Thank You and I Love You

Well, I just wanted to say thank you to all the friends/readers/followers who have been supporting me all this time. (thru AFF, instagram, twitter, facebook, Kakao)

Some of you might know that lately, I've been pretty down (that explains the fewer updates for MFGL) and I've been feeling like a total that not even reading fanfics or looking at EXO's making me feel better. It was... I don't know... probably a mild case of depression? It was dreadful, honestly, the feeling of being in an emotional state like this. 

Actually, up to now, I still feel like a who does nothing but s, but that's not the main point. 

I posted this just to tell everyone who has been there with me a big big thank you from the bottom of my heart. It may not sound as sincere as you all may have expected, but belive me when I say that I truly mean it. Your encouragements and supports have truly been a big help in making my mood go up.

I may not be at the best state right now, but I'm slowly coping and moving on. 

I promise to bring you better updates in the future and I hope you continue supporting me.

Just a big big thank you and I love you from me to you guys.



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EverlastingExoticElf #1
No, thank YOU for writing such beautiful stories!!!! You shouldn't think that!! You are amazing!!! There are many people here for you!! Talk to us!!!! :) <3 <3 <3
LollipopFille #2
I hope you feel better soon ^.^ it gets depressing time after time but life gets better... :)
Don't hesitate to talk to us! ^^ I've also been in that situation and it lasted about a month. I was able to cope with it after just opening up to people. :)
Awwww we're here for you <3

And no worries, you are not the only who's undergoing the same situation. *raises hands and feet*