Some pretty Ren for today

I don't know if it's only me, but he looked especially beautiful on the Idol Championship. These are some new photos posted on tumblr. Maybe it's the sun. Or I don't even know. I love the second picture the most. Ahhh he is too gorgeous!



Two gifs



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Where are the gifs from? Mv or something?
God he is too pretty to be alive omf i wanna call him unnie
He truly is the most beautiful man I have ever seen, and most likely will ever see so yeah the most beautiful man on earth to me at least. <3
I can't decide is it his manly side that attarcs me more or his feminine side :/ I guess it's just the mixture of those two together that makes him Ren.
Oh heavens!! An angel just fell!!!
StrawberrySweetCakez #4
Gosh just when you thought that this man couldn't be anymore beautiful~ first one is my favorite makes you think "oh Rennie what are you thinking about??" ;3
kpoplvr1345 #5
he is so freaking pretty!!! it isnt fair~ but i still love him
He looks like heaven personified. ^^ he is so beautiful!
Ren is insanely beautiful - it's not fair.

And I love that he is 'reading' Harry Potter in that gif =)
Gotta love the Baekho gig :D and damn, Minki gets more beautiful everyday (: he looks so diva-ish in the second pic :D
Too beautiful <3
Okay, no. His beauty should be illegal or something -.- it''s not fair he's prettier TT^TT
Golden-Teacup #12
How is he so gorgeous?!?!!!! >.<