your life define you as a person, but she often forgets that she has certain traits that she was simply born having.

People that know her will often say that she's something like an elementary teacher, which she takes as a compliment. She's patient with others, especially those with disabilities similar to or worse than hers, and will do anything in her power to help, if they let her. The one thing that makes her happier than anything else is being the cause of someone's smile, so she will willingly go out of her way to get even the tiniest of grins -- telling jokes, giving a hug, or simply spending time to help a person. However, she will more often than not politely refuse any help or advice from the same people that she gives those things to. She's selfless to the point of it being a flaw, and will do for others a hundred times before she does once for herself. This also causes her to worry herself sick, as there have been instances where she's lost sleep over someone else's problems.

That said, she still remembers to have a little time for drawing and writing -- the two things that she does solely for herself and her own happiness. Although they, too, were rooted in other people's passions that she picked up from simply knowing them, they have become her escape from all things that bother her. She doesn't usually show off her talents, however, as she doesn't want to come off as one who brags about things she can do that others may not be able to. In that sense, she is overly sensitive to other people's feelings and tries her best to avoid hurting them. When someone does happen upon her artwork, she becomes very shy, mumbling a soft "thank you" at their compliments. She very much prefers listening to other people talk about their passions, as the light in their eyes and smile on their face when they do so is one of the most fulfilling things she's ever experienced. 

What Jiwon really needs is to learn how to love herself as much as she loves others. As easy as it sounds, this task is incredibly difficult, and she will need help to do it. She has yet to meet someone other than her parents that loves and praises her as much as she needs, as she often tends to be forgotten due to her illness having no exterior effects. She doesn't mind that, though. What she really understands, and has learned throughout her life, is that the unexpected always happens when things seem okay, and that things always get worse before they get better. While she tries to be optimistic, her happiness has recently begun to fade, especially after her brother's unexpected death. She has started to "expect the unexpected" and tries not to get too deeply attached to people, as she's started to fear losing everyone that she loves.

Main flaws : stubborn, forgetful, unwilling to discuss her emotions, worries too much

Main qualities : patient, warm-hearted, open-minded, playful, loyal



〜warm clothing, mostly sweatshirts
〜card games
〜baseball (to watch)
〜new people
〜colorful fish
〜new places/vacations
〜art, particularly pencil drawings

Dislikes : 

〜that she can't be physically active
〜spicy foods
〜watching television
〜any kind of technology, really; she's a bit old-fashioned
〜lightning, though she doesn't mind thunder

Hobbies : 

〜playing solitaire 
〜learning (or trying to learn) how to do new things
〜writing short journal entries daily
〜drawing, especially of nature and people's hands

Habits : 

〜prefers to sleep with two blankets, even in summer
〜bites her lips until they start to bleed
〜tends to bounce around in one place; can't sit still
〜she's a touchy person, so she usually starts hugging people early on in friendships

Fears : 

〜losing contact with people she loves
〜getting lost somewhere, especially in the woods

Obsessions : 

〜hands. She loves to look at, hold, run her fingers over, and draw other people's hands. She finds the act of holding hands to be intimate, and loves to do so with people she's close to

Pet Peeves : 

〜gum. The smell of gum, the taste of gum, the sound of people chewing gum, watching people chewing gum... Just gum

Talents : 

〜can remember fine details of what people look like and draw from memory

Trivia : 

〜writes in her journal every day before bed; the entries vary from two pages to two lines
〜she's more of a night person, and tends to draw better after dinner hours
〜that said, she also tends to draw best outside
〜has a collection of filled journals, dating from her very first hospital stay, in a shoebox under her bed
〜very easily bribed with the promise of sweets, especially chocolates


Motto : "Every day we are born again. What we do today is what matters most." - the Buddha


Background : Jiwon knows that she's going to die, though she doesn't like to think about it. Her father, too, was born with a similar heart deformation, but her condition turned out to be worse when the doctors discovered an irregular heartbeat. She was only two when they first noticed something wrong, when she fainted after playing in the yard with her older brother. Her father, terrified and with an aura that he knew what was wrong, brought her to the hospital himself. The doctors tried multiple tests on the young child, who naturally started crying when she came to (wouldn't you, if strange men were poking at you when you woke up?), until a electrocardiogram found and confirmed her father's worst fear -- his baby girl inherited the condition he coped with all his life.

