idiot's island | ahn daniel

InpiniteuTinTap   |   Kelli (though buttsniffer would be more accurate)
Basic Character Information!
Full Name:  Ahn Daniel
Nicknames: Niel - short for Daniel Fish Lips - his bigass lips
Languages:  Korean (fluent) English (fluent w/accent) Japanese (basic as hell)
Plotline: The In Denial Duo; The Two Who Need To Grow Up




Face Claim Name: Ahn Daniel 

1 2 3 4 5

Back Up Face Claim: Choi Junhong (Zelo)

1 2 3 4 5

Let me ask you one question. Are you high?

Stubborn, Rebellious, Energetic

Personality: "That little " would probably describe Niel perfectly. Once he's set his mind on something, he won't listen to any other alternatives, and if you try to dissuade him, he will retort immediately. He is also more likely to do something if someone tells him not to. Niel loves attention, gets excited really easily and almost nothing will break his excited highs; if one tried to dampen his mood, he'd probably just punch them and continue flailing. He is also very competitive and will do almost anything to win. He will not admit defeat.

Despite his defiant tendencies, Niel is rather insecure. He hates when people call him "Fish Lips" because he thinks they're too fat. A perfectionist, as well, he will work hard until whatever he is doing is deemed godlike. He gets self conscious when someone insults his looks or voice, and will lash out. He has a short temper, a sharp, vulgar tongue, and nothing against violence. Despite his skinny, bony figure, his uppercut will leave almost anyone with a split chin.

Amongst close friends, Daniel likes skinship and is a bit of a hyper dork. He does get mad at them, defy them, and hit them, but his more awkward, childlike side also shows through. He'll cling to someone and then punch them when they comment on his lips. He'll get super excited over boba milk tea and beg/threaten someone to buy it for him (because he is cheap). At times when he is extremely hyper, he will talk in an extremely annoying whiny voice, his eyes will be huge, and he will be 100x more physical. Niel will flail, he will scream, he will kick, he will jump, and he will surely punch. 


1) Boba Milk Tea

2) Se7en

3) Soccer

4) Theatre

5) Egg Pancakes

6) Taekwondo 

7) D.Gray Man

8) Cataccinos

9) Soondubu jjiggae


1) Biology

2) Green Tea

3) School Uniforms

4) Horror movies (Realistic ones, not the jump out scare type.)

5) Mixed nut mooncake

6) Waking up early

7) Bell Peppers

8) American Football

9) The smell of vinegar

Trivia: 1) Niel is a sleep talker/walker. Sometimes he'll just mumble - other times, he'll run around sounding like the grudge. One time, he fell asleep doing homework and answered his math questions almost all correct (even if his writing wasn't so legible). 

2) He had to quit soccer because he broke his leg playing it...and broke his other leg trying to play it with crutches. He's healed, but not fully.

3) He learned basic Japanese so he could read manga.

4) His dad made him learn English since he was young because of their religiousness. Since he hated being told what to do, he rebelled instead became Buddhist. He isn't super religious, but he is Buddhist.

5) Niel has heterochromia iridum in his left eye - it's discolored to a chestnut brown - and is proud of it.

6) Niel is a bit stingy on money, since he did basically run away from home.

7) his parents still don't know he didn't go to uni like he was supposed to, even if he's been in Hawaii for a year. (He's twenty, and he left at nineteen.)

Background: Niel grew up in a very strict Christian home, where he wasn't allowed to do much at all. He had to beg his parents to let him play soccer, they wouldn't let him read mangas, read Harry Potter, or even act. He absolutely hated it and finally rebelled when he was 10. He went out with his parents' credit cards, got his hair dyed, his ears pierced, and went to check out Buddhism. They were furious; he didn't give a .

 They tried sending him to private, religious schools, but he didn't care. He was still good academic student - one of the best - but he broke most of the rules. He may not have known what he wanted to be in life, but he knew he wanted to have options. When he graduated, his parents attempted to send him away to a religious college in Hawaii. Niel went...but not for the college. His parents trusted him (and believed that his 'angel' friends Sungjong, Byunghun, and Chanhee would keep him in line) and gave him money  for the tuition and a debit card for his other expenses.

 He went to Hawaii with his friends...and never paid for the college. He bought a cheap apartment with Sungjong (who was also a rebellious devil) and got two part time jobs. He doesn't know when he's going back to Seoul, but he's not planning on going back anytime soon...

