. Pay attention to the hints in the app
. Replace the photos of Spider-Man with photos of your face claim. The width is 120px, the height can be anything up to 190px
. The colors used are:
   #9ae1f2 ,  #ea2424 , and  #585b59 
. The goal of this app is to keep it short and simple (i.e. not too hard to fill out). Focus your attention on the interview, because that's where I get to know your character. Better interviews will make your character more likely to be accepted
. Delete these notes when you're done!

--dalliance • maria • cheatsheet turn in

emily jade eastwood

remplace with face claim 120*120

birthnameEmily Jade Eastwood
other names


— Emily Jade, by her family only

birthday 1993/08/14 + 23
birthplace Hunstville, Alabama, United States
hometown Huntsville, Alabama, United States
ethnicity Caucasian | mostly British
languages spoken

— English: native

face claim Daisy Clementine Smith
gender Female


personality traits

— [ positive ] selfless, empathetic, hard-working, devoted, honest, just, consistent

— [ neutral ] energetic, intellectual, meticulous, polite, nurturing, curious, feminine, social

— [ negative ] self-sacrificing, self-doubting, finicky, gullible, squeamish

origin story


important relationships

Name | Relation

Name | Relation

Name | Relation


— She tends to over-apologize, often prefacing anything she says with some sort of apology

— Catchphrases include "bless your heart" and "sorry, but..."

— Literal big sister friend; will fight those who have wronged the ones she loves

— Gives about 1.8 million second chances and always looks for hope in any situation

— Kinda sorta believes in God? She was raised protestant, but is a hardcore woman of science, so she's not sure where she stands anymore. Knows enough Bible facts to make any Southern grandma fall in love with her, though

— Go-to snack: sour cream and cheddar potato chips

— Actually, she loves anything with sour cream. She's a big fan of Mexican food

— She doesn't tell anyone that she believes in true love, and she's always surprised when everyone else is surprised that she thought it was a big secret or something

— So, yeah, she believes in finding a life partner to work through all the rough patches with and unconditionally support, just, like, not right now

— Huge Southern belle. Loves feminine stuff and is often seen in skirts and the color pink, along with bows and braids and lace 

— Big supporter of "girls supporting girls" and "why yes, I do fight like a girl!"

— She's not too close with her family. She's very, very close to her mother, who owns a bakery, but she finds her younger sister (23) hard-headed and abrasive, and her dad moves across the world when she was 11 after being relatively absent in her childhood before the divorce

— So, she treats her friends like family. Taking care of them, nursing them through colds, making sure they get home okay, throwing these amazing "Just Because" parties and movie nights and board game nights, and consistently dropping everything when they want her

— Her outward persona is very energetic and optimistic, and she really is that way most of the time. But, when she gets sad, she gets very sad, leaving her in a sort of funk for days on end

— She struggles with creating her own happiness, which is why she surrounds herself with other people; when she's sad, being alone makes it worse


Alright. Good morning, my name is agent cameron adams with the united nations. my specialty is in military psychology, so i'm here to determine if you'll be a good fit for our project. Now, Can you tell me about yourself?

The blonde across from Agent Adams gives him a smile, clearly a bit nervous. Is it because of the suits everywhere, the interrogation room, or just because this is new and weird?

"Well, you know my name already. You were involved in the recruitment, weren't you?" Out of her lips comes a gentle voice with an almost endearing Southern accent. She's perceptive to know of Adams' involvement without meeting him before.

"I'm a graduate student at Tulane University. My undergrad is in physics, but I'm transitioning into astrophysics lately. Uh... I live in an apartment near campus, I have two cats that I recently gave to my sister in Atlanta because I'm here now, obviously."

She pauses, looking around the room as she thinks of what else might be important, treating this like a job interview. "I was on the cheerleading team in high school and during my undergrad, president of the Women in Science club in my junior and senior year, tutored in science... A lot."

i understand that you have some special... abilities. Can you describe what those are for me?

"Well, I..." She falters, not sure how to explain something that seems so natural to her. "I can manipulate light. Bend it, create it, extinguish it..." She moves her hands with ever listed item, counting on her fingers for Agent Adams.

"Light basically does whatever I want it to do. I can change anything and everything that can be seen because of it."

She shrugs, slightly, before she adds, "Light isn't just visible, though. There's infared and ultraviolet waves, too; those are the ones that can move things, start fires, hurt people..." She purses her lips, seemingly unhappy. "Yeah."

do you have any weaknesses that i should know about?