Her childhood was mostly spent in and out of hospitals, as her mother is extremely paranoid and would check her in at the first sign of anything being slightly amiss. At the age of ten, she had a particularly long hospital stay after she experienced what was apparently a minor blood clot in her heart. She had to undergo heart surgery, where the doctors decided that a pacemaker would be the best precautionary measure to take. While in recovery, her roommate was a fellow ten-year-old by the name of Do Hana, a girl with a collection of glitter gel pens and a stack of empty journals, both of which she shared with Jiwon. She showed her her own filled journals, words of advice to her future self and musings about her days spent in the hospital battling leukemia. Initially, Jiwon didn't like to write about her day (too boring, she thought, spent lying in bed and told not to move as her heart got used to its new "helper"), so she started out by drawing in her new journal. Each day, she'd draw the same thing over and over -- trying her best to recreate the painting of fish on the wall facing her. As the month she spent in that hospital room went on, she managed to create a near-perfect copy of the picture. 

She was released from the hospital before Hana was, and had to go back to her family and school without much real support. Her father was really the only help that mattered to her, but he wasn't exactly the best with words. His way of comforting his child when she came home from school after the other children for being away or not participating in their gym classes would be to hold her and offer hot chocolate (extra milk, always), while she pouted and whimpered until she felt better. The bullying was particularly difficult for Jiwon due to her bubbly and friendly nature, as she didn't understand why or how all of her old friends could turn so mean to her after just a month of being away. Many of her friends left her side at this point, due to the childish thought that she was contagious. Jiwon found her solace when she rediscovered the journal she kept in the hospital, which she happened to copy Hana's address into, and decided to write to her only true friend. This began to be a frequent project, the girls exchanging multiple letters each week. When their mothers offered to set up emails for them, both denied in favor of glitter gel pens against paper.

After a year and a half of periodic checkups on her pacemaker, which she still calls her heart's little helper, Jiwon's condition seemed to become less severe. Hana, however, slipped into one of her letters that her leukemia came back far more aggressively than last time. The letters slowed down to once a week, every other week, and once a month, until there were none at all. Just after Jiwon's thirteenth birthday, her brother was walking her home from the library (he needed research books for school, she wanted a new art book). She ran to check the mail, as she always did, and found a letter from the same address as Hana's but in unfamiliar handwriting. She shoved her book at her brother, forcing him to hold it as she tore the letter open with shaking hands, the feeling of despair looming over her in a way she refused to admit. The letter turned out to be from Hana's mother, explaining that the girl had passed on and inviting Jiwon and her family to the funeral. Her reaction was violent, to say the least, as she fell into a flurry of hysterics -- crying, shouting, even hyperventilating -- until her brother had to catch her as she lost consciousness.

Hana's death got Jiwon checked in for another, even longer, hospital stay, and the doctors said that the stress on her heart caused another minor blood clot. That being the case, she was prohibited from exerting herself beyond walking, including stairs. The Yoo family moved to a smaller, single-story house without question, though her brother wasn't exactly happy about this. He missed their large house, he missed living right next to his friends, and he didn't feel like trying to be understanding anymore. He blamed his sister, he blamed his father, he blamed everyone on his father's side of the family that had that stupid heart deformation. He stopped talking to his sister and father that year, moving to the farthest university that accepted him as soon as he graduated. Jiwon, too, blamed herself, and found solace again in her father's physical comfort. She missed Hana and her brother, hated seeing her mother upset, and didn't feel like carrying on anymore if her life was going to consist of people either blaming her for everything or feeling bad for her.