The Love Story: Niel met Minsoo while he was practicing taekwondo. It was a nice Saturday evening, the sun setting and all that. Niel was at the beach, pretty much alone. He practiced taekwondo with his eyes closed to feel more badass, when suddenly he kicked something and lost balance. When he opened his eyes, Minsoo was there, laughing at him. Apparently, Minsoo had grabbed his leg and threw him off. They argued and sparred, none of them winning. They became kind of friends and Minsoo offered to take Niel out to dinner. Niel insisted on paying and they ended up arguing at the restaurant. 

 Niel sorta kinda has a crush on Minsoo, but also wants to beat him in taekwondo. He also finds Minsoo's abs really hot. But there's also the part of Niel that thinks he might just like Minsoo because it's goes against his parents' beliefs. Also, Niel thinks that Minsoo's tattoos are super hot. He wants to them. He wonders how Minsoo'd look with eyeliner. Probably double hot. Sungjong also gets on Niel's case for having weird dreams about Minsoo. Once, Niel woke up on his front porch, sloppily dressed, the morning before a date sparring meet. 

 Although Niel has to begrudgingly admit Minsoo would be the dominant one in bed (hurhurhur), Niel has got Minsoo whipped. Sure, they compete, they throw insults at each other, they argue a lot, but when Niel acts like a hyperactive two year old, Minsoo complies to everything. As soon as Niel screeches out, "BUY ME BOBAAAAAA!" Minsoo will have his wallet out and already have ordered a Milk Tea Boba with extra boba. Niel likes feeling like a man, but why pay for things when you can have someone else pay?

 Minsoo is like Niel's guide to Hawaii. Since Minsoo had been living there since he was born, he is fluent in English and semi-fluent in Korean. Minsoo thinks Niel should go to college, but Niel refuses. This is one of many topics of their arguments. Niel has become such a big part of Minsoo's life that his parents even call Niel "Minsoo's goldfish". 

 Whenever they compete in anything (taekwondo, races, drawing a cow), it's almost as if someone is setting off bombs. There're so many insults, curses, screams, punches, and . However, sometimes, Niel wishes he could just tell Minsoo he likes him without having to be violent. Niel's come pretty close to confessing (sometimes awake, sometimes asleep). 


Love Interest: Bang Minsoo - Teen Top - 22

Personality: Minsoo looks like a gang member; he has a well built, fit body, tattoos, and loves wearing sunglasses. He also knows taekwondo and jujitsu and could probably toss a grown man to the ground. However, he loves cuddles and has a weakness for cute things. Like Niel, with his pouty lips and violent tendencies. Minsoo, however, doesn't know how to show affection so well. He'll spoil them rotten, but is more likely to tease them instead of huggle them to death. Even though he likes huggles. He does huggle people. And he smiles like an idiot a lot, too.

 He is sometimes really awkward, doing things normal, sane people wouldn't and laughing loudly when everyone else is straight faced. He is very protective of his friends, family, and cute things, and will not let harm befall them. Only he is allowed to tease and argue with his friends, family, and cute things. If someone tries to hurt them, he will cretainly use his strength to use. He aint afraid to break a few bones. 

 Minsoo isn't exactly the competitive, rebellious type. In fact, he is actually somewhat mellow (albeit awkward). But when he wants to get someone's attention, then he'll try to show to them that he is good at things. Of course, this often backfires when they feel hurt he is better than them. He has, since then, started only doing enough so he's their level. Unless it's drawing things, because he graduated with his major in that. 

Back Up Love Interest: Bang Yongguk - B.A.P - 22 

(he acts like Minsoo. Just sayin'. Unless you want to write out everything above, but in different words.)


Family Members:

Mother | Ahn Lynn | 50 | alive | religious, trusting, naïve

Father | Ahn Joseph | 52 | alive | religious, strict, bigoted

Younger Brother | Ahn David | 17 | alive | obediant, nonchalant, scholarly


Lee Sungjong (Infinite) | 19 | Sassy, cunning, stubborn

Lee Byunghun (Teen Top) | 20 | cheerful, humorous, lazy

Lee Chanhee (Teen Top) | 20 | friendly, emotional, energetic

Any Questions: can i haz a potato jk jk Umm If somehow Niel is taken can you please change him to Choi Junhong and instead of mister Bang Minsoo mister Bang Yongguk because BangLo yoooo 

Comments: I love this concept and idea :3

Concerns: [no comment]


Credit:  < a tori creation >


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