joonhee bae ♡ / / constellations



FULL NAME : Bae Joonhee
B.O.D / AGE : 20th september / 20
NICKNAMES : Joonie; she strongly dislikes this name though Himchan still uses it.
BIRTHPLACE : Jeollanam-do, South Korea
HOMETOWN : Jeollanam-do, South Korea
LANGUAGES : Korean; fluent, native speaker.
                         Mandarin; fluent, took classes in school.
                         French; intermediate, she picked it up one summer as a hobby.

PERSONALITY : Joonhee's face radiates innocence but often has eyes that remain void of much emotion, at least at a first glance. She is increasingly difficult to read the more you study her seemingly unchanging expression, though if you were to pay close attention you would realise that her eyes are the window to her very soul and will dictate her mood like no words could. This is both a blessing and a curse, as Joonhee is a girl of very few words but is desperately trying to keep this window to her feelings shut at all costs. Unfortunately, Joonhee is fully aware of her own self-failure especially when it comes to social interaction but chooses to cloud this with knowledge and "book-smarts". She relies on facts and figures and is not keen to stray from her comfort zone if it means she can't rely on her brains. 
Despite the constant battle inside her head, as her mind is always racing and over-thinking, over anylising everything, she tries not to let this show. She is positive about most things but doesn't trust her gut unless she has something solid to back it up. If you manage to draw any kind of conversation from her it's considered quite the accomplishment as she rarely speaks without feeling the need to. Even considering her own social-awkwardness she is keen to study those around her and listen intently, whilst preferably remaining completely unnoticed. She will defend herself to the death and insist she isn't shy just socially inept; she would simply state she prefers the company of a book than a person. This is of course not entirely true; it's just that in her mind a book is stable and a person is unpredictable and she finds that a little frightening.
Joonhee's spirit is generous and true to any who show her kindness and sincerity though she has a tough time showing her appreciation and is painfully awkward with those she has never met. She often tries to back out of social situations with her tail between her legs as it makes her feel uncomfortable. When her tongue is tied and she's unable to form a coherent or acceptable response she's taken to blurting out a random fact she may have picked up in a book she's reading or seen on the news. At best, it will at least divert the attention away from her and give her chance to escape or cool down. She's incredibly tough on herself when it happens and often feels very embarrassed. She has quite a positive outlook on most things but will become flustered if she can't find logic in something or work her way around it using her intelligence. 
BACKGROUND : Joonhee is an only child and spent the first years of her life in a small, countryside village in Jeollanam-do. Her parents weren't well off, but were comfortable, and Joonhee had and still doesn't have anything to complain about. As Joonhee began to age it became apparant quite quickly that she had somewhat of a spark when it came to intelligence. She picked things up quickly and was reading at an early age. In middle school, Joonhee skipped a grade and it was here that she began to withdraw into herself even more.
She had always been a quiet girl and although she had nothing against the outdoors she would rarely find the confidence to play with the other children in the village. Her social life dwindled somewhat even more after she was placed in the grade above as she found it even more difficult to talk to the older students. She was happy, though, to learn and to focus all of her time on whatever kind of book she could get her hands on. Her brain is very analytical especially when it comes to science which is what she is studying at University; astronomy, a year early of course. She was forced to move to the city to have the best chance for herself and sometimes she misses the countryside greatly.

  • learning
  • non-fiction
  • space
  • astronomy
  • libraries
  • odd facts
  • the colour white
  • rain
  • japanese peace lillies
  • the countryside
  • bike rides


  • skinship
  • having her privacy invaded
  • social situations
  • uncertainty
  • caffienated drinks
  • public speaking
  • attention
  • ignorance


  • she has a great talent for retaining highly useless information and the strangest of facts
  • she has an irrational fear of birds
  • she's left handed
  • she has a goldfish named Einstein
  • she hates valentines day and thinks it's a money-making scheme
  • she once spent an entire weekend constructing her own model of the solar system which now hangs from her ceiling
  • she loves to read but rarely reads anything fiction
  • stargazing without a telescope is one of her favourite things to do
  • her favourite channel is the discovery channel

IMAGES : () () () () () +gallery
IMAGES : () () () () () +gallery

APPEARANCE : Joonhee stands at a fairly average height of 165cm weighing a healthy 57kg. Her frame is relatively petite and lithe though she is well proportioned. She has a round-ish, almost heart shaped face which only highlights her young-ish age. The first thing you notice are her wide, almost always terrified-looking eyes. 
STYLE : Joonhee would say that comfort takes presidence over style but that being said she still makes some kind of effort. However she would shy away from anything that is likely to draw extra attention to herself. She dresses reasonably conservatively and has simplistic taste. Joonhee tends to stray from really bright colours and she likes the colour white. ()()()()()

