‹ 전쟁이야 — cheat♦sheet









   천 개의 발자국 
full name ) nickname/s ) the full name should be asian that matches your character's ethnicity. if there's a name you prefer your character to go by then list it in the nicknames and explain why and who calls them it. however, try not to get carried away with tonnes of really strange nicknames.

birthdate ♦ age ) : for age, state their age that they appear, keep it  
however, if your character is already, technically 'dead' like a vampire, then state how old they actually are in brackets. for example; 24 (429). otherwise, their age is just as normal.
-vampires can live for thousands of years.
-werewolves and fairies have an average life span of 500-600 years and have a slow aging process. because of their healing powers fairies tend always to remain youthful and beautiful looking.
-shapeshifters age slowly but not as slow as the other divisions and live for around 200 years.
-feeders have a reduced life expectancy as the constant draining of their blood takes a toll on them and they become increasingly weak and die early.
-other humans have regular life expectancy.
-demons, like vampires, can live for thousands of years.

ethnicity ) : be realistic, at leat 50% asian, don't use any old nationality unless there's a reason for it.

( birthplace  hometown ) : the story is set in Korea, so if your character wasn't born there nor did they grow up there include how they got there in their background.

languages ) : if you can explain why your character knows fifty two languages that's great, but other wise try to keep it to a minimal amount.


   태양을 본 별처럼 ⋮
division ♦ classification ) : division is one of the 6 divisions mentioned in the information chapter; vampires, werewolves, fairies, shapeshifters, humans and the abolished. classification is what being they are, exactly. this is more for the last four divisions as vampires and werewolves are the only beings in their groups. we don't advise you being half one and half another, however it is possible but you can only be a part of one division so bear that in mind. message either of the authors if you want to clarify it.
note* try to be unique. it's terribly y or exciting to have your character a vampire but they are the rarest of beings and we don't want 20 applications all for vampires, and so on.

special ability/ies ) : most beings will have acquired special abilities or powers, this is where you can list them but don't go over the top.
-a lot of vampires will have mind powers.
-werewolves have less variety but you could may well describe any of their special abilities because of being a wolf, or their shifting. be creative.
-fairies are good with elements, mostly air and water but there are some with earth and fire powers. some even have healing powers, and in rare cases, mind powers. 
-for shifters, include here which animal/being they shift to, it's unlikely to be more than one. or if they're a mermaid or harpy or other half-human-seeming being. note* mermaids turn at the touch of water or at their will but will otherwise take human form. they can have power over water. shifters can also have other powers depending on their type but you can have some creativity here.
-humans are pretty much ability-less unless they are a psychic or witch. 
-the abolished have many possibilites as the most of them possess demonic powers when banished.

appearance ) : you can describe the way your character looks here as best you can with any extras.

ulzzang ) : try to pick an ulzzang that actually fits your character and don't go for a popular one just because that seems easier. make sure your ulzzang matches your character's ethnicity. if your character is korean, use a korean face, the same goes for chinese, japanese and so on. if your character is half and half then use either.

note* yu rim & go ara are taken as face claims.



   빛이 되어 줘 ⋮
personality traits ) : make sure your positive traits don't clash with your negative ones. for example, someone who is "kind" isn't likely to be "quick-tempered" etc.
personality ) : a paragraph is 5-8 sentences. you can write as much as you want so long as it's over 2 paragraphs as long as it's relevent. a personality is really easy to write if you just write it around your personality traits. it's vital they have flaws too as we really don't want anyone who seems 'perfect' or 'plain' for that matter.

strengths ) : try not to confuse their strengths with their special ability if they have one. this is more for their own personal strengths that may (but not just) present themselves in battle like stealth, speed, stamina, strength etc, or that they're quick-witted, agile, intelligent etc. try to be creative.
weaknesses ) : the same goes as for strengths but for what weakens them or what they are not good at. however, take into account what your character is for instance werewolves are weak to silver and wolfsbane. 


   무엇보다너를사랑해 ⋮
background ) : this is important, though you can say all you need to in just a short paragraph. if your character was not born in, or near De Le Morte, then you will need to explain how they got there. you will also need to take into account what creature they are. were they born that way or did they change at a later event? if your character is part of the abolished please include what they did to be banished there. if your character is human, they are likely to even be a psychic, witch, guard or a feeder, so you will need to touch on how that happened.
if there are any deaths in your family (stated below in the family area) please explain them here.

family ) : idol siblings are allowed though please make them realistic and stick to just one (unless they're already related like the jung sisters, or the jo twins) and they would need to be the same kind of creature as your character unless there's a specific reason why they are not. (eg they were turned into a werewolf or your character was bitten by a vampire etc.)

friends ) : use idols from the divisions we give you and do not change what kind of being they are. if there are any we have missed and you would like to use them then please send us a message and we'll add them for you. 

rival/enemy )* : you do not need to have a rival or enemy. if you do, it doesn't mean they have to be a love rival, either. there is a lot of tension between the different divisions so it would not be uncommon.


   내 마음만은 집착이 아니야 
as you can see, we have already pre-sorted a lot of idols/groups into their divisions already as this prevents clashes in everyone's applications. please make sure you keep them the same. if there are any you desperately want to change please message us, but we cannot promise we will change them. this also goes for friends in the section above.

relationship ) : it's more important that you give us more information here than for their personality. try not to make it awfully cliché and keep in mind the divisions that do not always get along. 

back-up love interest ) : we ask that your back-up love interest is from a different group than your first love interest, if it's not too much trouble. this is mainly to stop us getting bombarded with a lot of application for specific groups as this story is to be as varied as possible. we hope you understand. if you desperately can't choose from a different group send us a message and we'll see what we can do.

note* kim sunggyu & yang seungho are taken as love interests


   전쟁이야; 겁쟁이야 너 두고 봐 ⋮
fight or flight ) : would your character be willing to fight? or would they hide?
pick a side ) : your character is going to feel loyal to their division, but there are rivalries to be made aware of.
-vampires and werewolves do not get along.
-vampires in general are very elitist and put themselves before any other creature.
-fairies feel threatened by vampires as vampires have been known to want them for their blood as it is very powerful.
-shapeshifters side with werewolves as they are very similar.
-psychics and witches often side with the vampires as they long to be like them.
-fairies often have protection and allegiance with shapeshifters and some werewolves.
-humans are neither here nor there; if a human is a guard to a specific person they are likely to side with that person and that division by default. feeders tend not to care but form an emotional attachment to their vampire.

objections ) : there will be character death in this story and as there is a guaranteed war, we need to know if you object to you, or your love interest dying. or if there's anything else you object to.


    운명일 지몰라 ⋮
scene requests )* : you can make any kind of scene request you like, even if it's very specific. we'll do our best to include them at some point if you are selected and welcome any suggestions or inspiration you can offer us.
comments/concerns )* : we're very sorry if you find the application too long or too confusing, we wanted to make sure we covered all the basises but if there's anything you're unsure about please message us as we'd be happy to clear up any confusion you might have as soon as possible! we'll be putting up an FAQ to help everyone.

password ) : a war is coming
-hyperlink the words "a war" to your favourite song right now.
-hyperlink the words "is coming" to a black and white gif of your love interest.




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