♥ `l o v e d u s t; ❝ example ❞



`jeon jooyeon;
 the girl who wished for (health)


haebwa :: lolly :: gmt :: 4



( full name ) : jeon, jooyeon
( nickname/s )* : joo; rarely used, usually only her family call her this
( birthday  age ) : 16-09  18 
( ethnicity ) : korean
( birthplace ♥ hometown ) : busan  seoul
( languages ) : korean; fluent - native
                      english; intermediate - studies it in school

♥ ♥ 


( ulzzang ) : yu rim
( gallery ) [] [] [
( extras )* : Jooyeon is a little above average in height standing at 169cm but due to her extremely petite frame she weighs a little under average at 58kg. Her skin is fair and her body is lithe, seemingly more so due to her being moderately tall. Her hair is naturally dark and falls past her shoulders whilst her face is framed with bangs. She's self-conscious of her eyes as she thinks one is a little lop-sided though can't notice when you look at her. She dresses relatively conservatively but has a fondness for shorts but prefers to hide her dainty frame in oversized shirts and sweaters when she can. She has a small scar on her abdomen due to her appendix being removed at fifteen but is self-conscious of it and will not wear shirts that rise up.

♥ ♥ 


( personality traits ) : [+] modest, shy, reliable [-] harsh, overcritical, fussy
( personality ) :
Jooyeon is polite, at least on the surface as to those who don't know her they are unable to get much out of her due to her being sometimes painfully shy. She's particularly uncomfortable in crowds of large people and it's safe to say public speaking is not her forté. Though, she is particularly reliable and especially meticulous with even the smallest of tasks. She isn't fond of disorder and has developed quite the overcritical mind, being her own biggest critic. This can often come off as fussy despite her meaning well. She often denies it but she can have a sharp tongue at times and isn't the best at sugar coating her words and at her worst can even be a little harsh.
Though once upon a time Jooyeon could be considered as naive, those days have long since gone to the point she over analyses most things and does her best to repress most of her emotions just to make life easier. She prefers to keep herself guarded and is increasingly withdrawn and on the quiet side. She tends not to deal with it well when the pressure adds up and will often give way to tears of frustration when it becomes too much. This is mostly because she's forever used to being the listener and not the one discussing her problems and that's the way she wants it to stay. If she's having a hardtime she doesn't want to advertise it and is quite secretive when it comes to her personal life.
Jooyeon has conservative views and is prone to worrying too much about everything. Although she may be quiet and a girl of few words, underneath her calm and composed, and almost unfeeling mask her mind is always racing. She's an intelligent girl and goes about most things practically and can get very determined once she's started something and will finish it with the best of her ability. She doesn't like to ask for help, even if it means drowning in having too much to do, as she's determined to cling to what pride she has for herself. Admitting failure or defeat simply isn't an option for her.

( likes ) 
- winter clothing; especially oversized sweaters
- heeled boots; despite being tall already
- hair ribbon; if her hair is up she will tie it with a ribbon
- the colour white;
- any kind of cat; though her brother is allergic and so she cannot have one
- physics & astronomy; her favourite subjects

( dislikes ) 
- pineapple; she hates the taste, the smell and especially the feel of the prickly skin
- caffeine; it makes her jittery and over-anxious
- birds; they freak her out to no end
- her father; she hasn't seen him since she was fourteen

( habits ) 
- shying away from social situations
- overuses the word "fine"; "i'm fine" or "it's fine" despite whether it is or not and shutting others out
- offending others with her sharp tongue
- re-tying her hair; usually when stressed or flustered she will untie it and re-tie it again sometimes more that once

( hobbies ) 
- stargazing; when she can find the time
- yoga; it keeps her cool, calm and collected
- reading; though she prefers cold, hard facts she likes to lose herself in books
- ballet; though she has since had to give it up due to poor stamina and no time

( trivia )* : anything extra you'd like to include about her like fears, ambitions, her majors at school etc.
- they have two one goldfish named sugar and spice; although sugar is the only one still alive
- she does most of the housework and can cook well
- she works part-time at a small café a few blocks from where she lives for extra cash
- she has struggled with her weight; due to the stress she's under she sheds it quickly 
- she's a total control freak and is scared of losing control
- she's a little claustrophobic

♥ ♥ 


( background ) : both Jooyeon and Jungkook were born and raised in Busan and have the satoori to prove it (though Jooyeon has adapted better to the Seoul dialect more so than her brother) but moved to Seoul after their father walked out. when Jooyeon was thirteen, and Jungkook was eleven their father announced one day that he was in fact leaving. Miyoung had known for a long time that he was having an affair but chose not to believe it. 
just 18 months after they'd moved to Seoul, Miyoung was diagnosed with cancer and despite having beaten it, just two years later she received the bad news again and is still fighting the disease. lately, she has been much more unable to do things and Jooyeon does the housework, the cooking and tries to keep them together and makes no complaints about it. 

