application » B.O.Entertainment — Lee Hyunki


Lee Hyunki - Male DUO




Hello to myself

username : exosgirl92
activeness : 8.5
nickname : Lyn :)

This is all about you

name : Lee Hyunki + 이현기
other name : Jake
nickname : Hyun
age : 20
date of birth : June 21, 1993
birthplace : Los Angeles, California
hometown : Seoul, South Korea
blood type : O
height : 176 cm
weight : 60 kg
languages : Korean (fluent), English (fluent) and Japanese (conversational).
nationality : Korean - American

personality traits : talkative, outgoing, friendly, caring, gentleman and funny.
likes : sports, girl groups, coffee, caps, spicy food, eating and making new friends.
dislikes : lies, hot weather, being hungry, pickles, rude people and darkness.
hobbies : DJing, playing the guitar and the drums, collecting caps and watching anime.
habits : his lips, bitting his tongue, playing with his hands.
fears : blood and snakes.
trivia : 

  • He is Minhee's older brother.
  • He went to the School of Performing Arts and now he is going to Seoul University.
  • He is L.Joe's best friend and also he is good friends with BTOB's Peniel and NU'EST's Aron.
  • He loves to eat more than anything.
  • His role model is Rain and also DBSK.
  • He is a big fan of Sistar, After School, Nine Muses and SNSD.
  • His twitter and instagram name is @hyunK93
  • He has to drink coffee every morning.
  • He takes good care of his face.
  • He is interested in fashion.
  • He is great at cooking.
  • In Los Angeles, he was part of a band from his high school.

Those are my Ohana

background : He was born in Los Angeles, California and he is the oldest brother. While being in high school he met his now best friend, Aron, and also he was always protecting his sister. In his high school he was kind of popular because of his looks and his nice personality but he never paid attention to it. He was really nice to everyone and he was always helping anyone who need it but ofcourse he didn't let them take advantage of him.  At the age of 10 Hyunki and his family moved to South Korea, there he went to the School Of Performing Arts. He didn't want to go to Hanlim with his sister because he knew that his sister had to stand up for herself. After graduating from high school he knew what he wanted to be and when he told his parent he expected a big no also them saying that being an idol would not be the best choice and that they wouldn't support him but after telling them, they immediately said they were ok with it and that they would support him in every choice he made. A few years later his sister told him about her wanting to audition for the same company and he was happy for her and supported her all the way. 


family : 

• Lee Jonghyun | 57 | Lawyer | Strict, playful and blunt | alive
• Lee Jaekyung | 56 | Housewife | Supportive, worriesome and caring | alive
• Lee Minhee | 18 | Student/trainee | sweet, funny and supportive | alive 

friends : 

• Lee Byunghyun | best | 20 | Idol | chill, funny and a great listener | alive
• Kwak Aron | close | 20 | Idol | talkative, outgoing and active | alive
• Shin Peniel | close | 20 | Idol | awkward, random and quiet | alive

rival : 

• Jung Daehyun | friendly | 20 | Idol | talkative, competitive and outgoing | alive

Love, is an energy



love interest : Park Jiyeon
his relationship with you : Dating
how did you guys act around each other? They are really random around each other but they are always having fun. He is always smiling around Jiyeon and she is always blushing and smiling aroung Hyunki. They would often hang out to a cafe hidden in Myeongdong and they would spend hours talking about their days. On regular busy days they would text each other their scheduals to see if they are meeting and when they see each other on the building they would always playfully greet each other. Jiyeon would normally use aegyo when she wants to eat Hyunki's meals but also when she is happy to see him. Hyunki is really caring towards Jiyeon and he likes to make sure everything is ok. Normally when they go out on dates, they would pay half and half or sometimes Hyunki pays some other Jiyeon pays. They aren't the perfect couple and there have been times in which eaither of them arrives late to a date because of schedual but before getting too mad they talk.

back-up love interest : Hyeri
his relationship with you : Friends
how did you guys act around each other? Hyeri is really shy around Hyunki because he is really attentive and caring but there are times in which they are really playful around each other. He likes to for her height and also when she blushes but when he likes her the best is when she is laughing. Sometimes he is really cheesy but he is really honest. Hyeri and Hyunki often text each other in the morning and before going to sleep and they get teased a lot by pther idols sayibg why aren't they dating yet. Hyeri is really bubbly and cute around Hyunki and he gets jealous when she is cute with other guy.

Mirror mirror on the wall

ulzzang/actress name : Park Jaehyun
hq pictures link : gallery

back up ulzzang/actress name : Park Hyungseok
hq pictures link : gallery


years of training : 3 years and 4 months
trainee life : At first it was hard to get used to his new life as a trainee but he eventually did, it was one of the hardest time of his life but he knew it was worth it. He worked really hard everyday to improve his skills and it seems that it paid off because he got the opportunity of being a back up dancer for BoA and DBSK. While being a trainee he didn't got bullied but he did had a rival, if Hyunki did something good his fellow trainee would try to do it even better, but that only made Hyunki work harder. He auditioned at the age of 17 and in that moment he was one of the youngest in the company but now many trainees younger than him admire him an also they ask him for advice. 

stage name : Hyun K
persona : Gentle charisma
personal fanclub name + color : Kiffects +   #003399  
talents : Popping and waving, DJing, playing the guitar and the drums and composing.

vocal twin : Jinyoung
rap twin : Hoya
dance twin : Hoya
speech twin : JB
act twin : JB


scene request : nope :)
any suggestion?: nope
comments : hope you like him and please tell me if there is anything wrong.
password : 




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Can I change to Co-Ed if you don't mind..
because someone's already applying as male duo