CHARMED's : -- Honey -- :


only you can see me
Character Name -- Ratchawin Kamwongrasenee
• Nickname -- Peung [just a family, close friends nickname, means Bee in Thai], Winnie Kam [easier name in SK for people to say so they don't have to struggle with her name]
Age and Birthday -- 21, November 16th, 1992
Place of Birth -- Madrid, Spain [up until the age of 6years]
Hometown --  [moved to at the age of 6years] Bangkok, Thailand
Ethnicity -- Thai
Blood Type -- A
• Height & Weight -- 173cm & 64kg
• Language 1 -- Thai, Spanish, Russian
Likes -- selcas, fashion, beauty products, bubble tea
Dislikes -- reading, people taking her things
Habits -- fixes appearance before leaving home, mumbles and jumbles her words around
Hobbies -- doing beauty products, playing candy crush
Fears -- darkness and death
Strengths -- friendly and kind
Weaknesses -- unpredictable and commitments
Trivia -- eats weird combinations of food, makes no sense sometimes to others but can understand it herself, sleep talks but can't remember, hates being called cute, has snake eyes when annoyed or angered, can get pretty lazy at times
Talents -- hair styling, nail designing, piano, modeling
Love Interest -- EXO's Kris
• LI's Personality -- He has a gorgeous bish face, and so comes off as an unapproachable guy. He's really dorky and softhearted underneath all that angry bird exterior. He just needs to be real and comfortable and make a bond with those around him.
• Backup Love -- LC9's E.Den
• BULI's Personality -- He's pretty chill and random at times. Although he thinks that he doesn't suit this or that or can't do it, he's just a humble liar who can actually do it. He's also down-to-earth and real with those he comes into contact with.
• Backup no.2 -- X-5's Haewon
• No.2's Personality -- He's a sensitive weirdo with a good heart. He's usually often in his own world and may seem withdrawn but that's just how he is. He can be quite a mishievous charmer as well and you wouldn't see it coming at times.
What Kind of First Meeting -- An awkward and off on the wrong foot kind of situation and so a rocky start at first. Something like a mix-up happens, or a confusion sort of thing and she just doesn't make any sense for him to comprehend her at first.
Overall Interaction -- Really awkward at first, but eventually becomes comfortable and chill. Later on chemistry develops and then somewhat flirty in a way.
Status -- Progress steadily, and then a few misunderstandings and the likes, but eventually become an item. She confesses first, but makes it... awkward and what not.
The Plot Line -- Only You Can See Me
ESP Ability -- Astral Projection
Personality Traits -- BEST: Sociable, Weird, Imaginative || WORST: Fickle-Minded, Naggy, Split Personality
Personality B&W -- Winnie is quite a sociable person and isn't afraid to talk with someone and start a conversation with. She can be quite weird at times with how she presents herself and may say or do things differently than others though. Winnie also has quite an imagination and can imagine things to great lengths yet is hinder by reality sometimes. Her downfall is that she's quite fickle-minded and is prone to changes and so becomes indecisive and unsure at times. She's also quite naggy with doing things and becomes annoying to others too. The one other thing is that she has somewhat of a split personality where she can be nice and sweet, and the next moment become mean and sour all depending on what triggers it.
Personality 2 -- Winnie is pretty much your girl-next-door that just has her ups and downs at times. She's mostly a fashion freak and loves doing her hair, makeup, and nails, and wouldn't mind doing it for those around her. She uses them as her guinea pigs when she wants to try out something that she can't do it on herself. Winnie is also the kind of person that cherishes close family and friendship ties, and so would become quite emotional when concerning with a close one. All in all, Winnie is somewhat of a real person and does what she does given the situation handled to her at times... but most likely doubts and second guess herself.
Supernatural Experience PAST -- Two Places At Once. // Winnie had this incident where she needed to be at two places at once due to some scheduling. She was physically hanging out with her seniors when her fellow labelmates wanted her attention but she couldn't go because her senior was still giving a lecture. Being stressed by it, she somehow astral projected her non-physical form towards her labelmates while her physical body slumped in a sleeping motion where she was originally. Surprised she wondered how that happened, and although she looked like she was physically there, she was hardly solid and was like a hologram but looked physical. She panicked at first, but then felt a tugged and was back in her body, but she got in trouble for her supposed sleeping and so had to get a minor punishment for it. Since that day, she wondered where this came from and why it was happening to her.
Paranormal Activity FUTURE -- Sleeping. // Because she tried to restrain herself from using her ability as much as possible, it was during sleep mode that it would manifest on its own accord. Although she could project herself back into her body, it was useless at times because her subconscious would take over and so she was force to like roam around during sleep time and majority during the night time. Because of this, she would get confused as a ghost because of her astral projection she was given somewhat like a glowing aura body that she couldn't really do nothing about when it was dark out or had no adequate lighting. At around this time she learned to practice how to actually make herself physical and solid like so that she would seemed more real instead of... a hologram. In the end, it was somewhat beneficial, but still she tried to not have it do it so often, and so she would at times release her astral projection self as to not let it manifest on its own accord too often.
Comments -- whooo, done!
Suggestions -- debut celebration party~
Scene Requests -- haunted house party bash
Extra Bit -- yeah, yeah, whatever, got it.
Password -- me faltas tu (i miss you) |or| tum jai mai dai (i can't) (i can't accept it [i can't]) |or| kak letat (how to fly)
the girl no.1 ┆ -- Crystal Wang
girl 1 pix ┆ 
|   |
the girl no.2 ┆ -- n/a for me
girl 2 pix ┆  n/a for me
the girl no.3 ┆ -- n/a for me
girl 3 pix ┆  n/a for me
teaser theme ┆ -- Luscious Simplicity
character's teaser pix ┆
  |   | • 
the credits ┆ ribbit layouts
• ┆ -- Stage Name -- Honey
• ┆ -- Persona -- The Cloud Charm
• ┆ -- Position -- vocalist, rapper, dancer
• ┆ -- Fanclub -- Honey Bears
• ┆ -- Fancolor -- Golden Honey || #eEC36D
• ┆ -- Fansign -- Uranus
• ┆ -- Trainee Years -- 3years









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