PERSONALITY : If you were to describe Himchan in a nutshell it would be pretty 'full on'. He has been known to be quite a handful at the best of times and he has yet to learn when enough is enough. He's quite stubborn and doesn't like to be wrong, and is still convinced he knows best, whatever the problem. He has plenty confidence in his looks, at least it seems so, though he's a little self-conscious under the surface due to being quite chubby in his childhood years. Himchan knows he's not the smartest of people though he would get overly offended if you were to say this to him. He tries to make up for what he lacks in intelligence in charm and charisma; he's definitely able to talk his way out of trouble. 
He's very playful and fond of skinship and showing his affection, proving him to be quite the social butterfly. Himchan often says or does things without giving it much thought and this can get him into trouble faster than he can talk his way out of it. Unfortunately he doesn't always realise when and why he's in the wrong. Despite him seeming like a vain, overconfident wannabe-casanova, Himchan's heart is in the right place and he does try his best to please others once he's had his fun.
HOW THEY MET : Since coming to the town, Joonhee had set herself the personal goal of trying to talk to someone at least once a day and she had yet to find the library. It took her a good ten minutes of observing people before she found the perfect person to ask for directions. It was only to her dismay that she'd picked somebody who was just passing through and didn't know at all where the library was. She was ready to give up when someobody behind her stated they knew where the library was. He was smirking, and made it seem like it would be the biggest good deed of his life to show her but she allowed him to simply because she thought he'd leave her in peace afterwards. Only he had far too many questions and she was just thankful the librarian asked him to leave if he didn't stop talking.
OCCUPATION : Delivery Boy; Himchan owns a motorcycle so he uses this to deliver.
HOW THEY ACT : They're like oil and water. Whatever Himchan does seems to get on Joonhee's nerves, and it's the fact Joonhee does nothing at all which confuses him. She can barely keep up with any conversation he's trying to get out of her and when he does, it makes no sense to him. She's incredibly awkward around him as he's very pushy and forward without meaning to be which to Joonhee is a huge difference to her usual dettachement from any social networking. She learns to put up with him, though, and she will tell him to be quiet, or to stop talking and sometimes, he does. Though he insists they're friends, and he's very fond of skinship without seeing a thing wrong with it and that startles Joonhee to no end. But her shyness is endearing to him, but currently, he's just a nuisance.
CURRENT RELATIONSHIP : Aquaintances, though he would insist that they were friends but Joonhee does not agree.

BACKUP LOVE INTEREST: Seunghyun 'Seungri' Lee


  • Father - Bae Ilsung | 48 | shy, placid, broad-minded, generous
  • Mother - Bae Hayeon | 46 | patient, warm-hearted, loving, trusting
    -Ilsung and Hayeon are quiet, humble people and love their daughter with all of their hearts but were quite reluctant to see her travel to the city alone, though they knew they had to let her. Joonhee is just desperate to make them proud.


  • Lee 'Sunny' Sunkyu | 20 | energetic, lovable, youthful, reliable | not oc
    -Sunny is the opposite to Joonhee in almost every single way but still remains the sunshine to Joonhee's clouds. Though they truly are black and white, opposites can attract and the fact that Sunny talks enough for the both of them seems to balance out their unlikely friendship. They have been friends since they were children and though friends for Joonhee are few on the ground Sunny is always there. 


  • Close Friend  - Lee 'Hoya' Howon | 21 | reserved, calm, competitive, athletic | not oc
  • Friend  - Choi Sooyoung | 21 | understanding, bright, down to earth, sociable | not oc
  • Friend - Jung Yunho | 24 | determined, responsible, tactless, honest | not oc

As a girl who grew up in the countryside, it was no huge bother that she was to be stuck in the country once more. The town itself is pleasant and she feels thankful to at least be away from the busy, bustling city. She had been on her way home to visit her family as her semester had ended for the summer but her journey was cut short. Her parents were more worried than she, but she was happy to explore. It was a huge relief to her to discover there was a library, albeit a little on the small side but it was there all the same.
Joonhee prefers the calm of the town as it's a huge weight off her shoulders after coming from the city as she feels like she can actually hear her own thoughts again. She's pleased for the time she has to herself to focus on any summer reading and the townsfolk seem nice enough and she wants to make more of an effort to socialise, even if it means just saying hello. She thinks of it as the perfect place to try to come out of her shell and grow as a person.

-I think their first meeting would be amusing! but that goes for all the girls^^
-I'd like to see Himchan bugging her at the library, or even waiting for her there but of course he'd say he was 'just walking by' 
-It would be funny if he were to try and show off with his bike but her not be interested in the slightest.
-It would be nice if they stargazed together.
-I think it would be adorable and funny if he were to be super skin-shippy towards her and her be a combination of terrified, alarmed and outraged.

-This literally took me a good few hours over the past two days! I hope nothing is painstakingly wrong but feel free to let me know if there is and I'd be happy to change it^^



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