What's wrong with ?

My sister was like "gross how can you be into ?" so I was like "..."

what the is wrong with ?

*edit: don't answer me, I just need a place for me to vent my anger. I`ve been through a lot today.


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I don't get it either. Sure some fics are...odd but I'm quite fond of it and shounen ai which tends to focus more on the actual relationships, rather then just about the ^^

If people hate it that's fine with me, just don't bash it in front of me is all I ask.
well it depends on your choices; really cliche uke seme is pretty gross, in my opinion, especially since its what 85% of is. But theres a whole cheese platter of genres and types for all different kinks and quirks.

Plus, as girls its really wrong to like two men getting together and having whereas men are allowed to ogle two girls.
Well some people don't like . *cough-cough-I-don't-read--or-yuri-if-it's-about-idols-cough-cough*