CHARMED's : -- stage name -- :


the chosen plot line title
UsernameNicknameActive Level [out of 7 days of the week]
Character Name -- [wherever born make it fit, or by  ethnicity or mix it up]
• Nickname -- [by whom and why]
Age and Birthday -- [the age is from 17 to 25, birthdate written out like: Month Date, Year. the birth years are from 1988-1996]
Place of Birth -- [can be anywhere, just don't get all crazy, can relate it to plotline's languages]
Hometown --  [doesn't have to be SK, if same, just write it twice, can relate to plotline's languages]
Ethnicity -- [don't get too crazy here, can relate to languages if want]
Blood Type -- [a, b, o, or ab, refer to list]
• Height & Weight -- [H between 160cm to 173cm || W between 51kg to 64kg, as much as majority of kpop girls are skinny... i'm not about that life and want my girls to have some thickness, and correlate please, 160&51, 173&64, everything else inbetween at least something like that, muscle weighs more than fat, and body structure is different when tall than short]
• Language -- [refer to plot, rate your fluency from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. korean and english are a given already, choose 3 more]
Likes -- [list less than 5]
Dislikes -- [list less than 5]
Habits -- [list less than 5]
Hobbies -- [list less than 5]
Fears -- [list less than 2, refer to list]
Strengths -- [you're plus points, less than 2, refer to list to choose]
Weaknesses -- [you're minus points, less than 2, refer to list to choose]
Trivia -- [less than 10 that is just RANDOM, WEIRD, and/or CRAZY facts, DO NOT BULLET]
Talents -- [singing, dancing, and rapping, a given, but can put a specific type of S,D,R less than 10, DO NOT BULLET]
Love Interest -- [refer to masterlist, from 17 years of age is 2years older, if years, then doesn't matter if love interest is older, but if he is younger than it's 2years. you can choose from an actual music group, or someone from within PMent]
• LI's Personality -- [a gist summary, less than a paragraph]
• Backup Love -- [same as above]
• BULI's Personality -- [same as above]
• Backup no.2 -- [just in case and same as above]
• No.2's Personality -- [again, like the previous one]
What Kind of First Meeting -- [this will be for used for all three, so just give me a few words or a few sentences of description like...  a cute one... an off the wrong foot kind, whatever else you think of that you want. as long as i get the gist of it really]
Overall Interaction -- [used for all three, a few sentences, no more than a paragraph... like they eventually get along although they tease each other here and there]
Status -- [used for all three, how fast to progress, and eventually end up wanting to be? just a few sentences]
The Plot Line -- [title here please]
ESP Ability -- [associated with the plot]
Personality Traits -- BEST: || WORST:  [refer to chosen plot, it has it there, choose less than 3 each]
Personality B&W -- [writing based upon the traits, less than a paragraph]
Personality 2 -- [now this is not base on the traits, so you can add she's like a joker, a crybaby, stuck-up, etc, less than a paragraph]
Supernatural Experience PAST -- [incident with chosen ability and a paragraph, refer to plotline to choose one of the option, you were not born with ability, you gained it by some sort of way, i will write out how you've obtained the ability really, you just write out your experience that's all]]
Paranormal Activity FUTURE -- [just freaky experience that occurs at the entertainment building, paragraph, via chosen plotline and choose 1 of the options]
Comments -- [put something here okay~]
Suggestions -- [something that needs to be added or something]
Scene Requests -- [just brief it so i get the gist, can request with members, love interest, or whatever]
Extra Bit -- [i will let you know that i will tweak your character a bit as fitting as i may need her to be within the story if she is chosen. if you adhere by this, then fill out the form! if not... then you can still apply, but doesn't matter, i will tweak her if she is chosen or is used as extra. kthxbai. write whatever your answer is in this section. lol]
Password -- [did you read the rules? it doesn't have to be a korean one. it can be in another language.]
the girl no.1 ┆ -- full name
girl 1 pix ┆ 
• | •  |
the girl no.2 ┆ -- full name
girl 2 pix ┆  • | •  |
the girl no.3 ┆ -- full name
girl 3 pix ┆  • | •  |
teaser theme ┆ -- title name of photos [not too long, something alluring]
character's teaser pix ┆
•  | •  | •  [not too happy, bittersweet is fine, or slight smile, fake smile, but not bright, cheery, and etc]
the credits ┆ ribbit layouts
• ┆ -- Stage Name -- [is mandatory!]
• ┆ -- Persona -- [refer to plot]
• ┆ -- Position -- [look at plot, please!]
• ┆ -- Fanclub -- [relate to character and/or persona, stage name]
• ┆ -- Fancolor -- [hex code and name please]
• ┆ -- Fansign -- [refer to plot, tyvm]
• ┆ -- Trainee Years -- [2years to 5years]









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Heya! here's mine and I hope I corrected most of it but the only thing ^^
here sis~
just a backup if needed. =]
shinobitiff #4
Here's mine. I hope it's not too boring.
i don't know why the font sizes are different, when i was editing it they were fine. . .
enjoy haru! c:
fluffydragoncheeks #6