` a special relationship ♥ 〈 lynnette gao 〉



a special relationship  
⋮ Kelli ⋮ Lynnette Gao ⋮ 9


character name  Lynnette Gao

nicknames  Lynn (shorten version of her name, pretty much everyone calls her this)

美月; Mei Yue (Chinese name, family calls her this sometimes)

 Mei Mei (play on her name, mix between mei (pretty) and mei mei (younger sister). Henry called her this occasionally)

birthday/age  07/30/1990 (22)

residing in  Seoul, South Korea (Hometown: Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

ethnicity  Chinese

languages  English (Fluent), Mandarin Chinese (Fluent), Korean (Semi-Fluent), French (Basic)

face claim  Wang Yiyi, gallery

back up face claim  Lee Eunji, gallery










all about you.


` key terms ) Emotional, Bubbly, Clingy, Reliant, Indecisive

likes ) • Chicken dumplings

• 'youth' beauty products

• sunblock/sun protection products

• thai tea boba

• ballads

• lychee

• dragonfruit

• pancakes (and maple syrup haha)

• raw fish

• mocha latte with cinnamon

• almond milk

• Edgar Allan Poe

• Harry Potter

` dislikes ) • lemonade

• black coffee

• sour gummy worms

• anything that makes her look tan

• onions

• spiders

• hot, sunny, humid days/climates

• being alone

• needles

• spicy foods

• running

• health/biology stuff

hobbies ) • diy natural skin whitening (twice a week)

• karaoke (once or twice a month)/singing

• reading/writing poetry

• writing english covers of kpop songs

habits ) • writing on her hand

• running her hands through her bangs

• cursing softly in english/mandarin (when she trips, when she's mad, etc)

• grimacing when she does something wrong

• speaking kochinglish (korean-chinese-english)

• complaining to her bff whenever things go wrong

` other information) • she is currently in Seoul to get her teaching degree. She plans to teach english there.

• she shares a two bedroom apartment with her best friend, Vivian.

• she moved to Seoul for two reasons (because she could've gotten her degree in Canada): her best friend was moving back, and the love of her life was going there.

 • Lynnette has only dated two guys; the first for two weeks (8th grade), the second for two months (10th grade) who she later broke up with because she started liking someone else.




 Lynn, the youngest in her family (cousins and all), was raised slightly spoiled. She was a rather emotional child, crying when she tripped and immediately cheering up when offered something she liked. As she grew up, she still overreacted to pretty much everything, but learned to hide her sadness until she was alone. She found crying in front of people very embarrassing by then, having done so millions of times.
 She is mostly indecisive when it came to small things that don't require much thought; however, when it comes to big decisions, she makes one decision and sticks with it. It would take a lot of effort to change her mind if she really decided on something. Lynn usually makes decisions based on other people, such as her friends, her family, or her crush. She is dependent on them.
 Lynn was always the child that made her friends smile, because she was just like a cheerful baby that needed love and care. Of course, she repelled many because of her dependent, clingy nature. In many ways, she was like a child; she smiled and laughed and joked mostly, but almost anything could sour her mood (from insults to bad grades to p.e.).
 Although indecisive, Lynn tried to make decisions that would please everyone and help in the longrun. She was dubbed a "people pleaser" at some point in highschool, somewhere in between constantly bringing her show choir donuts and helping the teachers clean up after class. Some things she did out of the goodness of her heart; other things she did because she didn't want to look bad. Most things she did for the sake of her image.
 Lynn was also somewhat insecure, thinking that everyone thought her as a spoilt child. Of course, not everyone thought that and shew as aware, but the period of time in her freshman year when she was called "teacher's pet" and "people pleaser" really made her depressed. True, she was those things, but that didn't make her any less sad. She cried everyday after school and sang herself to sleep. Her friends said she was overreacting, but she was just naturally emotional.










Robert Gao ) visual link.
Father | 55 | Head lawyer of a law firm
Robert seems very strict and commanding, but really, he loves his two baby girls. He spoils both and only gave them the best. If they asked for it, 90% of the time, they would get it. He cannot say no to their adorable faces, unless they asked for or the like. He made plenty of money and spent most of his family time (which was very little) taking his family out and buying them things. 

Meiting Gao-Lu ) visual link
Mother | 54 | College math teacher 
Meiting is what you may call a "f.o.b.". She came to Canada when she was 17 to get a better education...and that's almost all she thinks about. She cares deeply for her husband and family, however, she is the stern commander in the house. She may love her two daughters, but that sure as hell wouldn't stop her from making sure they got good grades, were respectful and polite, and stayed out of trouble. Meiting could go from calm to "what do you mean you got a C-?!!!" in 0.3 seconds.

Angelica Choi-Gao ) visual link
Sibling | 28 | Husband's company's lawyer 
Angelica was the popular girl that you saw walking in the halls. She had it all: the looks, the grades, the popularity, the steady boyfriend from freshman year. However, she looked down on Lynn and often got irritated when Lynn asked for help or invited her to play. She was rather vain, high-maintainence, manipulative, and didn't take hardship well. She ended up marrying her highschool sweetheart and went through law school easily (though not all of her passing grades were due to long hours of studying...)