Another death came about for the Yoo family, this one far more unexpected. The sixteen year old Jiwon had finally gotten used to having no friends and only herself for real comfort, taking on an oath of silence unless spoken to. She wasn't bitter or rude, just disturbingly quiet. On the eve of her seventeenth birthday, there was a call from a hospital in far-away Busan. Her mother answered and immediately broke down as her father comforted her, both whispering and not telling Jiwon what was happening or why. Still unaware of what was going on, she was scooped up and stuffed in the backseat of the family car, terrified and confused. That evening, the entire family stayed at the bedside of her brother, who had been struck by a drunk driver and placed in the intensive care unit, though his situation looked extremely bleak. A little after 5 in the morning, on her birthday, Jiwon's brother passed away. From then on, her silence and detachment only increased, and her parents decided to begin sending her to the camp in hopes that she'll make friends and be happy again.


Family : 

Father : Yoo Jaehyun。 50。 Extremely optimistic despite his condition, always putting others before himself, though he often yearned for a more athletic lifestyle to play with his children。 Jaehyun has a slightly deformed heart, just like his daughter. Jiwon was extremely close to him, as they bonded through him showing her that she can still live with a "funny heart". He has a hard time with words, but cares for his children as genuinely as anyone.

Mother : Lee Hyojin。 49。 Hardworking and compassionate, though she doesn't cope very well with tragedy. She wears her heart on her sleeve and usually expresses her emotions with very obvious facial expressions. She lives to care for other people。 Unfortunately, she has a habit of not being able to control herself and often cries around Jiwon, which disturbes the young girl. They can't be close because of this.

Brother : Yoo Dongho。 19 at time of death。 He was everything Jiwon wants to be, essentially. Athletic and intelligent, funny and well-liked by everyone around him; he was a social butterfly at heart. He inherited his mother's compassion and desire to help others。 Jiwon trusted him with literally everything, and he knew that he was her rock. However, they both knew that he couldn't stick around to take care of her forever, as he had his own life to live. His death was more unexpected than anything else, and left Jiwon with quite a few emotional scars.


Social Circle : 

Family friend : Kim Eunae。 School guidance councilor。23。 Nurturing and motherly, willing to do anything to help people, but comes off as overprotective and overbearing, especially to Jiwon。 She was Dongho's girlfriend at the time of his death, and spent a lot of time around the Yoo family afterwards. She more or less filled the hole of an older sibling in Jiwon's heart, though being around her still makes the younger girl upset about the loss of her brother four years ago.

Friend : Im Hyeri Non-ill camper。 19。 Quiet, artsy, more of a listener than a talker, but still gives good advice -- all in all, much like Jiwon。 Hyeri has been Jiwon's room mate for quite a number of years, and she tned to follow the older girl around like she worships her.  Jiwon honestly doesn't mind, though -- it's nice having a friend around.


Illness : Ventricular arrhythmia; an inherited heart deformation from her father caused an irregular heartbeat centered in the lower, larger pump of the heart. She recently had a pacemaker implanted.


How much time does she has left? : Unknown, as she may go into sudden cardiac arrest at any given moment


Her thoughts about going to camp : She really doesn't care too much, as long as no one forces her into camp activities and she's allowed to draw. Of course, she didn't particularly want to go and be told "go make friends!" because that's just now how it works, but she wanted to give her parents at least a little bit of happiness. However, she does miss them very dearly, and she gets very sad very easily when she sees some of the more physically able campers running around and playing games outside.

Camp Life : Obviously, she can't do much beyond the activities where she gets to sit and be passive, which annoys her to no end. What she really enjoys is playing card games and doing crafts with the younger campers, as they tend to give her the most optimism that she can find in a place with so much death looming over it. This being her third year at the camp, she's starting to get used to people that she's friends with not making it back for the next summer. However, she still gets upset and remains so for the first few weeks of camp, while she gets used to that person being gone. She actually really enjoys being outside, and will take walks or at least sit amongst nature if at all possible.


