Hwang Siyeon hears the ☾ calling


I'm lost inside this Forest


Username: haebwa
*Name / Nickname: Lolly
*Activity Level: 8
Plot Line: The Claw
Primary Weapon: [small, twin blades] Siyeon wears something very similar to this for her knives at almost all times to ensure she's prepared.
Secondary Weapon: [Herself] Despite the recommendation of others, she acatually prefers to rely on herself and her own combat skills when it comes to fighting hand to hand, which is why the small blades work well for her as it still allows her to be close to her opponant. This will include using her claws and teeth to her full advantage when she's in her wolf form.
OC Name: Hwang Siyeon
*Nickname(s): n/a
Birthday / Age: 02/11 / 24
Birthplace / Hometown: Seoul(Seolyub)
Ethnicity: Korean
Spoken Languages: Korean(fluent) Chinese(basic)
Siyeon, at first glance, may seem a little underwhelming especially when it comes to her build. She's below average in height for someone of her kind, standing at just 164cm (5"5) but uses this to her advantage as she is decievingly petite in appearance. She makes up for what she lacks in height in her strength and muscles and is of healthy proportions. Siyeon's hair is a dark chestnut and falls in one length, framing her face. She never allows it to grow further than her shoulders as it's more practicle to be kept short. With milky white skin and plump, pink lips, her rounded face gives off the wrong impression about her age and she often looks younger than she is. She has a small, button-like nose and her cheek-bones are surprisingly prominent when she doesn't hide them under her hair. 
Ulzzang Reference: Ha Mirae [1] [2] [3]
→Siyeon's ears are pierced once at the lobe simply because anymore than that would likely get in the way.
→Her hands and forearms are scarred and often covered in fresh cuts and scabs; she relies heavily on her senses, including touch, and prefers to be able to feel everything. She's good with her hands, and isn't afraid to use them and has the scars to prove it.
→Once Siyeon was appointented with the title of 'guardian' (a more glorified word for babysitter) she was given this tattoo on her left ankle.
→She wears a moonstone amulet at all times, it had belonged to her mother.
I'm not Red Riding Hood...


To describe Siyeon as misconstrued would be almost accurate; she's almost always mistaken as the younger sibling which is mighty ironic considering her role amongst her pack. Despite constantly having to defend herself against remarks towards her young and small appearance she takes it in her stride and still prides herself as a great babysitter guardian. Siyeon is hardworking and always desperate to prove herself in whatever she does, and is sick of feeling second best to her younger brother. She gets by simply by convincing herself that her time to shine will come, and when it does, all of the torment and hard work will have been worth it. That being said, she can be a little overdramatic which works in her favour when working with the pups; who doesn't love an elaborate story? Her imagination is pretty wild and she's creative to say the least; but can often get carried away especially when she has five minutes and her mind wanders.

Whilst Siyeon is mostly a forgiving person, she will rarely forget anything and is the first to bring up the past if it means she's going to get her way. Although, she works with a strict three strikes and your out rule, again something that developed after looking after the younger ones. Siyeon keeps a constant hold of her emotions, keeping them in check and in control whenever she can. She can be stubborn at times but has an extremely soft heart if you can get past the prickly shell of hers. The only times her guard is more or less let down entirely is when she's with the pups, and although she denies it they bring out the best in her. When it comes to them, she puts them first and would do anything to protect them, and she believes that it's this attitude of hers that will pay off some day. She has a harsh tongue and it can sometimes cause her more harm than good when in an argument and she tends not to hold back. Siyeon, even when in the wrong, will almost never admit it or apologise first or ask for help even when she truly needs it.

→Nature; especially being able to feel it beneath her fingers.
→Make believe; you're never too old to dream and wish for things to happen.
→Spring; her favourite season.
→Cherry blossom; the most beautiful part of spring. she especially loves the accute scent it has.
→Wind; it carries with it a story from further away and she finds it calming.
→Early mornings; Siyeon is very much a morning person.
→Sunrises; they're peaceful and calm.

→Thunderstorms; they make it harder for her to track and sense around her when the environment changes, they make her feel uneasy.
→Birds; there's something about them, especially crows, that unnerve her and she's not averse to disposing of them. big flocks can startle her, too.
→Large crowds; because a lot of noise can confuse her due to her impaired hearing and she hates feeling disadvantaged.

→Meditation; she tries to encooporate it into her every day routine especially since working with the younger ones is not the most relaxing of tasks. It helps her keep grounded and calm at the worst of times.
→Stargazing; when she can, she likes to watch the night sky and the stars but has little time to do so as she has to keep her eyes on the pups almost all of the time.
→Storytelling; you've got to entertain the younger ones somehow especially if you're in hiding and need to keep them all in one place, and Siyeon is great at telling elaborate and dramatic stories.

→Mumbling; especially choice words under her breath when she's particularly displeased.
→Smoothing down her hair; she does it absent mindedly, since things can get pretty wild and disheveled.
→Wrinkling her nose like a snarl; usually when she scowls, it must be a wolf thing, but she's begun doing it even when human.
→Unintentionally ignoring others; especially when she's daydreaming.
→Elaborating; she will over elaborate with most things especially when she's losing an argument.
→Raising her eyebrow; usually when she's particularly displeased with something, or as a 'really?' statement.

