Always Into-you ღ | Song Jinri


Always Into-you


Always Into-you


The Intro:

Username: hiikyoung

Nickname: Hiikyoung works, Kyoungie is also fine. ^^

Activeness:  10




The Basics:

Name:  Song Jinri

Nickname(s): Ri (Pretty much everyone. The leader made a comment once that Jinri is always so quick to dash off that one syllable is all you get.)

Birth date: February 5

Age: 17

'Oil' type: O

Height: 166cm.





The Core:

Personality: Jinri is the groups aegyo representative and resident ball of sunshine. She is expected to be cute, happy, bubbly, and adventurous with no fear. And Jinri is more than happy to oblige. Ask her for aegyo and you get it in an instant. Need someone to brighten your mood? Ask Jinri. She'll instantly smile at you and drag you along to find something fun to do.And if you get her talking Jinri can go on forever about almost any subject, or lack thereof if the case may be. Jinri doesn't see the point in being angry or brooding, nor does she see the value is worrying about things for too long. As such, Jinri is the first to jump into something new, regardless what it is. To those who don't know Jinri, she seems foolish and reckless, a silly young girl with her head in the clouds. However this is all part of her 'programming' as it were. In actuallity, its her curiosity, the same trait that often gets her into trouble, that helps her develop into a more well rounded young woman. 


Jinri, after her accident, begins to take greater care in her actions. She is curious about the world around her and begins to actually ask questions before she acts. This can be as simple as, "how does the camera work?" to more complex like, "why do I need to smile right now?" Her thirst for knowledge ateadily increases as her desire to be more cautious takes root. She then begins to realize its okay for her to NOT be happy. Just because they expect it of her doesn't mean she can't be angry or upset. She learns that along with taking greater care in her actions, as they can affect others besides herself, she can smile when she's actually pleased, not just because she's expected to. 


...though she still is a little ball of sunshine.

Likes: Candy (a little boy gave her a piece once, and even though she doesn't need to eat, Jinri found it delicious and now she indulges in it), sports, games, classical music, anything new.

Dislikes: Rainy days, too much silence (she will make conversation about the silence just to end the silence), idle time, the smell of burnt oil.

Hobbies:  Soccer, videogames, trying to create her own candy (and usually failing...),sightseeing/exploring.

Habits: - "Hmm?" is her 'innocent' response when someone asks her something while she is clearly about to do something she probably shouldn't be.

- Pulls the ends of her hair with both hands when bored.

- Plays videgames upside down while lying on a couch to make things "more interesting".

- Laughs loudly and unrestrained.

- Rubs her knees when sitting when embarassed (which is not often).

Fears: NONE! j/k, but initially Jinri is known as fearless. But later that fearlessness is the reason why she develops a fear of heights: she had no qualm about climbing up into the catwalks and unfortunately they weren't as stable as she thought. This caused her to fall and thus her fear of heights began.

* Accident details: A light went out on the catwalks above the stage they were to perform on and without a care Jinri volunteered to go up. Unfortunately the catwalks weren't stable enough and ended up collapsing, sending Jinri falling. While she got out of it with minimal damage, others were hurt, some severely. This begins her realization of what her actions can do to not only herself but to others. Her fear of heights is less about the fall: its more of a reminder of when she caused others to get hurt.

Trivia: - Has a box she decorates with fan taken photos of the group to store all her fanmail.

- Really wants to be a good cook, but isn't meticulous enough.

- Her aegyo is usually her asking for sweets because she's hungry.

- Is exceedingly hard to embarass, but is reeeeeally awkward when it does happen.

- Thinks scary movies are great fun!

- Says her ideal type is manly who listens well. While this may or may not be true, Jinri just coined a response so people would stop asking her.

- Her fanclub is called "Notes" after the fanmail/notes she receives.





The Visual:

Ulzzang Name: Moon Dam Bi

Ulzzang pictures:   

❀  | | | | |   

Back up Ulzzang Name: Kim Ja Young
Back up Ulzzang Pictures:  

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Clothing Style: While Jinri likes pretty things like dresses and heels, she is more often seen in shorts qnd loose, comfortable shirts when not performing since she is always running around and being active. She adores cute accessories (cat paw shaped charms, music note earrings, etc) and actually also likes unique pieces of jewelry. And if she can sneak in an interesting print, that's awesome too.

Number: 005 - Tomato FF6347





The Performer:

Stage name: Faiz (a pun on her android number)

Personal Fanclub name: Notes

Personal Fanclub color: Tomato FF6347

Position: Maknae/Main vocalist/Rapper

Singing: Jiyou from Two X (or Oran-G) 

Dancing: NA

Rapping: Jia - Miss A





The Social:

Member they are closest to: Dan-B 002

Member they are awkward with: 004

Opinion on Leader: Leader needs to relax. She worries too much and it makes me worry about her." Jinri respects the leader the most as not only that, but also as her older sister. Jinri listens to the leader almost without question, though initially she can't fiure out why she is so worried about Jinri all the time. Its not until later, once Jinri begins to become more aware, that she understands.

