TZJQ || Spencer || Main Vocal, Face of The Group




TZJQ 's Hiccuping Pranking Alien〉
USERNAME: parkFISHY_1015 |NAME: cocopoofz |ACTIVENESS: 3/10
Let's start

Full Name:  Jang Eunhee/ Spencer

Stage Name:  Spencer

Nickname/s: - talggi mosnter, koala

Nationality: - Korean- Australisn

Languages: English (native), Korean (fluent), French (conversational)

Date of Birth: 11/13/89

Age: 24

Place of Birth: - Brisbane

Hometown: - Brisbane

Height and Weight: 162 cm, 46 kg

Bloodtype: B

You look like him.
Face Claim: Nicole
Backup Face Claim: Bekah
Style:  She's more into the punk scene. She's fine with any kind of style, but her favorite style wold be punk. There are two things she hates wearing, even though she'll have to wear it anyway, DRESSES and SKIRTS.  she also has spider bites1 2 3
But you don't act like him

Personality:  Eunhee is the Hiccuping Pranking- Alien. These three adjectives sound wierd together, but it perfectly describes her. Though Eunhee has her incredibly immature moments, her dorky childishness is very much balanced with her natural maternal instincts and strong love for her group. She's a prankster for one. Her love for fun and pranks are noticable to people she's been with for a certain amount of time. she's crazy with her pranking.She's also a weirdo. Like, she'll do thins one can't even imagine. Some people wander if she's really 22. Her OCD is horrible and she turns into the pickest person ever. Eunhee may express her love a bit differently than other people, but the girl means well. ONe thing to notice about this girl is how closed up she tends to be. She usually keeps things to herself, naturally as she wouldn't want her members to worry about her, and stressing anymore they hafve to. And she's just the one to do so. It's not a matter of her being close to the girls, but more of her being an angsty child and not wanting to spread her troubles to others. Her anry side is something you'd NEVER want to meet. She has a short temper. When Eunhee learns something, she has to get it right or else she becomes frustrated. She loves challenes and never turns one down. She has a stubborn mind, so good luck on trin to changer her opinion or goal. Last thing, she can be an airhead sometimes. 

Background: Eunhee was born and mostly raised in Brisbane. She wanted to be many things when she was little. Her decision finally came when she saw The Veronicas perform on the morning news channel. Eunhee wanted to be like them, living out their dream. Her only problem was money. Her parents supported her all the way through but told her it's something that she has to work for on her own. So that's what she did. She got three jobs to get money for her hopefully new life in Korea. 

She was spotted by an SM person while at her night job in a little pub. 



-strawberry shortcakes

-aliens from toy story

-spicy food

-Demi Lovato

-The Veronicas



-hot weather

- disloyalty


-ssasaeng fans



-playing her psp, mainly persona 3

-watching doctor who

-watching vampire diaries

-taking picture with her nikon cam

-pranking people

Special Skill: chugging a whole can of soda (like Chanjo in Weekly Idol except can legit finish a can without stopping)


-she speaks from korean to english sometimes

-tends to stare into space

-tends to cuss a storm

-quit school at 16 to pursue her dream

-doesn't mind being called a koala

-she was singing and shouting like a derp one day which caused her to lose her voice for a day. 

-idolized The Veronicas and Demi Lovato

-little kid at heart thinking Hogwarts and the Doctor is real

-favorite word: supercalafragilisticexpialadoshus

-smart (street smart not book smart)

-Hiccups when she's nervous, excited/fangirling/happy




So you're related to him in what way?


cousin | Kim Jaejoong 

father | Jang Taejin 

mother | Jang Aria 

4 Friends and 3 Bestfriends-

Doojoon (b2st) | 24 

Gna | 26

Hyuna  (4Minute) | 21

Junghyung (b2st) | 23

Hanbyul (Led Apple) | 23

Ujin (d-unit) | 24

Nichkhun (2pm) | 25

How did you get into SM?: - She was spotted by an SM official during her night job.

Trainee Years: 5 years

Other Experiences: n/a



Some people are different onstage and off.

Persona: Hiccuping Pranking Alien

Personality onstage: Takes over the stage when it comes to her parts

Position: Main Vocal, Face of The Group

Back-up position: Middle High Note Vocalist

Personal Fanclub name: Oceanus

Personal Fanclub colours: #33cccc#33ccff

Training years: 5 years

Singing twin: Demi Lovato 

Dancing twin: n/a

Rapping twin: n/a




Nicole+Jung+KARA+Dessert+Girl+GIF+(3).gi tumblr_mg47dp6bcB1qb7fvmo1_500.gif
Why is he staring at you?
Name: Lee Minhyuk

Stage Name:  Minhyuk

Date of Birth: 11/23/90

Personality: Minhyuk may look tough on the outside, but once you get to know him, he's pretty nice. He's bright and cheerful. Minhyuk can lighten up any atmosphere just like that. He can make people laugh easily, and get along with them easily too. he loves to talk. He's the one that people go to when they need a shoulder. He gives advice once after they finish venting. Minhyuk's not afraid to tell what's on his mind. He tends to be protective over Eunhee. He can also be dense, as in he wouldn't realize a girl flirting with him, when it's obvious to everyone else.  

First Meeting: - they met at a cafe when they both wanted a strawberry shortcake, but there was one left so they decided to share...

Interactions: very open to each other to where they can call each other names. also like a koala its eukaliptis tree since, subconciously, they hug/ cuddle with each other.

Relationship: besties




Comments: - hope you liked her ^^v

Suggestions: running man, star dance battle,weekly idol, dream team, strong heart

Questions: - Can I use Demi as a singing twin?.....

Clarifications: - if not... singing twin park bommieeee~~~~

Violent Reactions: - BAAAANANAAAAAA!!!!!!! D:<




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