People are pissing me off

Contemporary - existing, occurring, or living at the same time; belonging to the same time

Basically, it constantly changes.

What part of that do people not seem to understand?

These youtube comments are really starting to piss me off. 

There are people complaining, saying they don't like "Everybody". They are saying things like:

- "It's not SHINee's style."

- "I don't like it."

- "This isn't as good as I expected."

"This isn't kpop."

Yes. Some ACTUALLY said that. They're excuse was that they've been a fan of kpop and SHINee since 2010. Well congradu-ing-lations! Want a cookie? Some cake? How about a damn muffin so that I can shove down your throat? 

This isn't Replay, Love Like Oxygen, or A.Mi.Go. It isn't Juliette, Ring Ding Dong, Lucifer, or Hello. It won't be Sherlock, Dazzling Girl, or 1000 Years Always By Your Side. It will never be Dream Girl, Why So Serious, Breaking News, or Boys Meet You. 

This is Everybody.

This is a new song, a new style, a new dance, and a new SHINee.

We should all know by now that SHINee changes their style with every new album, mini, full, or repackage. We can't expect them to just pull out another Replay and start all over again. Face it, they are growing up. They can still be cute, and adorable as before, but they are now all in their 20s, they are adults, they're growing up. They are changing, and so is music.

Don't like the song, don't listen to it. I'm not going to force you to like it, but at least accept it. If you're a real Shawol, you should at least do that.

I've had people trying to compare this to Block B's video, "Very Good." I love Block B, I loved their comeback, but Block B is not SHINee. Block B is not contemporary. "Very Good" was not serious. It was a bank robbery turned dance party, making fun of Miley Cyrus at the VMAs, her video of Wrecking Ball, and GD. It was obvious. "Everybody," if you actually pay attention to the lyrics, is actually quite meaningful.

So don't start spouting some bull to me saying that you didn't get the right feelings from it, or it isn't kpop. SHINee is one of the leaders of the Hallyu Wave, no one can deny that. SHINee's popularity is Worldwide. SHINee has dedicated fans; fans that lagged they're comeback stage with a flood of comments from all over the world because they were so excited. 

You can be a Shawol and not like the song. That's perfectly fine.

But don't tell me you're a Shawol, and tell me that this isn't kpop. I will shove a freaking pole up your and watch it come out out you mouth. Then I'm knocking you teeth so far in, you'll be ting them out for days.


People just really piss me off. I'll be going to sleep in a bad mood tonight. 


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Proud of you! Just leave those ers alone. They just need some cookies. Damn cookies. XD

I love every single style of SHINee. Don't mind them. :)
who say this isnt kpop*
Umm to the people who say isn't kpop...I would like to ask them define kpop.
To be honest, Why so serious? wasnt my fav song but i love the album and despite that i know that many other shwaols would have loved the song and love the change and being a fan I appreciate the change..i guess sometimes people dont like change but they should remember that shinee is a contemporary band and that means they will always try different styles and ur right everybody is a new song and its different, we as fans should accept that.
Thanks for the blog post I can understand ur frustration at least there are shawols that think alike and still love shinee all the same ^^
These people are so anlccoziwgipsbzhxzis grr... >:T

^^^How Key feels about this ish^^^
HERE HERE #APPLAUD!# Well said fellow Shawol :D:D:D
LeeJuLian #6
Personally, I like it a lot. It's not my favourite song of them, but it's really good.
And it makes me sad to see people saying such things...
I agree with you :'(
You are so bloody right and thats yes its annoys the outta me that people even have the nerve to say this when we are all practically dying from the perfection that is 'Everybody'. HOW DO PEOPLE NOT SEE IT!?!?! UGH! Yeah they piss me off too but some people are just so goddamn ignorant and arrogant and stupid that i dont even want to TRY and explain it to them. They are just hopeless cases.
HOLD THE UP. People..NO..SHAWOLS ARE ACTUALLY SAYING, 'THIS ISN'T KPOP'. YOU BETTER HOLD ME BACK BEFORE I BEAT THE SENSE BACK INTO THEM. HOW. COULD. THEY. EVEN. HAVE. THE. HEART. TO. SAY. SUCH. A THING. I WILL KILL THEM. What the hell is wrong with them? Seriously? I mean come on. If you were really a TRUE shawol, you would at least be optimistic about their changes. I mean it might be a BIG change but it's an IMPROVEMENT. I swear to god, those kind of fans don't even have the right to call themselves a shawol. Not when they can't even have a joyous heart at all the hard work these wonderful boys have done. I AM PISSED UNNIE.
Here! Here! ... The boys worked so hard and yet idiotic comments still come flooding in even from self-proclaimed Shawol.

Though you're angry and in a bad mood, this unnie loves you to bits because of what you wrote! Lots of love!!!
I totally agree with you!!! Its pissing me off too! Do you mind if I repost this on my blog?