
tell me what's the difference between Republican vs. Democrat and Team Edward vs team Jacob? tell me what's the difference between republican vs democrat and Jock vs nerd? tell me what's the difference between Republican vs Democrat and black vs. white?

if our founders saw us today, they would have a heart attack, we're playing with money, playing with castes, we're playing with lives. why must we use the lives of our people to further our political agenda?

today I chose neither, today I say both are wrong. there is no "well this ones better then this one" no, all political parties have their agendas and will do anything to further them. I ask you today, are you a democrat first, republican first or an American first... we can even go further, are you a human? I ask you today, what is the difference between politics and a high school clique?

why do we chose to further separate our selves from others, why must we chose to hide behind our titles?

screw politics, they further our problems.

sorry... my families been watching the news to much lately -.-


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yep, and they'll keep doing it until they drowned our civilization with their pointless animosity for each other