. Pay attention to the hints in the app
. Replace the photos of Spider-Man with photos of your face claim. The width is 120px, the height can be anything up to 190px
. The colors used are:
   #9ae1f2 ,  #ea2424 , and  #585b59 
. The goal of this app is to keep it short and simple (i.e. not too hard to fill out). Focus your attention on the interview, because that's where I get to know your character. Better interviews will make your character more likely to be accepted. Reference my app for an example of how much/what I'm looking for
. Delete these notes when you're done!

username • nickname • cheatsheet turn in

character name

remplace with face claim 120*120

other names

Write what your character prefers to be called here

— Add any extras here, nicknames included

birthday YYYY/MM/DD + age
birthplace Here
hometown Here
ethnicity Here
languages spoken

— Here

face claim Also note any modifications
back up face claim Here
heightIn feet and inches, please!
gender Here


personality traits

— [ positive ] at least 3

— [ neutral ] at least 3

— [ negative ] at least 3

Origin story

Minimum of 1 paragraph. This is kind of like a background, but treat it like an answer to "why is your character a hero?" Make sure you include:

1. How they got their powers
2. Anything important that made them want to use their powers for good
3. Any important times they've used their powers
4. Anything else that's important to their development before this story starts

important relationships

Name | Relation

Name | Relation

Name | Relation


— Focus on habits!
— Habits help me write your character more realistically
— But feel free to include anything else you want to include


Alright. Good morning, my name is agent cameron adams with the united nations. my specialty is in military psychology, so i'm here to determine if you'll be a good fit for our project. Now, Can you tell me about yourself?

Answer in your character's voice. Either use 1st POV and action markers or 3rd POV

i understand that you have some special... abilities. Can you describe what those are for me?


do you have any weaknesses that i should know about?

Answer. These can be power-related, backstory-related, or personality-related. Anything from Superman's kryptonite to The Hulk's self-loathing can be a weakness

What would you consider your "origin story"?

Answer. Tell me as much of your character's background as you can, from education to horriffic events to how your character got their powers. See my app for reference!

Can you tell me about your family, friends, and work or school relationships? anyone important or close to you in your life, really. There's a confidentiality agreement at stake, here.


is there anything or anyone in your life, past or present, that may compromise you or project hero in any way?

Answer. This is where the "tragic" part of your character's backstory goes. Do they have a nemesis? A horrible memory? A Joker to their Batman, or a Bucky to their Captain America?

let's change the subject. what can you do for project hero?


how do you work best? do you prefer working in a team or alone?


you're one of very few to get to this stage of screening to be a hero. Why didn't you reject our invitation?  why are you here?


shall we roleplay a few scenarios? let's say a terrorist has another member of the project hostage with a bomb in their cell with them. there's also a nuclear missle pointed at new york. you know how both of these can be disarmed, but you have twenty minutes before the bomb detonates and the nuclear missle is launched. what do you do?


the project has reason to believe that one of four individuals is the leader of a major crime ring. There isn't enough evidence to identify which one, but you and another hero have a hunch that points to one of them. we're informed that the crime ring plans to violently murder a large number of innocent people in 48 hours. what do you do?


you're sent on a solo mission to a remote location to gather information about new military weapons a terror group is designing. while on the mission, your cover is blown before you go in, but you know where and how to get the weapon designs. what do you do?


another hero tells you that they've fallen in love with you. you return their feelings. what do you do?



alias What's your character's "superhero name"?

costume Feel free to describe it or use photos

Costume enhancements

— Most costumes help the hero in some way; like this

— Do your powers come from the costume, like Iron Man?

— Or is it just a suit for a little extra protection?

type of powers Limit: one type (e.g. fire manipulation). See the cheatsheet explanation of this

use of powers

— No limits here, just make sure they're related!

— Refer to the cheatsheet (or my app) if you need to

special training

— Optional

— Limit: three different things

— Examples: martial arts, firearm shooting, sword combat, computer programming, chemistry, medicine

remplace with love interest 120*120

anything i missed? Optional. Literally anything. Tell me something cool about your character, idk.

scene requets

— Optional
— here

character's theme song Because I have real plans to use this and I think passwords are dumb, just link a song that you feel would be a good theme for your character. Any genre is fine!



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Here's mine She's finally Done I hope you like her!!!!! Took me so long to create her but let me know if there's anything to fix or if she's too much ^^

Here's Amaterasu~

Fixed her and changed her powers
Here's my hero hope she makes it! <3
ayo! here's my goddess girl <33
hope you like her c;
MinRin04 #8
i must admit i was burned out when i made this ; some answers might not make sense, but i feel like he's more of an enigma ?
http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/1207554 I hope you like her, I am working on another one :D
MinRin04 #14
Here is my app ^-^ I hope you'll like it