Big-Shot :: Kang Jihyun :: Jiryong



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Username : InpiniteuTinTap

Active : 9

Nickname : Kelli



Name : Kang Jihyun

Nicknames : Jiji (friends call him this to annoy him)

Birthdate/Age : 07/30/1994 ; 19

Ethnicity : Chinese-Korean

Birthplace : Seoul, South Korea

Hometown : Seoul, South Korea

Height : 171 cm ; 5 ft 7 inches

Weight : 56 kg ; 123 lbs

Languages : Korean (Fluent) Cantonese (Fluent) Mandarin (Semi-fluent) English (basic)

Bloodtype : B+



Personality : Jihyun is an emotional person and will overreact to almost anything. He has learned how to hide his anger/sadness, but gets rather offended easily. When he gets really angry, however, he will throw fits and more likely than not break something. Jihyun is very stubborn, and once he starts to do something, he'll do it his way. If he makes mistakes, he'll make some excuse or joke as to why he was doing what he was doing and try to fix it. He is somewhat of a perfectionist, but not to a huge extent. He hates being told he is wrong, as well. Despite his sensitive nature, he is actually easily excited and very energetic, almost to the point of acting like a child. With his friends, he'll talk somewhat loudly and flail his arms. He does, indeed, overreact to everything. Even though he seemingly is comfortable with his friends, he is secretly insecure and worries they find him annoying. He cannot help acting the way he does, but tries his best to not make his friends dislike him. He also cannot find it in himself to tell someone he doesn't like them...not just because of their feelings, but because he is concerned for his image.

Around new people that he's trying to impress, he'll often try to act confident and extremely masculine...which often comes off as awkward and weird. His conversation starters are often very similar... Here's one: "Hello, I'm Kang Jihyun, but please call me Jiryong. Because ryong means dragon. Dragons are manly and cool. Please don't call me Jiji, Jiji is a girly name. Not that there's anything wrong with girly! But, I'm not girly. Nope. Oh, but I really like the design on your pants. I'd like more on a shirt though." He rambles when he's anxious, and hyperventilates, as well. This may drive people away, but sometimes, it can be endearing.

Jihyun has emotions for everything, and is easily moved to tears, laughter, or embarrassment. If he's watching a drama, he'll probably end up crying at some point. If he's watching variety, he'll turn super red in second hand embarrassment and laugh so hard he'll cry. When reading books, poems, watching something, and the like, he'll react aloud. He'll exclaim, he'll cry, he'll laugh, he'll go, "Oh, you!" It's hilarious watching him, but if finds out someone is looking at him, he'll stare at them until they stop. He doesn't want to be rude and tell them to stop, so he figures that the starting should get the message across...and maybe creep them out as well.

Background : Kang Jihyun was born to a Chinese exchange student turned teacher and the owner of a Korean publishing company. He had two older brothers and an older sister, making him the youngest of four. When he was nine, his mother had an accident that rendered her deaf, causing her to quit her job. Luckily, she was able to join his father's company to be an editor. However, because of this, he was often overshadowed by his older siblings; he was short and cubby and didn't have the best grades, while his two brothers were tall, slim, and were the top students in their class. His sister was pretty and a graceful ballerina. All he had to show at the tender age of ten was his tantrums and loud voice...which his mother could not hear, and his father found annoying. Jihyun wasn't neglected, but he wasn't as praised as his siblings. He worked to slim down a little and by the time he was thirteen, he was an average sized boy with better grades.

However, Jihyun felt sad that he couldn't share his powerful voice with his mother, who often told them (via notebook paper) that she loved ballads. He sang them all the time around his mother (when he could), but she'd just smile sadly and tell him, in rough Cantonese, "I wish I could see your beauty." He worked hard to learn Cantonese and Mandarin, two languages he had stopped being exposed to since his mother lost her hearing, so he could sing songs his mother loved back in China. His grades began to drop as he skipped cram school in favor of learning songs. His father was dissappointed, but it didn't matter as much because he was the youngest son. Jihyun finally made the decision that he would train hard with his voice and dancing, so he could show the world his talents. He asked his mom, "If I become an idol, will you believe that my singing is beautiful?" She answered, "I don't need to see fans to know you're talented." Despite those words, he desperately wanted more acceptance from others, and decided to become an idol. He didn't care what type of idol, he would show his family how talented he was. Jihyun, with the reluctant permission of his father, tried out for many companies, many times, and was finally accepted. He then dropped out of highschool at 16.

