Crushing on the wrong people... again.

Here I go again, crushing on the wrong people. This is seriously like my worst habit.

So I told my best friend from college, Adina and she was like 'Awww, that's cute.'

And then I told my dear friend Stefana and she was like:

and was very disappointed in me, because the first time I told her he was cute she told be 'DON'T LIKE HIM!' and I did.

She sounds like a bad person for not supporting me, but she really is not. The thing is, I get attached way to easily and get hurt just as easy and she just wants what's best for me, but... he's just so nice to me and gives me attention! That's like feeding the animals at the zoo! It's dangerous and forbidden!

You're probably all wondering who I'm talking about. Yeah, it's someone I told you about before... *drumrolls*

It's Igi, our choreographer. -.-'''''

Me and my best friend are some of the best dancers in our class - ex-class actually, cuz I changed classes and now I'm on my own... T^T SO I'M DANCING ON MY OWNNNN~ - and we are being funny and making jokes and Igi likes us, I mean he treats us different from the others and you can tell. He always smiles and winks at us and makes us smile if we're serious and asks us what's wrong and respects us, something he doesn't really do with the others.

To the others in the class, he's sometimes being mean, for example a friend of ours, he's always mean to her and she's really bothered by it, cuz she's the sensitive type, but she's an attention seeker and he's visibly annoyed by that, like:

so he picks on her all the time like:

And then there are the others that no matter how serious they are he just ignores them and he is nice to them and jokes around, but they take him for a fool because of that and don't respect him so he doesn't respect them either.

Me and Ioana, my bff, on the other hand, benefit of special treatment. He's never mean to us, never makes rude jokes and he respects us, because WE respect him. We never crossed the student - teacher barrier. We acknowledge the age difference and the fact that we're in class and even if we joke around, we're always respectful. We're also working hard and trying our best regardless of the fact that he's looking or not(unless other people) and don't whine for no reason. And we're also badass and have attitude and swag and the other girls... they're soft like a pillow. They've got about just as much attitude as a sign pole.(that'd be none at all) They be like:

Oh, and we never tried to hit on him. We're obviously there for the class, unlike some other girls that are there for him. And I think he appreciates that we're really into dancing.

I'm not showing I'm interested, of course, and acting natural because, to be honest, I don't even care that much. I'm not that into him, as I said it's just a crush, but seeing him makes me happy, but this is bad, because I've really got no chance with him... and this is why this is a dramatic story.


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OMG, esti exact ca mine! TT^TT Si eu ma atasez foarte repede de tipii care se comporta dragut cu mine si e la fel de periculos ai spus tu TT^TT
But really now! Poate ca ai o sansa cu tipul asta pentru ca daca se comporta dragut cu tine, poate, POATE, se gandeste si la altceva cand te vede, nu numai ca esti o dansatoare/eleva buna :) Never give up! ^~^ That's how I like to think! 'Cause I have my own little crush right now and mine is a little bit more serious TT^TT And I feel like freakin' dying in here!!! Daaaaarrrrr, poate ca tu esti mai norocoasa! HWAITING! <3
Park_HyeSun #2
Aw, I guess you can't exactly choose not to crush on the person, right? :o I am aware that your friend wants the best for you, but sometimes I suppose things just happen, OTL.

Um. Er. I don't really know what to say but... If it goes well in the future, then yay! If it doesn't, then I pray that it would be a mild heartbreak. ^^; I just. I mean. You know my good intentions in presenting this.