Heechul reveals that IU didn't plan on being lenient with the rumor-spreading perpetrator



The October 17 installment of JTBC's 'Ssul Jeon' discussed IU's settlement with the perpetrator who spread vicious rumors about her impending marriage to a male idol.  It was decided that the charges would be dropped if the perpetrator did 200 hours of community service.


Heechul said, "When I asked her why she settled, she said she wanted to go all the way, but her company and other adults advised her they should let it go this once because it was the perpetrator's first time."


Another MC pointed out that the perpetrator kept making excuses to make his situation seem pitiable, saying things like things were not good at work and it appeared as if he were about to get a divorce.  Heechul said that made IU even angrier and more convinced she had to see this through to the end.  However, she ultimately listened to the adults and compromised.


Heechul asked her if he could reveal this information when he went on 'Ssul Jeon' and IU told him that this type of information was exactly what the program was for.  The other MCs jokingly teased Heechul, calling him a reporter and thanking him for his hard work.  IU also told him to say everything instead of trying to cover anything up for her and being criticized for it like in the Sulli incident.  


IU boldly showed that she might look cute and pretty, but she was a strong force to be reckoned with if treated incorrectly!



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I love how they handle it well and cutely
I love that Heechul is close to so many people...and that he talks about them, and gives us more context on their lives. Rock it, IU!