Idol Sibling Rebellion | Lee Eunhee


username: parkFISHY_1015

How active are you: 5

What can I call you: tamama


Try to Follow Me

Name: Eunhee, Lee

Nicknames: Eun

Age: 23

Birthday: Nov.13.90

Birthplace: Seongnam, Gyeonggi

Hometown: Seongnam, Gyeonggi

Blood Type: A

Height: 5'3

Weight: 46 kg

Ethnicity: Korean


You're So Beautiful~

Faceclaim: ParkYounghee

Back-Up Face Claim: Sasyo






Personality is everything~

Personality: She's a tomboy. She can be quite picky, especially when it comes to her job. Everything has to be perfect to her. If it's not, it'll bug her until she fixes it. Putting aside her picky side, she has a playful side. One thing she loves doing, is to mess with her little brother. Eunhee is also a caring person. She doesn't want anything to happen to the people she loves, so she kinda nags. You can count on her to lend her shoulder to you when you need it. In return, she gives good advice of what and what not to do.

Background: Eunhee is the middle child in the family. Eunhee was the prankster in the family. Her victim was always Chunji. He didn't mind because it gave a good laugh. While Chunji wanted to be a singer since little, she wanted to be a photographer. Ever since she was little, she would always have a camera with her at all times. With her own money she saved up over the few years, she got herself a Nikon camera as her self bday gift. Since then, she started taking little jobs for photoshoots. Soon she became quite known.


-strawberry shortcakes


-shiba inus

-spicy food

-everything disney 



-when her OCD kicks in



-horror movies






-cussing up a storm

-cracking her neck

-tapping her fingers



-loves messing with her little brother

-Eunhee got worried once when he came home with a slight pain look, then he told her that he fell off the stairs from laughing to hard

-Eunhee has Chunji be her model for shoots every now and then

-Chunji tripped twice: almost broke her camera, and the lights along with props

-Eunhee dressed Chunji as a girl for a picture when they were younger

-tricked chunji into eating melons by adding a little bit of melon flavor in a cake she made

-Chunji didnt know he ate melon in the cake she made and asked for more, and to make another one


Ugh, it's you again

Sibling name: Lee Chanhee (Chunji)

Age: 19

Group: Teen Top

Personality: he's pretty straightforeward. he cant stay in one spot to long. He's a hyper child...

How close are you: extremely close

How do you interact: they joke around with each other alot. 

Are you alike?: they both can be pretty protective and umma like. image wise, no. sometimes when they hang out after one of her shoots, she gets mistaken as his girlfriend.


Back-up Sibling: Lee Byunghyun (Ljoe)

Age: 19 

Group: Teen Top

Scene Suggestions:

-Eunhee shows her hidden aegyo and people cringe since it doesn't suit her image

-Eunhee makes her hidden-taste-of-melon-cake and sends it to Chunji


Password: causeim overachieverXD





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ppeytonn #1
ppeytonn #2
I was wondering if you would be able to change your sibling to someone from
-Super Junior
-Amber - F(x)
-Hongki - FT Island

I know it must be irritating for me to be doing this but I've picked the people and we have too many from Teen Top. Is it possible for you to change?