FREEDOM!!!!! (This is a rant)



So I was trippin out pretty bad a couple days ago; I had two papers due within two days of each other. One of them was for an advanced class (I'm a college first year in an second year English class), and I didn't really know if my paper was good enough (I'm never confident in regards to my writing, to be honest...) and so I was working my off over the dumb thing.

I turned it in online an hour before it was due

Five pages



I WAS SWEATIN', GUYS. Lookin' like Luhan, with the deer-in-the-headlights look and... And aw man..

But that's not all. There's still the second one.

This was for my History class (naega mandeun HISTORY) #I had to #not even sorry BUT this class is entirely online. So there are pros and cons to this



Not very many tests, and if there are tests, you can use the material that they give you

(in my case) the work isn't due until 11:59 p.m. on Sunday night every. single. time.

More room for a cool class! (you can skip this step)

More time to yourself!



Harder to contact professor

If you're a procrastinator, you're doomed.


Well, guess what guys...


I WILL PUT THINGS OFF UNTIL I START HAVING PANIC ATTACKS AND STRESS-CRYING.  I don't know why I do it... It's a terrible habit, and yes, it will follow you in college.

Okay, I gotta get to my point. If you're still reading this, god bless you.<3

So my History professor assigns this paper on Benjamin Franklin (snore fest), where we had to find something that he did not write about in his autobiography, and then create a thesis as to why he left it out. It had to be 3-4 pages, be cited in Chicago style (WORST CITE STYLE EVER; IT'S HARD), and have a title page. She assigned it two weeks ago, and wanted the rough draft on Sunday, October 6, at 11:59 p.m.

No big deal, right?



Because I, ArtisticSeoul, am the BIGGEST procrastinator ever, so guess who put off reading the entire biography (136 pages) and even starting the paper until Saturday, October 5th?

Yep yep yep. So I  was sweatin' it. I've actually broken out in cold sores on my mouth (they're not as bad as the pictures; mine are just little painful bumps-- they're barely visible but they HURT! ;.;) and on top of that, she assigned more work to be due at the same time as the paper T_T

I thought I was screwed. I was planning to stay up all night to work on it, and work on it all day tomorrow as well. I actually did start stress-crying, but I managed to finish all the assignments for the week, save the rough draft.


Arty decided to look at the instructions for week 5... Only to see that her prof. changed something!

What is this?

"I have decided to cancel Dr. Furlong's lecture on October 10, and I'm also cancelling the submission of the rough draft and the peer lecture. But if you want to send in your rough draft to have me check it, I willbe more than happy to do so, if I have time. I have also included a rubric to give you guide on what I expect from this paper."




Guess who will be on Asianfanfics all day tomorrow because I AM SO HAPPY JFC. OTL OTL OTL OTL

I am so lucky...

And I'm also going to bed. You know why? :]

It's 12:26 a.m. over here in Indiana. This chick tired. And she can sleep with no worries now.

I swear I'm always lucky.

But shame on me.

BUT. I just wanted to share this. I don't know why, but I did. And do.

Alrighty, Arty Out.



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Lol omg I do the same thing have a paper to write start stressing cause i put it off for last minute and then something changes the I get pissed cause I stressed out about it only for it to pushed back lol