in english class...

in english class today...

we were assigned to write a story about round, flat, static, and dynamic characters. with a plot, a protagonist, antagonist, and a bunch of other stuff like that. so i let my kpop side get the best of me and made kris, baekhyun, kai, and luhan be some characters in my story. BUT. i changed baekhyun's and luhan's name. to make the names similiar i made baekhyun become beckah (you get it baek and beck) and luhan  -- lulu (NO DIFFERENCE THERE XD). in the story i made kai stay the same ethnic he is korean, and kris chinese as well. also i did the same for luhan and baekhyun. while i was writing everything down i messed up one part by accidentally writing luhan's actual name xD plus i made a little lukai.

luhan and kai are girlfriend and boyfriend (luhan is a girl; genderswitch) and kris and baekhyun gf and bf (genderswitch again). so the plot was that kris, baek, lu, and kai are all in highschool. luhan is this girl who wants kris and when they start to hang out she calls him up to the park so they can chat. but in a turn of events luhan kisses kris and then baekhyun enters, she was called there by luhan since baek and lu are friends in this story. when kris and lu pull apart baekhyun starts to get angry and wants to fight lu but kris holds her back.

really i dont know how its going to end or whatever but it is due on the 20th so i have some time to get it finished. anyways i hope it sounds okay. also do not steal my idea. i will ing kill you. but then again i wont this is cliche xD you can steal if you want JUST CREDIT MEH FOR THE F--KING PLOT.

oh and i TOTALLY NAILED MY MONOLOGUE FOR DRAMA CLASS. i rehearsed all day yesterday and today also read it a couple times on the bus and at the the end of my classes so i am done. i have to do an oral presentation tomorrow morning and i hope i dont get scared. luckily there's this really nice 12th grader (my teacher's assistant) who gave me some advice and critcism on my monolouge i was really happy plus we even talked and stuff. she's really cool. she told us that she was a model and passed theatre throughout her middle school and high school years.

alright so i guess that's it. later guys~


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MottiNuri_LaGorda #1
wow.. I think what u wrote for English class is great. names mixup is common when u're using characters based on real people whom u know by heart :)
kaylakatertot #2
Fault In our stars is amazing!!!!
I read the fault in our stars for summer readin, well we were suppose. I just read the spark notes xD since couldnt get the book in time
Lol...just lol. Haha
What grade are you in?