☁ mischief managed 〔 ❛ lee hayeon 〕

beauxbatons academy  student app.




` beauxbatons babe.  
 ┊ lee hayeon
nicknames ┊ n/a
birthday & age ┊ 02/28 & 17  
birthplace & hometown ┊busan, south korea
ehtnicity ┊ korean
status ┊ pureblood 

ulzzang name ┊ kang sura 
images ┊ gallery
back up ulzzang name ┊ yu rim  
images ┊ gallery 

` i solemnly swear.  
 ┊ eyes can tell you everything about a person; hayeon's eyes, however, have the tendancy to turn upwards into crescent moons as soon as her lips twitch into a smile. she's reasonably easygoing and carefree, and she'd definitely follow her heart over her head. unfortunately, hayeon wishes she could please everybody, being blood type a she longs for peace, harmony and happiness. however this is often clouded with her want for everyone to see things her way and her inability to take no for an answer. she doesn't like to be told what to do, and she especially won't keep shut if she hears something she doesn't like.

intelligence doesn't come to everybody and unfortunately hayeon is everybody. what she doesn't lack is common sense and perseverence. her determination and faith in herself, however, still causes her to be overactive and very determined, and she tries hard with everything she does, school, love, friendship. the best way to describe her would be warm and her smile is mostly infectious and a telltale sign to her heart which is worn a little too close to her sleeve. she hates her own naivety as it does nothing to help her insecurities. hayeon is fair and likes to sit on the fence. she doesn't consider herself competitve, prefering to take the impartial route when conflict arrives, though her friends would disagree. her diplomacy, however, is left firmly outside the quidditch grounds which is the only thing that gets her really riled. healthy sportsmanship, she calls it, but those on the receiving end of her sailor's mouth may not agree if she's not pleased with the final score. it's fortunuate she's small enough to be carried away.

hayeon's mind has the liability to wander a little... meaning she's quite the daydreamer. sometimes she needs nothing more than a clip upside the head to bring her back down to reality. her cheerful and friendly demeanor doesn't often faulter. she will never give up fighting for something she believes in and she will speak up for what is right. injustice is something that she will never accept.  

history ┊ she had nothing to complain about; growing up in busan, practically attached to her brother, hoya's hip for the first ten years of their life, and trying her best in school. albeit, not always with her preferred outcome but she always did her best. like any young person, her curiosity was off the scale and it often found her getting into more harm than good. growing up, the most important person in her life was her brother and she was positive nothing would ever change that. she was always one of the boys, and spending so much time with her brother and his friends saw her through many bumps and scratches be it falling from trees or her bike.

it was hard for hayeon to accept, that her and her brother would be attending different schools that weren't even in the same country. it meant she had to grow up and she wouldn't have him to step in whenever anyone tried to push her around, and that didn't please her not one bit. however, it didn't take her long to fit in at beauxbatons, even if she did have to wear a stupid, frilly uniform.
likes ┊
-her broom; a coment 290 which she got for her 16th birthday to replace her battered comet 180
-the colour yellow
-wizarding fairy tales; 'the fountain of fair fortune' is her favourite
-exploring; especially places she shouldn't be
-her cat; whom she will talk to as if he could understand
-causing trouble; usually to satisfy boredom
-invisible ink
-most wizard candy; though her favourites are chocolate cauldrons, ginger newts and ice mice
-hayeon and her friends have their own version of hide and seek in which the seeker must hex or charm those they find, despite it being frowned upon by members of staff

dislikes ┊
-tea; especially the rubbish divination claims to it, too
-history of magic; she was more than pleased to drop that class
-puffskeins; their tongues freak her out
-exams; and homework for that matter
-losing; especially losing at quidditch
-early mornings; getting out of bed is such a chore
-dresses or anything with frills; she'd prefer a pair of shorts any day
-rules and instructions; she would prefer just general guidelines and wing it

-quidditch; her all time favourite thing to do
-games that involve wagering; because it makes things more exciting
-practicing incantations and charms without speaking

habits ┊
-talking to her cat as if he could actually understand
-getting a little too competetive when watching or playing quidditch
-insisting on group studying; so that she can avoid actually having to study herself
-getting out of bed during lights out; after she's woken someone else up to join her of course

trivia ┊
-her dream job would be to be a quidditch referee, that is if she wasn't able to play professionally
-she used to buy chocolate frogs just for the chocolate and always gave hoya the card.
-her favourite spell is muffliato; what better way to keep a secret, a secret
-she has an irrational fear of travelling by floo powder and apparation; she's heard too many horror stories
-her wand is made of hawthorn wood with a unicorn hair core
-her favourite quidditch team are the toyohashi tengu of japan
-her favourite subject is quidditch (obviously) but she enjoys care of magical crreatures
-she thinks it would be amazing to see a dragon close up 
-she likes potions class, but unfortunately isn't very good at it
-her brother is a student of hogwarts, and is a gryffindor
-before she came to beuxbatons, her parents gave both her and her brother a cat to take with them from the same litter. her cat is named 'little  prince' though she tends just to call him 'little' he has yellow eyes and is very much a lazy ball of fur;
-the first place on her list when they go to rus de paradis is the sweet store, of course
-she's a beater for her house quidditch team, along with her best friend, sunny

` your mother's eyes.  
FATHER ┊ lee wonyoung ┊ pureblood ┊he is knowledgable and very wise. he has a lot of faith in his children and just wants the best for them. he's a proud man and would fight for his family. he has a good relationship with both of his children and is particularly soft towards hayeon.