Vivian Lee ) visual link
Best Friend | 22 | newspaper journalist
Vivian was the calm and rational to Lynn's emotional and rash. Whenever Lynn overreacted, she was there to say (albeit a bit harshly) that there was nothing to be sad about. Even though they were almost completely opposite, they fit well together. Vivian helped Lynn with issues that would need a logical decision; Lynn helped Vivian with boys, makeup, and and cheering up. Even if they didn't necessarily always like what the other liked, they were comfortable around each other and had been sharing drinks, food, and clothes since they met in sixth grade.





name ) Henry Lau
` group ) Super Junior-M
back up ) Eli, Key, Sunggyu
group of back up choice ) U-Kiss, SHINee, INFINITE
key terms ) Determined, jester, prioritized, friendly, confident
personality ) Henry always put his dream of being a performer first and foremost. He didn't care if he had to train days and days on end, he didn't care if he had to go to a new country with new food and a different language, he didn't care if he had haters. He would go through it all just to be a singer. He knew he had talent, and he wanted to show the world what he could do.
 Despite his career-orientated habits, he is a jokester. He likes playing pranks and teasing people, and rarely likes being serious with friends. He likes joking around with people and reminding them that he's a normal, fun loving guy. Sure, he's a part of one of the biggest acts in Asia, but that's besides the point.
 Henry's confident act can sometimes be received as conceited, and perhaps he brags. However, he is in need of recognition and praise, for he thrives on it. He hates not making people happy and tries to be the best he can. However, there is one line he follows: "You can't please the people, so just please yourself."
love line ) They met in Lynn's tenth grade year, where they attended the same school. They were both in the school music program (she in show choir, he in orchestra). They met when the music teacher had the orchestra students and show choir members meet during lunch. He wanted to do a mix between the two, where a select group of musicians would play the instrumental for a soloist or duet. Lynn tried out for a solo, while Henry tried out to be a violinnist. She got the solo, and he got to play the instrumental for her song (along with a second violinnist, a violist, and a cellist). Over the time they worked on the piece (Imagine, by John Lennon), they got closer and became friends. Their piece won second place in district competition, but they didn't stop hanging out there.
 He was a grade above her, so the only real times they could hang out was afterschool. However, during the summertime, they spent four days a week together; going to the mall, going to the movies, karaoke... They did almost everything during the summertime. They were like boyfriend and girlfriend...but they weren't.
 Henry was extremely decdicated about getting into SMent, and worked very hard. He took dance classes, worked on his Korean, played instruments like they were his life, and composed like no tomorrow. This eventually reduced their hanging out time to about two-three days a week during the summer, and once a month during the school year. They were close, but not that close anymore. 
 Finally, it was the last day of summer after his graduation; she still had one more year to go. Tearfully, she said, "Good luck in college. I'll see you agian, you bet on it; whether you're here in Canada or in South Korea." He hugged her for about five minutes as she cried (and he stayed silent).
 In the middle of her final year in school, he called her saying that he'd been accepted into SMent and was moving to Seoul. She told him that he'd be so famous and so loved, and this is when he finally said something: "Listen, I know I'm being selfish and it'll be hard on you... But I've liked you for a long time now, maybe since tenth grade. I know I'll be so busy, and I'll be halfway across the world...but will you be my girlfriend?" She, of course, accepted and they began dating long distance.
 When she had to choose where to go for college, she immediately jumped on Vivian's move to Seoul and decided to get her education degree at an international university. Lynn managed to see Henry slightly, but they rarely talked. Lynn often felt rejected and sad, and wondered if she should just break up with Henry.
 Lynn didn't have to wonder for long; somewhere in her third year of college, he called her to break up with her. Henry said that it wasn't working out so well, he didn't feel romantic love for her, and that his job was first. She didn't yell at him or anything; she simply agreed and hung up. A little while afterwards, while she was in the middle of class, she began to sob. Everything hit her like a ton of bricks.
 About two months afterwards, he called her back and asked if they could meet up to talk. She complied and they met up. They agreed to try and make it work again.
 Lynn feels guilty about dating Henry, however, because during the time they tried to make it work again, she had had a crush on a guy in her classes that sat diagonally to the right of her... Xie An, from Taiwan, reminded her so much of how Henry was back in highschool, so friendly, so joking, more relaxed.


scene requests  
• Lynn and Henry meet up somewhere (while he's in disguise) and they end up fighting (either one could start the argument over their past relationship), causing onlookers to realize who he is.

 • Lynn hangs out with Henry and the rest of SJ (or other SM artists), hilarity ensues from miscommunications and awkward skinship.

I am personally a fan of bittersweet endings, teehee. Seeing their on and off typeish past, they could just end their relationship for good and move on...or continue on in their game of going nowhere. I do like happy endings, though... But for the loveline I gave them, a happy ending seems somewhat improbable. Surprise me! :3

I really like your plot idea, and don't hesitate to tell me if I need to fix anything ouo

I actually found this while looking through f(x)'s tracklist, hoping to find a good song that went with the loveline. It fits pretty darn well, and dayummm the singing.

a special relationship  




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