I woke up with the brightest of moods this morning because of my dream, oh my god. I just had this tingling, in love feeling all over, and I was so devastated that it was just a dream. If only it could be REAL. T^T

But anyways. It started out with one of my friends telling me how she met Shinhwa after our school randomly, and they all signed her The Classic Limited Edition album. I was so jealous since I went home early at that time, and if I had stayed like two minutes longer I would have met them and get them to sign my copy, too. So I was sulking about it for 2 days in the dream.

Then come the 3rd day, Shinhwa suddenly came back to our school! They were walking around the school grounds just by themselves, and I managed to meet them when I was on my own. But as bad luck would have it, my copy of the album was at home. But I approached them anyway, introduced myself, and just outright telling them how much I loved all of them and stuff. After talking for a bit (which already in itself is an amazing thing if it would ever happen), they, get this, THEY INVITED ME TO GO OUT WITH THEM. ME. JUST A RANDOM PERSON. INVITED ME. So naturally I said yes, because DUH. (OMG I'm sounding like an insane fangirl right now forgive me)

So we go out and go shopping. They then pulled me into a suit shop, knowing that I like seeing them in suits, and with Dongwan as the 'host', he introduced Shinhwa as they went out of the dressing room one by one and modeled themselves in suits for me, pretending they're walking the runway and stuff. I don't even know why, but it's so random xD For some reason though, Dongwan didn't really change into a suit. But that's okay because I got to see the other 5 lol.

Then, I invited them to go to my house to eat and chat (and sign my album lol), and THEY ACTUALLY SAID YES. Like what the heck is this, why can't dreams be like reality? So we all piled into a van, with me sitting beside someone else (I think it was Hyesung or something, I don't know though), and then we got to talking and they find out I like Dongwan the most. So they made him sit beside me. I was already dying giddily inside, something along the lines of OMYGODDONGWANMYULTIMATEBIASISSITTINGBESIDEMEJDHGJHGJKAHFGKLAHGSLJHG but get this, GET THIS, he s his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. Yes, I had to bold that part because I'm just dying with happiness and I swear I can still FEEL his hand resting upon my waist. I just can't.

After, we arrive at my house (for some reason it showed my grandma's house in the Philippines, but I guess it makes sense since the house is pretty big and could accommodate six people --or more really-- suddenly barging in). They start to explore the house like it's nobody's business, finding my extensively large Shinhwa collection, someone remarking that I can manage the Shinhwa Museum (I would love to lol), or even start my own because my collection is just so large xD Ah, dreams. So after cooking them food, we all sat down and ate and talk. Of course, because this is a dream and everything in a dream is wonderful, Dongwan sat beside me the whole time, occassionally tapping me on the arm and just doing random small gestures and stufff to make it known that he's paying attention to me and is laughing at my jokes and listening to my stories and all that good stuff. It was pure heaven, I tell you.

Then after eating, we all sat around and just hung out. Wherever I sit, Dongwan was there too. We were on the sofa together, his arms draped around my shoulders, and everyone else in Shinhwa is just teasing us to no tomorrow, saying we look good together and stuff like that. OH WHY CAN'T IT BE REALITY. Then Dongwan and Eric both stood up, and started doing funny dances alone and together to make me laugh and entertain the rest of the group. I expected Jinnie and/or Minwoo to do it, but for some reason it was Eric. xD I don't even know. The rest of the dream was a blur, with me taking commemorative pictures with everyone, then getting them to sign some of my Shinhwa stuff, of course. It was really funny because we treated each other like long lost friends, and they were whining about how there was so many stuff to sign xDDD

And then towards the end of the dream (I actually finished the dream omg! Like, I woke up before my alarm clock rang because the dream was done), I got them to sign my Classic Ltd Ed finally. What was weird and funny is, Eric signed on a piece of cardboard with a normal pen and was attempting to get all craftsy and cut it out to stick it to my album xD He was just sitting on the floor with some scissors and glue and cutting away at the cardboard. I offered him a black marker to make his life easier, and at first he didn't want to take it because of the whole crafts thing. But in the end he gave up and just signed the photobook with the black marker. xDDD

The dream ended on a very, VERY good note- Dongwan gave me one last hug, a really tight hug where you feel like you're in heaven and protected by the one man you love, and I swear I could feel all his muscles. Then, THEN, he kissed me on the forehead. I just had to bold that because IT'S STILL A KISS JDSHGJKSHJKGHFDG

And I felt upset when I woke up because it was all just a dream T^T but at the same time, my mood is bright because OMG THE DREAM IS JUST DJSHGJKHGS.

I wish I could dream something like this again. The only dream that came close was my dream about Jinnie (which I haven't told you guys about yet, since it happened to me so long ago), and that really didn't involve as much skinship as me and Dongwan had in this dream.

I know it's kinda weird since Shinhwa is like way older than me, but for me, I'd prefer them over any other young idol out there anytime. I just love them THAT much, especially Dongwan. I don't even care about the lol.


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I'm so jealous! I don't see dreams of Shinhwa at all and I'd really love to. :D Omg! Your dreams are the best! Jesus! I love to read them! And you know what, Dongwan is really one of my favorites. Andy's my bias but Wannie is really important to me. :)
Wow, you're kinda lucky that your dreams are so normal, I've, this far, only managed to dream about Shinhwa once, and my dreams are always so surreal, like, they make sense to me in the dream, but when I wake up, I have no idea what happened :P
My Shinhwa dream was that Andy had gotten himself pregnant, yeah he was a guy, but he could still get pregnant, it made sense in the dream:P
Well it was all Junjin's fault, but not because they had slept with each other,it was just his fault, so Junjin promised he would help Andy hide it from the others,and then the dream was just about how he had trouble doing stuff because of increasing back pain, and the others kept asking questions about him gaining weight, and Junjin kept trying to appologize, but Andy was heartbroken because Junjin couldn't understand why it was his fault :P
But I don't even understand why it was his fault, and it was my dream, I think it was because he didn't remember who did it to him, and he just needed someone to blame so he wasn't alone, and Junjin just accepted :P
So, moral of this, I want your dreams :D