About your Author! (STOLEN)


Hair colour: Original: Dark Brown

Now: Redish Brown

Eye colour: Blue, Green, Grey (Changes...mainly blue)

Skin colour: ivory (light...I'm soooo white lol)

Most favourable facial feature: eyes

Most disliked facial feature: forehead... -.-

Height: 5'2 (159 cm)

Body type: Chubby but very womanly curves



Name: Haley

Age: 17

Nationality: American

Country of origin: America

Current location: SC, USA

Favourite colour: black and Red

Favourite animal: cat, Wolf, Monkey

Fandom: ELF, EXOtic, Shawol, VIP, BlackJack, B2UTY, Baby, BBC, jumping BoA, Melody, Boice, Cassopeia, High Skool, Plus Primadona, Jay Effect/ Jaywalker, inspirit, plus, A+, Say A, Clouds, secret time, star 1 (style), Angel, Kiss Me, BOMshells, Woonique, MVP's, SunShiner, Petals/Undeads, Ryeosomnias, Jewels, ELFish, Gengfan, Chamomile, Shin Friends/circles, Honeys/Mitangs, Elisonatics, Xanderland, Kevinites, Hyotties, Embers, Pearl, Emotional Angels, Dragons, Jokers, KRISmatics, M&M's, Rentastic ( I included individual fandoms. Check them out on sumandu.wordpress.com)


20 Random Questions:

Summer or Winter: WINTER!! You can always put on more clothes but can only take so much off.

Do you have a special talent: mm...singing?

Do you think you are a strong person: Yes, fpr what I've been through.

What are your phobias:
Achluophobia, Agliophobia, Agoraphobia, Agyrophobia, Altophobia, Anthropophobia, Catagelophobia, Claustrophobia, Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia, Gelotophobia, Glossophobia, Hadephobia, Isolophobia, Ophidiophobia, Satanophobia, Thalassophobia, Zeusophobia

When do you feel most calm: when i'm alone listening to music

What inspires you: Music, my friends, my dreams and goals in life.

What do you like to write?: All kinds if stories. (especially ())

What are your hobbies: listening to music, writing, shopping, web surfing, online gaming, singing, anime

What is your favourite subject: Health Science, English

What are three of your current favourite songs: Very Good - Block B

Royals - Lorde

V - Lee Junghyun

What is your favourite day of the week: Wednesday (idk why)

How would you describe your current mood: tired

What are your future goals: Become a psychiatric nurse, get married, adopt two kids, have two kids.

What artists do you like: look at fandoms, not listing anymore...

If you could travel back in time, where would you go: Ancient Sparta (Women were the back then)

Which artists do you dislike: Justin Beiber, Miley Cyrus, can't think of more right now but whatever...

What is your favourite month: ...September?

Do you believe in love: eh...yes.

What is a saying/quote that you live by: 

"I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge -- myth is more potent than history -- dreams are more powerful than facts -- hope always triumphs over experience -- laughter is the cure for grief -- love is stronger than death."
-- Robert Fulghum

"You'll push me away and break my heart, but the sad thing is, I'll always be here for you when you need me or if someone breaks your heart! 3"

“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.”

"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before. "
--Edgar Allan Poe

Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself.
-- Harvey Fierstein

Last beverage: pepsi

Last text message: don't text

Last song you listened to: Very Good - Block B

Last time you cried: last night

Ever got back with someone you’ve been with before: yes

Ever been cheated on: no

Ever kissed someone and regretted it: yes

Ever lost someone special: yes

Ever been depressed: I take medicine for depression...


This year have you…

Made a new friend: yes.

Met someone that changed you: no

Do you want to change your name: I have in the past, but I've become content with my name

What can’t you wait for: to leave this place

What were you doing at midnight last night: mangago.com

When was the last time you saw your mother: sunday

What is the webpage you visit the most: AFF, Facebook, Tumblr, mangago Youtube

What is your relationship status: relationship

What do you worry over the most: everything

First surgery: none

First piercing: ears

First sport you joined: softball

Do you want kids: yep

Do you want to get married: yep

What career do you want: Psychiatric Nurse


Ideal type

Gender: Doesn't matter (I'm Panual)

Older or younger: older ( a year younger is OK)

Shorter or taller: taller

Romantic or spontaneous: Both

Nationality: Doesn't matter

Lips or eyes: eyes

Appearance or personality: personality


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BigBrownEyes #1
HUMPDAY!!! XD and JEEZ!! O.o" that's a LOT of fandoms!! hahah just felt like commenting on this just causeeeee :P