Dark ※ Touches - Ahn Jaehoon

Dark Touches
ahn jaehoon





Are You In?


username: inpiniteutintap

alias: kelli

activeness: on everyday, mostly at night (10 pm pst - 12 pm pst)




Pardon Me


character name: ahn jaehoon (Jeremy)

nicknames: hooney (parody of honey, made up by older brother).

date of birth: 07/30/1991

age: 22

place of birth: santa barbara, california, usa

hometown: santa barbara, california, USA

ethnicity: korean

blood type: B+

occupation: University student/part-time waiter at italian restaurant




Look Alive


Ulzzang: kim myoung jae

Images: gallery

Back-Up Ulzzang: bae sang gon

Images: gallery

notable features: scar on the right side of his face, from the bottom of his ear, tracing his chin for about one inch (from when he had a seizure and hit the side of his chin on a table). dyed his hair deep blue with hints of purple.

height: 170 cm

weight: 50 kg




Make Yourself


chosen Plotline: the weakling

Background: ahn jaehoon, or jeremy, was born and raised in santa barbara, california. he was the second child of ahn jikyung and ahn minjung, and was a happy baby. he was up and about and messing around with his older brother as soon as he could crawl. however, when he was four and his brother seven, they realized something was wrong when he had a seizure in the middle of dinner. they took him to the hospital, where he had two more seizures within a week. they diagnosed him with epilepsy and put him on various medications. 

 when he was in elementary school, he was a rather popular boy, and his friends took care of him. he had medications to control his seizures, but he still had them at least once a month. he lived in california until he was about to enter highschool. during the summer of his 14th year, they moved to ulsan, south korea, because of his mother's teaching job. she, being korean and being fluent in english landed her a job teaching english at a highschool in ulsan. they also hoped that korea would have more medication that would help jaehoon.

 the giant city's air didn't help jaehoon much, but his epilepsy did start to weaken as he grew older. however, his highschool wasn't as welcoming to him as his school in america. he wasn't very fluent in korean, and their math curriculum was higher than america's. things he had learned in eigth grade, they had learned in elementary. and because of his epilepsy, most of the students shunned him and didn't help when he had seizures. he grew depressed and stressed, with his peers shunning him and his failing grades. This triggered another illness: cyclic vomiting syndrome. 

 the doctors told him and his family that cvs was mostly triggered by a weak immune system and emotional distress, and if you had it, there was pretty much no cure. because cvs was a cycle type illness, if it left, that meant it would come back in weeks, months, or maybe years; however, the biggest trigger was anxiety and depression. they immediately pulled him from his public school and homeschooled him instead. meanwhile, his brother was off in premedical school, helping them understand the various diseases that jaehoon had.

 he eventually got a highschool diploma and decided to move out. his parents paid for his small apartment and his college tuition. he managed to land an evening waiter job at an italian restaurant, and used some of his pay to buy simple things. jaehoon set aside some of his earnings for after he graduated college so he could be fully independent. meanwhile, in college, he was having a blast. a visual arts major, he loved learning new painting techniques and filling a canvas with colors. he passed his first year of college with flying colors (pun intended), then attended his brother's wedding (an early marriage, at the age of 22.) he is currently attending his fourth year of university.


In The Company of Wolves



* father | ahn jikyung | 57 | human | alive | cares for his youngest son very much, but doesn't show it as much as his wife. he shows it by paying for all of his son's tuition, apartment rent, and medications.

* Mother | ahn minjung | 55 | Human | alive | very overprotective over her son and frequently comes over to visit him when he's not working/at school. she brings him his favorite foods and dotes on him.

* Sibling | ahn jaeyoon | 25 | human | alive |  the protective older brother is his title. he felt very guilty when he was off at premed school and was unable to help jaehoon. even with a wife, he is very serious about keeping jaehoon safe.



* friend | bang minsoo | 23 | Human | alive | a commission tattoo artist and fellow art major. they grew closer in class because of their similar art styles. jaehoon and he work on tattoo designs together, and jaehoon plans to get one as soon as he graduates college. even though minsoo graduated already, they get together every saturday to talk and eat different foods. their personalities are similar as well, and they do occasionally heads, but it's all fun and games.



* enemy | park eunchan | 22 | human | alive | a classmate (art major) of jaehoon's. for one of her projects, she had added flashing lights to add pizzazz. the constant change of lighting triggered jaehoon and he had a seizure. normal people would have been worried; she thought he was doing it to get attention while she was presenting. she also secretly envies his way with art, how it seems to just flow from him. she has dedicated long years to learn techniques and has tried to copy famous art styles.



