[♦]— bad mood.


 because nothing is going right
I have been in the foulest mood the last couple of days, I mean lately I've been doing really good but then it all just went to absolute and I feel terrible all over again. there's some things that are so impossibly difficult to deal with and I don't know how I'm supposed to do it. I literally don't even want to talk to anyone, and to top it off my last hospital appointment wasn't great and I'm just hitting a low. I think I'm going to Korea next week for a few weeks just to blow off some steam because I'm way too stressed and I miss my friends terribly. it's my birthday this month, and I couldn't care less. ugh.


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If you just need to rant, you can always PM me. I don't think I'm in the right frame of mind to answer anything yet, but sometimes writing your frustrations down somewhere helps, and knowing someone will hear you may also make you feel better. Whatever you do, hold on in there okay? Remember: 'this too shall pass' :)
You know, I've always believed that when I'm feeling the worst I've ever felt, like nothing in my life is going right and that everything is just so wrong and bad that I want curl up in my bed and cry, there is usually something extremely good that will come afterwards :) good things will come so keep strong ^^ everything will turn out fine ;)