♥ `l o v e d u s t; 「cheatsheet 」



 the girl who wished for (a cheatsheet)


welcome to the love dust cheatsheet! reading this will give you more information and hints towards filling out your application. if you have any other questions not answered here then feel free to send me a message!


the story is set in a highschool au where idols are not idols. each of the girls, when suffering with heartbreak of some kind. they all, some way or another, find out about a travelling convention that specialises in 'magic'. though they go to the same school they do not know one another until they meet one night, all looking for some kind of 'spell' that might solve their problems. the story focusses on this, and the after effects.



( full name ) : asian name
( nickname/s )* : if you list any do state who calls them by that name and don't go over board.
( birthday ♥ age ) : 16-18
the boys of infinite's ages in this story are as follows:
sunggyu is a college student in this so is older than the others, 20
dongwoo, woohyun, hoya, sungyeol and L are 18, whilst sungjong is 17

( ethnicity ) halves are okay but keep your character asian, but if they're fully japanese then their name is unlikely to be korean and so on.
( birthplace  hometown ) : birthplace is the city they were born in but hometown is the place they grew up; if they're the same simply write it once.
( languages) : keep this realistic and try not to list five different languages, if they do know more than one give the reason they know it, eg; learned in school etc.

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( ulzzang ) : all i ask is that you keep your face-claim to the same ethnicity as your character.
if your character is half and half then either is fine. 

( gallery ) [] [] [in case it's not painfully obvious hyperlink the hearts to the corresponding photos.

( extras )
* : optional. feel free to describe her style here, too as well as anything i need to know about the way she looks.

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( personality traits ) : you can expand on these in the personality to make things easier.

( personality ) : a paragraph is 5-8 sentences. if you're to the point then 2 paragraphs will be plenty as quality is more important than 5 paragraphs that go on and on about nothing. try to to think about your character's plot line, though they're pretty general you can get the idea of what each girl may be like but with enough room to be creative with it. if you need clarification you can drop me a message.

*for example;
the girl who wished for beauty is self conscious and reasonably shy
the girl who wished for brains doesn't seem to pay attention but can be hardworking
the girl who wished for revenge seems to hold a grudge
the girl who wished for freedom is pretty rebellious
the girl who wished for money has the potential to be independant
the girl who wished for redemption was careless but has morals deep down

these are of course, just examples, so feel free to make of them what you will

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( background ) : you don't need to write a lot for this at all, but anything you see necessary for her plotline.

*for example;
the girl who wished for beauty is the new girl, where was she before that and why did they move?
the girl who wished for money comes from a wealthy family, how has her life been?
the girl who wished for freedom has really strict parents, have they always been like that?

( family ) :
you can use idol siblings however if you have more than one they have to actually being related too, eg; the jung sisters or the jo twins. 
if your character is half japanese then her brother isn't going to be jonghyun, etc.

if your plotline mentions their family make sure to touch on it in this section

*note: the girl who wished for redemption is Hoya's sister, please make sure to include this in your application (unless you have reason for it not to be, their surname would be the same 'lee')
*note: the girl who wished for beauty has a sister, older or younger is up to you but must be at least 16

( friends) 
i would prefer that you didn't list infinite members as your friends unless you really think it's relevent
the seperate plotlines don't know each other beforehand so they wouldn't be friends
you can use any idol from the kpop industry but make sure to list their group so i know who you're referring to
refrain from using oc friends as i don't want to have to deal with more characters than necessary

( rival )
a rivalry really isn't necessary and they don't have to be a love rival. if you choose to have one please make the reason for the rivallry realistic.

*note: the girl who wished for redemption and the girl who wished for revenge are in fact rivals in this story so try to include a little of how they act with each other once the girl who wished for revenge found out that it was her who split up her and her boyfriend

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( ex-boyfriend ) 
to clarify this is the person they are having the heartbreak over for whatever reason
it can be any idol as long as you list their group

( the break-up ) 
check your plotline for this part to include the reason of why they broke up (if there is one)
the girl who wished for revenge - she found out he had cheated on her - how did she find out?
the girl who wished for freedom - her parents drove him away - how did they do that?
the girl who wished for redemption - she cheated on him with the girl who wished for revenge's boyfriend - does she own up to it or does he find out?

*note- for the girl who wished for beauty;
in this section for the ex-boyfriend you can name her crush
for their relationship, you can state simply why she likes him or when she first noticed him as they don't know each other 
for the break-up you can mention how she found out that her sister was dating her crush and how she felt

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( love interest ) 
to clarify what roles each boy is to the girl in this to avoid confusion:

sunggyu; a college student and junior doctor
dongwoo; her new desk buddy
woohyun; her new tutor
hoya; the brother of the girl who ruined her relationship
myungsoo; her co-worker at her new part-time job
sungjong; her new anonymous and online friend

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( comments or concerns ) : i hope this helps but if i've missed anything please do message me or leave a comment and i will get back to you as soon as i can and help you in any way you need!

( password ) : the name of your favourite infinite music video linked to a gif from that video



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