Nice To Know You


Personality: jaehoon is very independent - to a fault. He doesn't like being watched over and being told he cannot do something because of his iLlnesses. He is very determined and fiery, as well, and if he sets his mind on something, he will moRe likely than not finish the job. He is friendly, but stubborn in his ways. He exUdes a confident aura despite his sickly nature, and can be quite aggressive once provoked. Even though his Attitude is upbeat and fiery, he does like calmness and appreciating the beauty in things. Also, he iS very creative and can see many different sides of one Object.


 1) beaches: in santa barbara, there were beaches galore.

 2) milk tea boba: delicious and calms his nerves.

 3) egg pancakes: good for the health and tastebuds.

 4) foggy days: there's an air of mystery that comes with them.

 5) romcom movies: he loves to laugh.


 1) Being told he's disabled: he can work a job and be a uni student just fine.

 2) sunny days: they're nice and warm, but the light can hurt.

 3) flashy anything (neon colors, billboards, etc): they're not usually flashy enough to trigger a seizure, but they can give him a headache.

 4) donuts: too sweet and greasy for his tastes; he'd vomit them without cvs.

 5) medications: sure, he needs them to live, but he'd rather not have them.


 1) being completely vulnerable: whether it be emotionally vulnerable or unable to get help during a seizure, he hates it. it reminds him of his highschool days and that he will never be completely independent.

 2) mummies: they're dried up carcasses. he finds them disgusting and terrifying.


 1) painting: it's one of the most relaxing things to do, and he loves creating something beautiful that people can love.

 2) cooking: he's not the best, but the feeling of being able to make something others can enjoy by himself is euphoric.


 1) rubbing knuckles: a nervous habit that usually helps calm him a bit

 2) insisting he do things by himself: he's independent to a fault. even if it's something he knows he shouldn't be doing alone, he wants to. a defiant habit, if you will.

 3) his scar: when he's thinking deeply, he'll usually do this.

 4) yell english phrases: when he's excited, he'll yell "oh my gosh!" When he's mad, he'll say "DAmn it!"


 1) he's never dated anyone, but is pretty sure he's gay because of his attraction to guys.

 2) likes kpop songs but detests their flashy videos.

 3) wants to get a tattoo of a raven and a dove with splashes of color on his right arm.

 4) his dream is to move back to santa barbara, buy a home close to the beach, and spend his days painting until the sun sets.

 5) he sometimes helps his sister in law, geumri, with her fashion designs.

 6) his favorite song at the moment is colla voice's no geurae.

 7) his favorite method of transportation is scooter.

 8) when he watches korean movies/dramas, he usually has english subtitles on. he can understand most of the korean, but having them helps him.

 9) sometimes he flirts (very subtly) with customers at his restaurant job. he works fridays and sundays.

 10) he attends university of ulsan on monday, wednesday, and thursday.



Love Hurts


Love interest: the brute

How you met: he showed up at the restaurant jaehoon works at. he came in and jaehoon thought he looked handsome. then, he headed over to a table a couple was occupying. he started talking to the girl and eventually caused a giant argument between the girl, boy, and himself. one of the waiters rushed over to stop the conflict, but got hit by the brute. jaehoon decided to intervene himself. he and the brute yelled at each other, and jaehoon got so worked up and angry that his cvs acted up. disgusted, the brute left.

what do you think about him: jaehoon doesn't like him. at all. well, he does find him visually appealing, but his aggressive, spiteful attitude and the way he started to argument between the couple made jaehoon really detest him. At the same time, though, jaehoon liked how they just argued. most of his arguments with people involved his illnesses, but their argument was just a plain old fight. he liked it.

scene requests:


 • when their relationship gets closer/more serious, jaehoon has a seizure and the brute finds out about his epilepsy. he gets furious when he finds out, because jaehoon had been hiding something from him.

 • jaehoon gets his long awaited tattoo. the brute notices and makes some remark about it (most likely snide).



A Kiss to Send Us Off


Comments/suggestions: i am a huge er for s&m... and two aggressive/stubborn personalities together. gahhh.

questions: how will the how you met sections correspond between the two applications for the brute and the weakling (and all the rest)? will you choose one of the two scenarios?



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Thanks for apply! To answer your question, a lot of the times I notice that when apply fics have designated pairings, people will try to match their apps with an app that they really like. So if someone applying for The Brute likes your app, they'll match some of the info you've put and have them meet in a similar fashion. If not, I'll either pick the one I like best or will try combine them in some way (so if someone applying for The Brute says he met The Weakling in the park, I could always conveniently place a park across the street from restaurant and go from there).