MOTHER ┊ lee jinhee ┊ halfblood ┊she likes to look her best as she claims having twins aged her horribly. she's a hard worker and thinks on the bright side of everything but she worries too much about her children. she makes sure to write to them both every couple of weeks.
-to the muggle world, and to their children before they knew of their magical abilities, wonyoung and jinhee are jewellers; they stock and sell muggle jewellry. but behind the scenes they are metal charmers, using intricate charms and spells to give metal magical properties. their personal specialities and whay they are known for are golden snitches.

BROTHER ┊ lee 'hoya' howon ┊ pureblood ┊he's fair and utterly loyal, especially to his sister, not that he would openly admit it anymore. he recognises right and wrong but is less likely to stand up for what he believes in, instead he would just polish the soap box for his sister; afterall his voice was often drowned out by hers anyway.
hoya and hayeon are twins, fraternal, but still bare a spin tingling likeness when it comes down to their personalities despite the growing number of differences as they get older. hoya is thirteen minutes older than hayeon.

BEST FRIEND lee 'sunny' sunkyu ┊ halfblood ┊she's a ball of energy and never stop smiling. she's vibrant, full of colour, and hasn't a bad bone in her body. sunny and hayeon together is always a recipe for disaster as the two always manage to get into trouble. they make a good team on the qudditch pitch and despite them both being a little on the small side, they can be intimidating once they both have their beater bats.

FRIEND ┊lee jooyeon ┊ pureblood ┊she definitely outwits hayeon and has a good sense of humour but is a little more introverted than her. she worries a lot about her studies and is on the shy side. hayeon brings out her exuberant side, they've been long term friends since the first year despite being in different houses.

FRIEND jun demoustier┊ halfblood ┊a hogwarts student whom hayeon bonded with almost instantly. he's a little of a mess and doesn't know how to keep his tongue tied. he asks ridiculous questions that leave most stunned and has a fondness for adventure. there's not a lot he'll say no to and hayeon finds him a lot of fun to be around.

RIVALkim jonghyun ┊ pureblood ┊he's cocky, arrogant and ignorant to those around him. he knows he's good looking and he knows he's rich. hayeon has pointed out, maybe a little too loudly, that he doesn't have smarts, and she gets more and more irritated when she sees him walk past like he owns the ground he walks on. if she weren't so self restrained or restrained by hoya and sunny she'd challenge that big-headed-slytherin to a duel! she'd probably lose, because duelling isn't her strong point, but she'd lose knowing she fought for her own beliefs. 
` magic inside us.  
desired partnersunggyu (infinite)
back up partner(s) ┊ seungri (big bang)

first meeting ┊ as far as i was concerned there was nothing special about him, i mean he didn't stand out to me, what's so special about him anyway? i was just minding my own business- okay, no, i was minding the business of trying to hex sunny into next year without her noticing. it didn't help that jooyeon wouldn't shut up telling me it was a bad idea, but, maybe i said the spell wrong- i don't think i did but something went wrong and it backfired. it happens to the best of us. it's happened to me a bunch of times, but the point is, i was just picking myself up, dusting myself off- the cat was out of the bag now anyway, but then this no-eyed, red-haired piece of- *clears throat* this guy starts laughing at me like i was some sort of side show. considering he was on our turf, he was pretty rude, so i asked him what the hell he wanted; the next think i know he's glaring at me through his tiny, tiny eyes telling me to get out of his way or he'd show me what a real hex was. the cheek! i mean i tried to hex at him, of course but, *sighs* jooyeon wouldn't let go of my wand arm and the little twerp got away. 

personality ┊ he's confident in himself, that's for sure, and maybe a little too confident. he has intelligience but will act like it's just common knowledge to him and he likes to think he knows enough about everything  to have the last word and critique. he acts like he doesn't care about anything, but he has big dreams for himself and is quite quick witted and quick to think. he has good leadership qualities but he likes to stick his nose where he's not wanted, not that it stops him. 
it seems that whatever hayeon does, he has a comment or critque on how he could do it better or what she is doing wrong. he's very quick to judge absolutely everything she does or says and it makes her blood boil. even when she spits back a reply or an insult all he does is laugh and make her feel very, very small. it's when he starts to insult her ability to play quidditch that she truly loses it and after she's been carried away kicking and screaming whilst trying to bludgen him with a beaters bat, she realises she's actually upset by his words. it makes her even more angry to know that his words have started to matter, and what started with her trying to prove him wrong has twisted into trying to gain his approval and to even impress him.

scene requests ┊
-hayeon is at quidditch practice when she hears him start jeering at her inability to play, and that she plays like a girl; she picks up her beaters bat, hops off her broom and marches straight towards him spewing threats and cursewords all the while hoya and sunny drag her backwards and off of the pitch.
-her cat goes missing and she automatically blames sunggyu
-for her to confront jonghyun in a duel, who only laughs at her, and for her to lose, badly. she sees sunngyu in the group of people watching and expects him to be laughing, but instead he looks sorry.
-if it were to get to the stage where they were almost able to tolerate one another, it would be rather amusing if he were to try to kiss her when she wasn't looking but it to be intervened by a displeased brother *cough* who may /accidently/ throw a charm or hex sunggyu's way.

` expecto patronum.  
comments/suggestions ┊ i literally worked on this since the app came out! /collapses. i truly hope everything is okay but do tell me if it isn't^^  i may add some more scene requests in the future if i can think of any but for now i think i am finally done! but i wish you the best of luck with this story!
-oh and all the other names in the story for friends and family etc are hyperlinked to a photo^^

password ┊ muffliato



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