Who would she get along with? : Someone who is in a similar situation as her, though isn't all doom-and-gloom about it. She loves people that have a passion, like art for her, as she would want to listen to them and see the light in their eyes as they show off what they love. She'd also be best with someone who won't really judge her hand obsession, or her collection of journals.

Who wouldn't she get along with? Anyone who talks too much about death or life after death. Not necessarily in the religious sense (though this can tend to frustrate her as well), but Jiwon just finds the topic of death frustrating and something to avoid. She also isn't fond of people that try to change her to have her be more active (physically impossible) or be more social (impossible by choice).


Bucket List : 

〜 Learn to dance
Run walk a full half quarter marathon
〜 Be kissed
〜 Climb the biggest tree at camp
〜 Go to college and become an art teacher
〜 Learn to swim
〜 Meet someone famous
〜 Go to the largest aquarium she can find
〜 Fall in love, even if just for a day
〜 Make ten people smile in one day

Kim Jongin




Personality : Jongin has two sides to his personality, depending on who he's with and what he's doing. The more common side is his bubbly and happy side, where he bounces around from person to person with a bright smile and an infectious attitude. He's the type of person that people love to be around, since he's so happy and optimistic. his other half, though, is very serious and sometimes more pessimistic, where he worries about his questionable future and those of the people close to him -- especially Jiwon, as they're in the same situation of "so when will this disease kill me?", as he has CVID (common variable immunodefiency). This side comes out very rarely, usually when he's alone and can't sleep, but it's very hard for him to bounce back from it without help.

Back-ups : Oh Sehun, Kim Minseok, Byun Baekhyun

Occupation : Camper with illness/fellow patient

How you met : Jongin and Jiwon both go to camp together, and have been since the beginning (Jongin started going first). He was in Jiwon's first crafts class where he begged her to cut a piece of string for him because he's scissors challenged.

How you act together Jongin and Jiwon bond on the fact that they both have health conditions, but no idea when, where, or how their illnesses will kill them. Jongin likes her, a little more than obviously, since he's pretty clingy and cuddly with her -- always grabbing for her hand and giving her these dorky little grins that make her heart flutter. They're inseparable to the point where, if the camp allowed boys and girls to share a room, they absolutely would... And would more than likely stay up all night like teenage girls at a sleepover.

Future together? : Both Jongin and Jiwon like to believe their fantasy that they can be together forever, in love and happy. That dark cloud still looms over them both, especially if Jongin ever happened to catch a cold, which drives Jiwon insane with worry. They've taken an oath of complete honesty to each other and, as hard as they will both admit it is, it helps them to have no secrets in between them. The way that they love (or will love, at this point) each other is passionate and a little bit scared, since neither one knows how much time they have left.

Does he know of your illness? : Yes

Are you open to love triangles? : [  ] Yes    [ x ] No 


Questions/Comments : Is this way too long? OTL I tried to wrap it up in fewer words, sorry!


Scene requests : 

〜 Hyeri, who happens to be the biggest supporter of JongWon in camp, sneaks Jongin into their room while Jiwon's doing some camp activity to surprise her. She'll sneak out, of course, even though she really did want to watch and coo over the sweet couple. Jiwon and Jongin are alone, high on the thrill of breaking camp rules, so the moment could either be really heated or really fluffy, I'll leave that to you. 
〜 Jiwon loses her drawing notebook and has a sort of emotional breakdown, as her only outlet is gone, and skips all camp activities for the day to lie in bed and cry over how she lost her most prized possession. Jongin recognizes the notebook in the art room and, being his curious self, looks through it, finding various portraits of himself. He brings it back to her and gently teases her, with her whining and pouting at him, and demands a kiss as his reward for finding the notebook.

Anything else you want to say? : Sobs just let Jongin's face speak for itself and lure you into choosing Jiwon


Password : Romance & light angst <-- Suchen because how am I supposed to pick just one?







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