My 100 Truths

1. Real name: Janice...pretty self-explanatory. =="

2. Like it? Yeah. Apparently it's one of the suggested baby girl names for Aquarius...which answers my next question...

4. Zodiac sign: AQUARIUS and I'm PROUD to be one!

5. Male or female: NO DUH it's female! =="

6. Elementary: Yawarra Primary School + Templeton Primary School.

7. Middle: ...*coughIaminAustraliaGodddamnitwedonothavethingscallmiddleschoolscough* Wantirna College.

8. High: STILL Wantirna College.

9. College: ...dunno which UNIVERSITY I'm going.

10. Hair colour: natural Asian colour...ROFLMFAO! I dunno how to describe anymore. It's goes from black => dark brown => brown w/ reddish gold streaks in  the sunlight!

11. Eye colour: dark brown-ish black...I DUNNO!! Asian-coloured! LMAO!

12. Hair length: up to armpits. XD

13. Current worry: whether I can ace the Pythagoras Theorem test tomorrow (doubt it)...CRAP, HAVEN'T STUDIED!! >.<

14. Race: Chinese. ._.

15. Are you a health freak: no, but with my friend's constant talk about health and dieting with that anorexic-like brain of hers, I might be soon. ==" ARGH.

16. Height: 152cm...I'M SHORT, I KNOW. My growth is stunted because of my asthma condition. So SHADDUP ABOUT IT, I'M ONLY 13!! XD

17. Do you have a crush on someone: ...celebrity crush on SS501's Heo Young Saeng count? XD

18. Do you like yourself: yeah...I'm fine. O.O

19. Piercings: sleepers on at the moment.

20. Tattoos: no, they hurt. Plus, I already have a tatooed-looking left arm from a 4th degree scald when I was 4 yrs old.

21. Righty or lefty: righty, my left is pretty much dead. XD



22. First surgery: skin graft on my burnt arm when I was 4 yrs old.

23. First piercings: earrings when I was 8 yrs old.

24. First friend: Spencer (OMG...*facepalm*) and his little bro Jeffrey, but I'm closer to Spencer. We know each other since we're babies. We still do now.

25. First award: UHHH...'Student Of The Week Award' during prep?

26. First sport: swimming. I don't like it anymore. TT GIMME BADMINTON!!

27. First pet: a pet rock named 'Bob' back in primary school. XD XD XD LOOOOOOOOL!!

28. First vacation: vacation? Not long after first term of prep? XD

29. First teacher? Mrs. Durik...I like her. =3

30. First crush: ...oh gosh...>.< This dorky boy called Marcus when I was in around grade 3. Young love...*tuts*



31. Orange or apple juice: APPLE, FULL STOP. I AM FRICKEN SICK OF ORANGES...SO ANNOYING...>.> ('Annoying Orange'...XD XD XD)

32. Rock or rap: rock. Rap is a bunch of random words spoken really fast to the beat. BORING.

33. Country or screamo: WAIT, music or movies?!  Um...I'm just gonna go with country? ^^'...

34. Nsync or Backstreet Boys: ...who the hell are Nsync? I'm for Backstreet Boys!

35. Britney Spears or Christina Aguliera: I think Christina has a better voice, but I'm more familiar with Britney Spears. Her songs are catchy.

36. Night or day: night. Screw day! XD

37. Sun or moon: moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon~~

38. TV or internet: INTERNET IS MY LIFE.

39. Playstation or Xbox: Uhh? =D

40. Kiss or hug: ...from BFs? Hugs. D= I'm paranoid about kisses...even though I haven't done it yet. >.>

41. Iguana or turtle: iguanas are cool. But I like awkward turtles. =D BUT I HATE THOSE FU...DGING TURTLES IN MARIO CART! ARRRRRRRRRGH~!! D=< *rage*

42. Spider or bee: spider. I don't like random flying things. D=

43. Fall or spring: Autumn. =3= (fall)

44. Limewire or iTunes: hm. iTunes.

46. Soccer or baseball: soccer.



50. Drinking: this random fish soup my mum made. =/

51. I'm about to: answer this question and drink more soup.

53. Singing: Promise To Promise - SS501. I found this song recently and it has been on repeat today. =D Such a touching song...=') Sad it's not well-known, since it's Japanese, not Korean.

54. Typing: this crap. XD




55. Want kids? PFFFT! Have to...XD

56. When: 20s/30s?

57. Want to get married: yeah. =3

58. When: 20s.

59. Where do you want to live: I shall stay here in Australia...MUCH more safer than the rest of the world. =D

60. How many kids do you want: Under 3. I will have a headache if I have too much...XD

61. Any name on the mind: Apple. >=D I'm THAT evil to call my future daughter a fruit. Or if it's a boy...BANANA. JKS. XD

62. What did you want to be when you were little: I wanted to be a teacher. Then I wanted to be those presenters/MCs in 'Play School'. Then in grade 5 I wanted to be a voice actress/seiyuu in Japan. And now I don't know WHAT THE HELL I want to be. ._.

63. What did you think you’ll be doing? I thought I would be a teacher in the end.

64. Mellow future or wild: WILD.

66. Something you would never try: cutting myself. ._. I sometimes don't understand suicidal people (no offence!).

67. When do you wanna die: 80s.


68. Lips or eyes: eyes~ ^^

69. Hugging or kissing: hugs. =="

70. Shorter or taller: TALLER NO DUH.

71. Tan skinned or light: light. =D

72. Romantic or spontaneous: SO spontaneous...that if he acts romantic once, it would be a VERY treasured moment!

73. Dark or light hair: dark.

74. Muscular or normal: I don't like Hulk arms. So normal. ._.

75. Hook-up or relationships: relationships. Love is not to be played around with. =="

76. Similar to you or different: similar.


78. Kissed a stranger: NO.

79. Drank bubbles: the hell do you do that? XD

80. Broken a bone: NEVER~

81. Climbed up a tree: NO DUH.

82. Broken someone’s heart: ...unno. Probs yes.

83. Turned someone down: one asks me yet! XD

84. Had your heart broken: ...once?

85. Liked a friend as more than a friend: *sigh* OK, I admit, yes (what do you expect from Aquarius...=P They rule the house of friends!)



86. Yourself: most of the time.

87. Miracles: YES. Dude, just look at my burnt arm to witness it! I would have died in that accident if it wasn't for God. <3

88. Love at first sight: no.

89. Santa Clause: no. =="

90. Kiss on first date: ...yeah-ish no? Seriously. Will something bad happen if you did? o_0

91. Angels: yeah. ^^



92. Is there one or more people you want to be with right now: no, I'm fine at the moment.

93. Who is it: I SAID NO ONE!! *rage*

94. Like someone: YOUNG SAENG. =3


95. Text message: my mum, telling me to wear more clothes because the weather was cooling down, despite the fact that it's almost summer...==" "HOT SUMMER! A HOT, HOT SUMMER~" =D

96. Received call: my mum again. =="

97. Call made: mum once again. LMAO. Figured out what's wrong? My mum called me that day, but my phone was on silent because I was at school. After knowing that I had a missed call, I called her and she didn't answer. And then my mum called me again because she missed it...and...yeah, I have a weird bond between my mum...XD

98. Facebook message: Stephanie. XD

99. Missed call: MUM. >=(

100. Last hungout with: The F block hogs: Louise, Sarah, Camy, Amy, Mikayla...and two random guys Matt and Callum, who randomly popped in for Louise's cupcakes. They were nice...>=D




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This is just like the tagging game on facebook... like we make a note then tag it for everyone we love and wait for their tag as a reply... can I do the same with your post :">