Opinion on DAN-B: "DAN-B is my partner in crime. We have so much fun together!" Jinri and DAN-B get along exceedingly well. They are kindred spirits in many ways, and often get into trouble together. After the leader, Jinri respects DAN-B the most.

Opinion on Main Dancer: "Sometimes...I just don't get her. I mean, I try to can anyone be that calm and...well, she's just odd to me." Jinri, while liking MD, sometimes just doesn't think on the same wavelength as her. While the other girl is calm, Jinri is overly excited and happy. They enjoy each other's company but its not the same kind of companionship she has with DAN-B.

Opinion on Lead Vocalist: Dan "She is so talented and pretty!" While Jinri admires LV very much, its clear that LV doesn't think very highly of her. Jinri will always try to endear herself to LV, but more often than not she ends up annoying the other.

Opinion on Maknae: NA

Opinion on being an Android: At first she doesn't mind. Life is great and everything is perfect. Why does her being an android change that? However once she begins to have more complex feelings she yearns to go back to her simpler life. Its not until even later, once she embraces her 'weaker' human aspects that she is happy to leave it behind. Her life has become far more interesting than when she was strictly an android.





The Lover:

Love Interest: Pyo Jihoon (PO) - Block B

Personality: Loud and rambunctious, Jihoon is normally a bit of a prankster and troublemaker himself. Despite his appearance, Jihoon is also very sute and can pull off aegyo very easily. Despite this Jihoon can actually be quite shy when embarassed. His friends will point out this is part of his cutenes though they also know he exudes a fierceness on stage and is extremely charismatic. If there's mischief afoot, Jihoon is usually somewhere in it. However, along with his shyness Jihoon is also a surprisingly gentle soul, taking comments and criticisms hard. But because of this he is usually the first to see someone in pain and offer his shoulder.

Relationship: Jihoon meets Jinri quite by accident. Jinri ran into their dressing room, completely missing that this clearly was not her group's, and proceeded to take off her shirt. She was mid pulling it off when he exclaimed in surprise. Jinri, never one to be embarassed, simply put the shirt back down and asked if he was in the right place. once the initial shock wore off they laughed it off and began a friendship. 


Initially, Jinri and Jihoon act more like troublemaker siblings. Jihoon sees her as acting more like a little brother in some ways and they are able to get along almost perfectly. Its not until later, when Jihoon begins to acknowledge the fact that Jinri is a very pretty girl with quite a bit in common with himself that Jihoon becomes increasingly shy. It gets to the point that when Jinri is around, Jihoon becomes awkward and clumsy. Jinri for her part can't figure out why he is being so odd. After Jinri's accident she begins to understand why he is so awkward with her because she realizes her affection for him too. And its painfully obvious to anyone else that they have a crush on each other but are too shy to act on it.

Back-up Love Interest: Lee Taeil - Block B

Personality: Taeil, even though he is the oldest in his group, has a youthful quality about him. Since people already consider him very 'cute' already, he has no problem playing this trait up when neccessary. However, despite his playful nature, Taeil is very mature. He is serious about his music and works exceedingly hard. He also is self concsious about his appearance, despite being willing to make fun of himself, and sometimes broods on this fact. Never the less, he always willing to join in with his friends on fun and is rarely the one to say no to having fun. 

Relationship:  They meet similarly in either scenario, but:


Taeil has no idea what to make of Jinri. She personally loves his voice and thinks he is handsome. She admires his talent and often says she wants to do a duet with him. While at first it seems like its more respect and admiration, Taeil becomes increasingly awkward around her since he's not used to being the center of attention for anyone. Moreso, he views her as being very young, so he tries to be more like a big brother ot her. Its only after Jinri's accident that she begins to notice why he's awkward around her and aknowledges her own affection for him...and then proceeds to pursue him despite his conceived 'age difference' and 'self esteem' arguments. She will not be ignored.






The Goodbye:

Comments/Questions:  As I write this...I find that I actually like Taeil more as her love interest...however, please use which ever is easier for you. ^^ I think any would be fun. Feel free to modify and tweak as needed. I'm sorry this took so long and for the poorness. T^T

Scene Requests: Jinri finally and genuinely becoming angry at 004, or a haunted house scene (like in the shows).

Song Recommendations: Two-X - Ring Ma Bell, Tiny-G - Minimanimo, Orange Caramel - Shanghai Romance, Chocolat - Syndrome





picture credit goes to google and tumblr.



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