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Family : Relation | Name | Age | Personality Traits

Mother | Lu Meiting | 52 | Caring, hardworking, submissive

Father | Kang Seongwan | 55 | Strict, workaholic, commanding

Brother | Kang Yongseok | 27 | Career-orientated, nonchalant, vain

Brother | Kang Hoseok| 25 | Hardworking, independent, confident

Sister | Kang Cheonsa | 22 | Conceited, studious, determined

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Best friends : Name | Age | Personality | Occupation 

Lee Ha Yi (Lee Hi) | 17 | Quiet, sarcastic, passionate | soloist

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Friends : Name | Age | Personality Traits | Occupation 

Lee Sungjong | 20 | Sassy, confident, sharp witted | Infinite's Maknae

Ahn Daniel | 19 | Impulsive, sharp tongued, energetic | Teen Top's main vocalist

Choi Mina | 20 | Bubbly, optimistic, energetic | College student

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Rival :Name | Age | Personality Traits | Occupation 




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Ulzzang : Kim Myoungjae

Links : Gallery1 Gallery2 Gallery3


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Back-up ulzzang : Lee Donghoon

Links : Gallery1 Gallery2

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Style : 1 2 3 4 5 6  (darker colors and layers)



Likes :

- boba milk tea

- dumplings

- full moon nights

- foggy, cool days

- the drama "Reply 1997"

- biking

- swimming

- turtles

- basketball

- mocha latte

- patbingsu

- Kungfu movies

- roller coasters

Dislikes :

- Hot, sunny days

- green tea/bitter things

- horror movies

- rats (sort of scared of them)

- math

- sour foods

- neon colored things

- being told he's short and chubby

- asparagus

- tennis


- writing Korean versions of Chinese songs/vice versa

- biking around Seoul

- going to amusement parks (he loves roller coasters!)

- swimming

- kungfu


- cursing in Cantonese

- cracks knuckles

- doing vocal warm ups/singing in the shower

- scratches behind neck when nervous/anxious

- clenches fists when mad


- He really wants to go to China one day - specifically, Hong Kong, where his mom is from.

- He loves dyeing his hair different colors

- He's really close to his mom, but his siblings are closer to his dad

- He's never dated anyone, but has a small crush on youtube guitarist, Sungha Jung

- He wishes he had a deeper voice, but is still proud of his strong vocals.

- His idols are Kyuhyun and K.Will.

- While he was out of highschool, he worked as a music store cashier and at his friend, Mina's, family's restaurant.

- He has three cartilage and one lobe piercing in each ear.

- He actually has a pretty fit (leanly toned, no washboard abs, but a onepack) body from his biking and swimming, and most of his weight is lean muscle.

- He once fractured his ankle biking, and it has impaired his dancing a little bit ever since.

- He is afraid of how his parents would react if they found out his homouality, but mostly because he doesn'r want to dissappoint his mom.

- He owns two pet turtles: Yue Liang and Tai Yang (their names are Mandarin chinese for Moon (Yue Liang) and Sun (Tai Yang)).

- He has a scary sleep habit: he sleep talks and occasionally sleep walks. 

- Sometimes, he speaks Kochinese, or a mix of Korean and Chinese (both dialects).

- He can play the piano and the guitar.

- He is right handed, but eats with chopsticks in his left hand.



Trainee years : 2 1/2 years

Trainee history : Since Jihyun had dropped out of highschool, he spent most of his day training. His voice was already strong, but needed more work in control during dancing and his vibrato in falsetto  was weak. He had to learn how to rap and not stumble, as well, which was extremely hard for him. But the thing he had to work on the most was his dancing. Because of his previous injury, his left leg was rather stiff while dancing. Overall, his dancing was stiff, and he sometimes half-assed moves so he could sing better. He spent hours upon hours trying to dance while maintaining his vocal control, and rapping without stumbling over his words. He eventually got the hang of rapping (since it was essentially rambling with a beat), but his dancing still was weak. Jihyun worked tirelessly in the dance rooms, trying to make his movements more fluid. He lost a lot of weight during his trainee years, exercising more and dancing until he collapsed. His dancing has gotten better, but his left leg sometimes can be stiff.

Weaknesses : Dancing 

Special talent : Singing, changing the pitch of his voice to imitate someone

Singing twin : Kim Ryeowook 1 2 3   (I don't mind if you switch them)

back up: Kim Sunggyu 1 2

Rapping twin : Hyunseung 1 (again, you can switch them, I didn't know where I could find snippets if mediocre rapping...)

back up: Yoseob 1

Dancing twin : Sungyeol 1 2

back up: Onew 1

Stage name : Jiryong

Fanclub name : Turtle-Dragons

Fanclub color :  Light Green 

Potential love interest : Main dancer / lead rapper / sub-vocal

Position : Main Vocal / sub rapper / dancer

back up: Lead Vocalist / Lead dancer


comment: Sorry if I accidentally messed with the layout, for some reason the personality part became that way :< 

scene request: Lots of Jihyun being awkward and clumsy? :3

Jihyun seeing a rat/seeing a horror movie and screaming really high

When angry, Jihyun accidentally breaks something that belongs to his love interest...

Jihyun singing to his mother during a concert, and her crying because she cannot hear him. He then starts crying, as well.

The group goes to an amusement park :)

song suggestions: Teen Top - Rocking, To You ; B.A.P. - One Shot, Warrior, Power, No Mercy ; Big Bang - Monster, Fantastic Baby, Blue ;  Infinite - Destiny, Be Mine, BTD, The Chaser ; SHINee - Why So Serious ; EXO - Growl ; BTOB - Wow ; B2ST - Shadow, Beautiful Night, Fiction, Shock ; Bang&Zelo - Never Give Up ; Super Junior-M - Super Girl, Break Down, Perfection 


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