She nods, more prepared to answer this question. "Anything I do is mostly visual. I can create illusions, sure, but they're difficult to maintain, and people don't always buy them because they're not really there. If I created a wall, it's just a visual. You can walk right through it. And, if I'm invisible, I have to be careful because I still make noise and can knock stuff over or be touched."

What would you consider your "origin story"?

"Lab-created superhero. It's a classic, really," she shrugs, moving her lips in a way that expresses nonchalance.

"My professor and I were working on how light moves through space. We created a space-like atmosphere in a container, but I guess it wasn't sealed tightly enough. Light is..." She trails off, clearly trying to reword for a non-expert.

"Light is tiny. It gets everywhere. So, through this little crack, it found me, basically shooting me, piercing me. I'm lucky I'm alive, really. That light, the artifical space-light, is still inside me. The particles attached themselves to my organs; my entire genome changed that day."

She pauses a moment. "That's just how I got my powers, though. I decided to do the whole... Vigilante justice thing after my professor's other lab assistant convinced me that I could do some real good, being able to manipulate light and all. It's mostly along the lines of small, local stuff... Shielding assault victims, blasting the assailant, and being on my invisible way.

"But there was one instance where there was... Well, there are a few gangs around Tulane; we're not in a great area of New Orleans. One decided to play really dirty one day, going after kids connected to another gangs--you know, their little sisters, their daughters. There was a planned shooting at a playground that I caught wind of, and the police didn't really have plans to stop it in a way that would prevent little kids from dying. So, I just..."

She heaves a sigh, spilling out the rest rather quickly. "I made my way over there and popped out of the shadows with one of the largest shields I've ever created. None of the kids died, but I'm pretty sure they're scarred for life. I wish I'd used an illusion or something so they didn't have to see all of that. See the bullets bouncing back and hitting the gangsters. I could have done more, I think, so I'm trying to do more now that I have the chance."

Can you tell me about your family, friends, and work or school relationships? anyone important or close to you in your life, really. There's a confidentiality agreement at stake, here.

"I mentioned my little sister. We're a year apart, so she's in Atlanta doing marketing and watching my cats. She dates around a lot--some of the guys are pretty bad, actually. My parents are divorced; Mom's still in Alabama because she got the house, but Dad's living the life, doing business in Singapore. I was always closer to Mom."

She moves quickly along the topic of her family, not all that interested in talking about them much, but pauses before her friends. "Most of my friends are more like people I see in labs or at bars on the weekends. I'm pretty close with my undergrad roommate, Annalise. She's teaching high school math in New Orleans."

"I'm really close to my advising professor, too, Dr. Gina Lin. She took me out for drinks on my 21st birthday, she was with me when the light escaped the testing chamber, she helped me recover and learn the full scope of my abilities. I couldn't control my own light if she wasn't there for me. Her other assistant, Brian Nelson, helped out, too, but we don't talk much. He helped me figure out how to manipulate non-visible light on my own."

is there anything or anyone in your life, past or present, that may compromise you or project hero in any way?

She's taken aback by this question, brow furrowed, and shakes her head quite certainly. "No, absolutely not. I've been surrounded by scientists almost all my life; the only politics we care about is the kind that lets us do our research."

let's change the subject. what can you do for project hero?

"People always tell me I'm optimistic," she offers, shifting in her chair a bit as she tries to come up with the 'right' way to answer. "So, I feel like I can get the group through a lot of difficulties. I don't take struggles as a reason to quit or give up, so I'd do my best to encourage everyone to keep going."

She pauses before adding, "And I can keep everyone going physically, too, what with the healing light and force field and all that. My powers aren't the most aggressive, but put me on a team that needs someone to support them, and I think I can be pretty useful."

how do you work best? do you prefer working in a team or alone?

"I've always worked best on a team," she admits. 

"I like bouncing ideas off of people. No plan, no theory, no idea is good enough when only one person works on it. When multiple people pour energy into something, it  has life breathed into it. That said, I don't really believe in leaders, either; anyone on a team is equal to everyone else on that same team if they're all playing toward the same goal."

you're one of very few to get to this stage of screening to be a hero. Why didn't you reject our invitation?  why are you here?

She hums, as if agent Adams has gotten to a particularly good thought. "I thought a long time about this. I was one of the last ones to reply to your invitation, wasn't I?"

