Min MLB Dance clip

This was totally made for her. It's her rapping in the background.
The style is one she suits best and that smile at the end is perfect.<3

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4everhite #1
i know rite, she was awesome in this. and thwt smile in the end, she is so beautiful. and especially her rapping. when i saw all miss a cuts, i loved the fact that all had min beautiful voice in it !
Wooohooo!! I agree with you it's totally made for her and this is the style that I think suits her best as well! I'm excited because I just read an article in Allkpop that's supposedly based on an official release from JYP and their plans for the rest of the year and on their list of comebacks for the rest of this year miss A is schedule to have a full album out! woowoooo! *secret prays that'd be in a style similar to what was on the MLB clip*
Her popping ;-;