So my new friend TRUEbLuEFv is making an amazing scapbook with letters and fanart to send to infinite themselves!! AND you can write a letter to your own bias(es) or the group in general!

I hope you can participate because I personally think this is an amazing and wonderful idea to send infinite something all of us fans on here put all our love into!!

And my new friend would like all letters or drawings by the end of the month at the latest!! SO GET YOUR DRAWING AND WRITING PENCILS READY!!

If you would like to participate you can either write on  TRUEbLuEFv wall or you can add her or PM her!!!

I am participating in this!! I hope you can too!


Please spread the word to your other inspirit friends!! The more the merrier and the more the more amazing it will be! ^^

sooooo yeah....BYE~


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Where are you giving it to them? OGS? Sounds like a good idea.