She waits for the affirmative response before she continues. "I'm a scientist. I do things so that other people can live better lives. This isn't about me; this is bigger than me. That's why I'm doing this. People can live better lives when all this violence and corruption is gone."

shall we roleplay a few scenarios? let's say a terrorist has another member of the project hostage with a bomb in their cell with them. there's also a nuclear missle pointed at new york. you know how both of these can be disarmed, but you have twenty minutes before the bomb detonates and the nuclear missle is launched. what do you do?

"You've only told me what two of us are doing at that moment, and I'm fairly certain that nuclear missles can be disarmed remotely," she begins, full confidence in her tone of voice. She leans her arms on the table in front of her.

"I'd give one of the other HEROs instructions for disarming the missle, one of them that's probably better at hacking than me, anyway. I'd handle the bomb and the terrorist myself, since it sounds like I'm physically closest to them out of all the others. I'm assuming terrorists are pretty easy to handle when they can't see you, anyway."

the project has reason to believe that one of four individuals is the leader of a major crime ring. There isn't enough evidence to identify which one, but you and another hero have a hunch that points to one of them. we're informed that the crime ring plans to violently murder a large number of innocent people in 48 hours. what do you do?

"I'd spend at least 24 of those hours doing some intense information gathering with the other HERO. I wouldn't sleep. I wouldn't let them sleep. We'd find out everything we can on this one individual, prove our hunch right--or at least close to right."

She shakes her head. "There are other HEROs, obviously. I'd want them doing intel on the planned attack to find out when and where it is, so they can stop the actual attack. Leaders don't do the dirty work, and the attack is more pressing. But if we can get their leader in with the hunch I helped work on, we'd be delivering a sort of one-two punch to the crim ring.

"Divide and conquer, right?"

you're sent on a solo mission to a remote location to gather information about new military weapons a terror group is designing. while on the mission, your cover is blown before you go in, but you know where and how to get the weapon designs. what do you do?

"Oh, well..." She seems to hesitate a moment befor a litle bit of a smile appears on her face; she's confident.

"I'd see if you agents back home would let me wait it out, let me bide my time until the 'threat' of my being there blows over. In that time, I'd have figured out when the best time to get inside are, pick out their weaknesses--basically, I'd solidify the plan I already had.

"Then I'd go in, invisible of course, and make a quick job of grabbing the plans and hopping on the next plane home."

another hero tells you that they've fallen in love with you. you return their feelings. what do you do?

A small noise comes out her her lips as she flushes, then clears . "It depends on the timing, I guess?"

She frowns. "But, if I cared for him and he cared for me, well... I'd want to wait and see how it goes. I'd try thing out with him, and if we could balance loving each other and the Project all at once, then I don't see anything wrong with it, do you?"


alias Prisma, The Rainbow Mage

costume Prisma wears a costume made of a highly durable and flexible material comprable to athleticwear. The main piece is a white long sleeve jumpsuit with gold designs similar to this, and she also wears short gold boots and gold gloves. When in costume, she wears her hair in a crown braid to keep it from being grabbed during a fight.

Costume enhancements

— Enhanced durability: slash and puncture proof

— Heat resistant gloves

— Ability to turn invisible or change appearance with her, as if it's an extention of her skin

type of powers Light manipulation

use of powers

— Create a blanket or small point of light

— Create a tangible ball, cone, or spear of light in the form of plasma that can cut through objects or cause a small explosion (like a star); her primary attack

— She sometimes uses this to shoot prisms and create a blinding rainbow effect

— Summon a healing light that can reverse minor injuries, limited to exterior injuries like cuts, scrapes, and bruises

— Create illusions by bending light to render images that aren't there

— She can use this on herself or others to create disguises, but it's very unreliable

— Bend the light around her to turn invisible

— Bend light to create a dense bubble of light as a shield

special training

— Physics with an expertise in light

— Chemistry at an undergraduate level; can probably make a few medicines, poisons, or smoke bombs if she had the right materials and some time

— Computer programming, but only enough that she can use some scientific programs; she's not a hacker at all

remplace with love interest 120*120

anything i missed? Optional. Literally anything. Tell me something cool about your character, idk.

scene requets

— -

character's theme song Because I have real plans to use this and I think passwords are dumb, just link a song that you feel would be a good theme for your character. Any genre is fine!



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