Conquest Of The Exorcist | *Amelie Lee* Will Destroy All Exorcists

Common Information

Username: exosgirl92

Appearance: Chom

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Name: Lee Amelie

Nicknames: Melie, by her friends. 

Baobei, by her prince.

Birthday: June 4

Age: 20

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 48 kg

Birthplace: Paris, France

Resident: Seoul, South Korean

Ethnicity: Korean - French

Languages: Korean (main), French (fluent), and English (fluent).

I Need A Hero

Personality: She is a really outgoing and friendly girl, that is constantly going to parties. She loves to dance and party but she isn't the type of girl that gets drunk and goes to some stranger's home. People know her for being a social butterfly, always making new friends but something they don't know is that she has another side. She can be very motherly and protective towards those that are younger than her, there is something inside of her that just makes her want to protect them. She is a perfectionist and she hates messy places. She loves to laugh and make other people laugh with silly jokes. Sometimes she can be really stubborn but she has a really big patience. She isn't like her best friend that is always flirting with boys, it is more like boys coming to her. She likes to make new friends. For Amelie is very hard to stay mad at someone or to even get mad at someone. She can be very blunt but sometimes is very funny. People always think she is just a spoiled brat but she is veery humble and she is always helping everyone that needs it.



  • Father | Lee Daeho | 51 | Lawyer | He is a very busy person and sometimes he tries to make time for his family but it is hard. He likes to spoil his daughter and wife with little presents. He can be really sarcastic and sometimes embarassing because of his silly jokes. 
  • Mother | Hwang Chaewon | 50 | Fashion designer| She might be busy because of her growing bussiness but she is still very attentive and sweet towads her only daughter. She loves to go shopping with her and she loves that her daughter is interested in her bussiness.


  • Best friend | Kang Sora | 20 | Collage student/model | She is Amelie's childhood friend, they both met in France for the first time, they when through high school together before Amelie moved to Seoul. Sora is a really outgoing and flirty girl, she is very confident and sometimes arrogant but she can be a really great friend. She is a great listener and a good adviser. She moved to Seoul a few months later than Amelie.
  • Friend | Kim Hyemi | 23 | Collage student/store manager | She is Amelie's and Sora's friend, they meet in high school and then in collage. She is a really bubbly and active person, she loves to do sports and she love to help everyone. She can be really shy when it comes to boys but she still has her charm. 


  • Parties
  • Hot weather.
  • Skinship.
  • New clothes.
  • Listening to music.
  • Coffee.


  • Players.
  • Messiness.
  • Hangovers.
  • Blood.
  • Bullies.


  • Rolling her eyes when she is annoyed.
  • Bitting her lips when she is mad.
  • Poking someones cheeks.


  • Shopping
  • Taking selcas.
  • Going clubbing.
  • Making new friends.
  • Sleeping.


  • Dolls
  • Scary movies
  • The ocean.
  • Getting physically hurt.


  • She has a high alcohol tolerance.
  • She is always listening to music.
  • She likes drink coffee every morning.
  • She has a soft spot for little kids.
  • She is always shopping for something new. 
  • She loves fashion.
  • She is very girly.

​Occupation: She is in collage, she is majoring in bussiness. She works as a model for her mother brand.

Supernatural Powers:

Dream manipulation: It's the ability to enter and manipulate the dreams of others. She can modify, fabricate, influence,  suppress, sense and observe dreams and nightmares. She can also attack or harm someone in their dreams, even pulling someone from the real world into the dream world. 

Emotion manipulation: It's the ability of controlling peoples emotions, she can make them feel what she wants but that doesn't means that is the person real emotion. She can also block any feelings from other people and herself. 

Spiritual Guardian: His name is  Kenshin, he is a really bubbly, active and adorable kid that is always bugging Amelie. The first time she saw him was when she was 16, she was getting bullied by a group of boys when out of nowhere Kenshin appeared and kicked one of the boys. They began to tease Kenshin and also they began to push him around when he transformed in his real form. Since then Kenshin has been appearing at nights to talk with Amelie or just annoy her until she gives him some sweets. He looks as a blonde little kid, sometimes he also appears as a cute little stuffed animal with wings but his true form is like a maneless lion with enormous white wings.  


Honey-senpaiII.jpg        anime-cute-drawing-kerberos-kero-Favim.c

(1) - (2)

Exo Reaction: Since the very beginning she got along really well with her prince, so everytime Kenshin tells her that Lay is hurt or in trouble, she gets worried and asks for a way to help him. Lay is always telling her that she doesn't needs to worry for her because he can heal himself.

Connected Within The Soul

Exo Prince: Lay

Personality: Lay is very calm and patient with everyone. He is also very warm-hearted and responsable, he is always helping his brother in any way he cans. There are times in which he can be somewhat clueless but most of the time he is very attentive and considerated. At first he is kind of awkward around new people but after a few hours he begans to loose up and be more himself. He is very mature but that doesn't mean that he is extremelly uptight, at times Lay can be really innocent, childish and random but at the same time is very cute. Lay has always prefered to arrange problems by taking than fighting right away. Sometimes he gets easily jealous but he doesn't jumps into conclusions. 


Bio: He is the fifth oldest prince and he was born with the ability to heal, his ability helps a lot of people and he is constantly receiving help calls. He likes to help which is why he does. 

Interactions: At first they were very awkward around each other but they both wanted to get to know each other better. they would start conversations but then it would end up with an awkward silence. Lay tried to make her feel more comfortable around her by talking to her more often and just trying to get to know her. She actually found Lay really cute and somewhat charming since the first time she saw him but she didn't knew how to approach him. She is always sh around him and she feels that he feels shy around her too. When they finally began to get closer to each other, she begins to be more childish and silly around him. Lay began to use more skinship around her like giving her a side hug or just poking her. Amelie blushes a lot around Lay and she always feel touched when Lay makes something sweet for her. 

Come Together: Hehe I have no idea, so can you please do it? *puppy eyes*

Back-Up Exo Prince: Suho

Personality: Same as Lay.

Bio: Being one of the leaders of the princes, he is constantly making sure everything is ok in the kingdom. He is very protective over his brothers, even if they are older than him. He was born with the ability of controling water, he helps the kingsom in any way he cans.

Interactions: Same as Lay.

Come Together: Surprise me? ;)

Exorcist Must Go

Requests: Lay shows her his secret passion, which is dancing, he begans to teach her a little but then they end up dancing together.

Suggestions: None :) 

Questions: I don't have any.

Comments: I really hope you like her and please tell me if there is anything wrong with the app. :)


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Thank you for applying~
I had a good time reading your app, and there seems to be nothing wrong with it. i really like the type of personality she has, someone who's outgoing but also knows how to keep it on the down low :) And oh my gosh Honey-Sempai as your guardian, was not expecting. Also I can most definitely write out that request!