( family ) 
♥ father : jeon taewook : 48 : selfish, quick-tempered, impulsive, impatient : 1
♥ mother : jeon miyoung : 45 : optimistic, patient, intuitive, emotional : 3
♥ brother : jeon jungkook : 16 : warm-hearted, enthusiastic, honest, loyal : 4

( friends) 
♥ park sojin(girl's day) : 18 : sensitive, easy-going, friendly, indecisive : 5 
♥ kim 'aj' jaeseop(u-kiss) : 18 : imaginative, empathetic, good-natured, witty : 4

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( ex-boyfriend ) : kim himchan, b.a.p
( personality ) : vain and a little over-confident he may be, but he's warm hearted and quite insecure deep down. he's easily offended with jealous tendancies and can hold a grudge, he's quite head strong and opinionated at times and doesn't like to be wrong. though he can get a little carried away, Himchan is thoughtful and tries to be considerate at the best of times.
( relationship ) : Jooyeon and Himchan were, despite Jooyeon's quiet and reserved personality, a pretty adorable and sometimes intense couple. they hung out a lot and had been together for around 9 months and he was her escape from her hectic life at home. they had similar friendship groups after they spent so much time together and they truly loved one another, their friends would often discuss how they thought the two of them would get married.
( the break-up ) : Himchan introduced Jooyeon to his parents after they'd been dating for around 2 or 3 months. he knew how shy and reserved his girlfriend was so he didn't push her often or pry too much but in the last month or so, he began asking more questions and wondering why she hadn't brought him home to meet her family. this panicked her and she became more distanced towards him and was too afraid to explain, and so Himchan became very insecure in their relationship and the idea that she may be hiding something serious began to bother him. Himchan had always thought Jooyeon and AJ were close but after the insecurties started, anything became plausable and he ended their relationship out of the blue and said he couldn't do it anymore. Jooyeon was absolutely heartbroken, especially when he wouldn't answer her calls. they don't talk anymore and they can't even bear to be in the same room as one another which makes it very awkward for their mutual friends.

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( love interest ) : kim sunggyu
( personality ) : protective, caring, versatile, passionate, romantic
-going to come back and do his personality later because i can-

( first impression ) : when Miyoung is put on a new course of treatment for her illness, there's a new junior doctor on her ward assissting with her medication. Jooyeon almost always goes with her mother to the hospital when she can and is familiar with the team of doctors that treat her. it's not until Miyoung has to undergo sudden surgery that the two meet when Jooyeon is having a particularly bad day and is sitting by her mother's hospital bed and Sunggyu comes in to check her readings. Jooyeon comes off a little cold as she's dealing with looking after her brother, mother and the recent break-up but Sunggyu is still kind towards her, introducing himself and then leaving her in peace. 
( relationship ) : she's indifferent towards him at first, but they begin running into one another more and more at the hospital and when Jooyeon drops by one day to pick up her mother's prescription Sunggyu walks by and asks how she's doing. he realises how tired she looks and he insists on buying her coffee, which she doesn't drink but is too polite to say she doesn't like it. the two of them build up a friendship and she opens up to him more and more, and for once she isn't doing the listening and she starts to feel like she can tell him anything.

♥ ♥ 


( comments or concerns )* : wow, this took a while. but at last my example application for my character in the story has been finished! I hope you enjoy reading about her.

I wanted to get this up before most people applied so that you could see which idols I used in my application, for instance kim himchan is unavailable as ex-lover and bangtan's jungkook is taken as an idol sibling (I'm just going to cry quietly over the fact he is so young and my poor nuna heart is hurting)
oh and that I'm using yu rim as my ulzzang! 

( password ) : hehe nice try.



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