☆ — Park Spencer ┆ We Got a Family


  parkFISHY_1015 — cocopoofz— 5


    — Park, Spencer

Name : Park Spencer 스펜서

Nicknames : 
•Eunhee- her Korean name called by her family on her dad's side 

Birthday : 13 November 1989 

Age : 24

Nationality : Korean- French

Birthplace / Hometown : Normandy / Normandy & Seoul 

Face Claim : Park Hyemin

2nd Face Claim : Jin Jin

Appearance : she's the only Korean in her family that has 

gray eyes and blonde hair. All from her mother.



    — one and only wife

Characteristics : competitive, caring, dense, passionate, airhead, easily jealous

Personality : Spencer can be a competitive person. If someone challenges her to something, she'll say yes without thinking. Even if the punishment is really silly or whatnot, there's never a challenge she'll turn down. If she sees another girl go for someone she likes, she gets jealous very easily. She'll try to do something better than the girl to try and get his attention back. When does work things related to her group, like practice, recording, etc, she gets passionate in her work. The one thing Spencer hates is when her members goof around and not being serious during practice. Spencer focuses  on stage so she doesn't mess up. Right before she goes on stage, she spacesout to calm her nerves.

Spencer has the caring to her. She listens to people when they have problems; in return, she gives advice. Her members go to her when they have problems. She knows if someone is feeling sick, so she makes them porridge. Spencer can be slightly mean when she's jealous. She has the tendency to space out into space sometimes. Someone can make a whole speech and sometimes, she won't even hear because she's in her own world. She's dense. She wouldn't really know if a guy is obviously flirting with her. 

Likes :

• spicy food
• the aliens from toy story
• cold weather
• anything strawberries
• pudding
•her nikon cam

Dislikes : 
• hot weather
• sassaeng fans
• limes
• disloyalty
•being alone
• bugs
•horror movies

Habits : 
• when she's angry, speaking from korean to french
• staring into space
•tapping her fingers
•not sleeping

Hobbies : 
• playing video games (mainly on her psp or computer)
• writing lyrics
•composing music
• listening to music
• taking pictures with her nikon cam

Fears : 
• heights
• ghosts (she believes in paranormal stuff)
• being called weak
• spiders

Background : Spencer was born in Normandy, France, her brother following after five minutes. She lived in France until she was 13, then they moved to South Korea where she spent the rest of her life. Spencer is both native speaking in Korean and French because her mom would speak to her in French and her dad in Korean. She auditioned for D-Business and is now the visual and rapper in the group. 

Family :
dad | Park Taejin | 52 | occupation | funny, caring, competitive, airhead, protective | they get along easily since they both have the same characteristics

mom | Park Aria | 50 | hair stylist |bubbly, funny, motherly, silly, carefree  | they're more like sisters rather than mother and daughter

 twin brother | Park Sangjun/ Ian | 24 |model | trickster, overprotective, loving, nice, derp | he loves messing with his sister. He pulls little pranks on her

Idol Friends : 
besties | Jung Yujin (Ujin) | 24 | Idol | funny, competitive, silly, hardworking,  | ex member of D-unit | they're the 'Gaming Sisters of D-Business'. They love playing against each other in games. 

Group : D-unit
Position : Rapper/ visual

Company : D-Business

On Camera / Off Camera : On cam and on stage she has that fierce, charismatic aura around her. When she's on vareity shows, it shows more her fun side. Her competitive side shows when she's on shows like Running Man. Cameras catch her as being as careless and no heart sometimes. Of cam, she's extremely nice and curtious. 

Languages : French (native), Korean (native), English (conversational)

    — Kim, Sunggyu

Name : Kim Sunggyu 김성규

Nicknames : 
• Grandpa- Infinite members because he's always tired
• Sunggyu appa- by Leo 
• Hamtaro-by Spencer because he reminds her of him.
• spiders

Birthday : 28 April 1989 

Age : 24

Nationality : korean

Languages : Korean (native), Japanese (conversational), Chinese (conversational)

Group : Infinite
Position : Main Vocalist, Leader
Company : Woolim  




    — one and only husband

Personality : Sunggyu may look tough on the outside, but once you get to know him, he's pretty nice. He's bright and cheerful. Sunggyu can lighten up any atmosphere just like that. He can make people laugh easily, and get along with them easily too. Sunggyu can be very attentive sometimes, so doing hidden cams wouldn't work. he loves to talk. He's the one that people go to when they need a shoulder. He gives advice once after they finish venting.Sunggyu's not afraid to tell what's on his mind. He tends to be protective over Spencer. He can also be dense, as in he wouldn't realize a girl flirting with him, when it's obvious to everyone else.  


Relationship with your character : At first, it would be little arguments with these two over the littlest things. As time went on, there were barely any fights- some but it'd be rare. 

Relationship with your child : Half the time, he would be a grandpa and father towards Leo. He acts like he does because he doesn't want Leo going down the wrong path when he grows up. He loves to play with Leo to the point sometimes he forgets Spencer exists. 
On Camera / Off Camera : yes

   웃 — Reicpon, Leo

Name : Recipon Leo 레잊본 러

Nicknames : 
• Saja- by Sunggyu and Spencer since his name is Lion in french,they call him Lion in Korean.

Birthday : 7 September 2008

Age : 5




    — one and only child

Characteristics : loud, indecisive, active, picky, cute

Personality : He's very hyper. He can't sit still for too long. He likes to distract Spencer or Sunggyu if they cook. He gets extra hyper if he gets to see one of his parents performing and sees them backstage. He uses his cuteness to get things he wants. When he sees any pretty girl, he uses aegyo.  He can be competitive like Spencer since he has a will to do anything. So there would be sometimes they would compete against each other. He can get real picky if things don't go his way. There are times where he would throw a tantrum. 

Relationship with your character : they instrantly clicked since they're both the same- French Korean. He sometimes speaks to Spencer in French, especially when he doesn't want Sunggyu to know something. 

Relationship with their dad :  It took some time for the two boys to bond because of Sunggyu's constant nagging. Now, Leo sometimes favors Sunggyu over Spencer. 

    — finish line

Comments : sorry for not filling out Leo's and Sunggyu's optional thingy... my head went blank OTL

Suggestions :
-they go to the aquarium
-when Spencer meets Infinite, she instantly clicks with L since he reminds her of her brother. Sunggyu gets jelly on their interaction >
-the three of them make a huge fort and fall asleep in it while having a movie marathon.

Anything Else I Should Know : n/a

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