→Large bodies of water; she can swim but only barely, a lot of water makes her feel uneasy and she'll do her best to bypass it if she can.
→The thought of failure; it makes her headspin. Having felt like a disappointment for the majority of her life she's so desperate to do herself and her family proud that failure isn't an option for her.
Strengths towards Survival:
→Multitasking; having to watch after the pups has given Siyeon an eye in the back of her head and the ability to concentrate on more that one thing at once, which definitely helps when hurding pups and keeping her guard up at all times.
→Hand to hand combat; when it comes to using her hands, fists and or claws for that matter, Siyeon is at top form. For someone of her small size, she utilizes it well and is quick, nimble and effective. 
→Stamina; she can survive on little to no food and sleep when she has to and not let it affect her performance, as she always puts the pups before herself.
→Quick thinker; she can think on her feet when she has to and make a decision where it needs to be made regarding the safety of the pups.
Weaknesses towards Survival:
→Siyeon is considerably weaker than others in her Wolf form, which may account towards why she isn't fighting with her pack and is instead given the job of looking after the pups and staying hidden.
→Her quick and brash thinking may be an advantage but sometimes when she does things without thinking it can be more of a weakness of hers than a strength. 
→She likes to play the hero; since all she really has to show for herself is being the babysitter to the young ones, she takes it seriously and if a chance to prove herself arises she won't think before taking it. Because of this, she won't ask for help when she needs it.
→Hearing; she has poor hearing in her right ear after a blow to the side of the head during a hand-to-hand combat fight when she was in her teens and has since not gained her full hearing in that ear. Because of this, she relies more on her other senses and when she's on the move she tends to turn a lot so that she's able to hear in all directions.

→It was her younger brother who caused her to lose some of her hearing and he still feels guilty for it.
→The person whose approval she craves the most is that of her father.
→She doesn't mind getting her hands dirty and would rather learn and experience everything hands on.
→She's violently allergic to blueberries.
→When in her human form, Siyeon hates the smell of blood.
→Siyeon is a er for baby animals, which is why she can never deny the fondness she has for the pups.
→She often tries to rope others into fighting hand to hand with her for practice but will always be moody if she loses.
→She sleeps with her blades under her pillow, just in case.
...but I think the Wolves have got me


The Hwang family have lived in Seolyub for generations; so Siyeon along with her younger brother Chansung grew up and know little of the other cities of korea as they rarely see reason to leave. The two children, as they grew older and older, grew further apart from each other, too. Despite being the older sibling, it wasn't long before Chansung overtook her in every area; strength, height, popularity and became a valid member of their community. He excells in both wolf and human form whereas Siyeon is always assumed to be the younger sibling due to her baby-face and below average skills as a wolf. Siyeon's desperate want to be the hero and impress stems from how indequate she has been forced to feel whilst growing up now that her younger brother is one of the strongest werewolves of their pack.

When Siyeon was 17, and Chansung was 16, their mother Yejin was targetted amongst other wolves during a hunt and as a caring and compassionate woman and wolf, she alone was the only casualty and lost her life in order to save the others. Since then, Taewook has become a colder man and both of his children were needed to step up. Siyeon still feels that she falls short and can't shake the feeling that she needs to prove herself by saving the day.

→Father || Hwang Taewook || 54 || alive || cold, determined, hardworking, cutthroat, unforgiving
→Mother || Hwang Yejin || 51 || dead || calm, generous, reliable, affectionate, trusting
→Brother || Hwang Chansung(2PM) || 23 || alive || brawny, guarded, hotheaded, courageous, leaderlike

Kim 'AJ' Jaeseop(U-Kiss) || 23 || alive || For a wolf, AJ is very relaxed and down to earth. He takes everything in his stride and will go with the flow and shys away from confrontation whenever possible. He will leave the shredding and killing to others and only fight when it's for his life, or the life of his pack or loved ones. It takes a lot to anger him. || 5 || AJ is Siyeon's best and closest friend and she has known him for as long as she can remember. Without him, dealing with the death of her mother might not have been possible and she leans on him for a lot. Despite having other duties in his pack, he drops by to see Siyeon when he can and the pups love him. He says he does it to give her a five minute break, but he knows she won't take her eyes off them even for a second.
Kim 'Uee' Yujin(After School) || 25 || alive || Uee is wise beyond her years and full of logic and sense. In her wolf form, she's sleek, fast and unpredictable. She's on the quiet side but level headed and will be seen and not heard. She's cool and collected most of the time but can sometimes crack under pressure. || 4 || As far as female figures that remain in her life, Uee is the person Siyeon turns to. She's the one that will shake sense into Siyeon when the situation calls for it and is forever the voice of reason. Although there's only one year seperating them, if anyone is a role model for Siyeon, it's Uee.

Choi 'Changjo' Jonghyun(Teen Top) || 8 || alive || Changjo is playful at times but surprisingly thoughtful for his age. He often asks questions others don't expect nor know how to answer. In terms of strength, he's already excelling but he still remains very grounded and is considerate for others before himself. || 4 || despite Siyeon's reluctancy to be the baby sitter all the time, there is no denying that Changjo is her favourite of all the pup (if she were allowed a favourite, that is) she can see such potential in him and everything he does, from the surprise hugs that would usually make her feel a little uncomfortable, to the times where he expresses how she's his favourite nuna, makes her heart a little warm and fuzzy and brings her back down to earth.

Lee 'Joon' Changsun(MBLAQ) || 26 || Joon is foolish and doesn't always think before he speaks and can be brash, loud and even a little obnixious. Despite this, he does mean well and has a soft heart but his intentions are often clouded by his inflated ego and his constant need to show off and demonstrate his worth. He has more brawn than brains but is a good fighter and strong member of his pack. || The rivalry between Siyeon and Joon is more a one-sided dislike Siyeon has for the older wolf. She finds him irritating and thinks he's a threat to their kind since he can be so careless. He's a little clueless as to why she dislikes him but the two of them will bicker terribly if left alone, especially since Joon is intent on the idea that her dislike is just her way of covering up the fact she's in love with him. 
You be the Beast and I'll be the Beauty


Love Interest: Kim Sunggyu

Sunggyu, when he can, tries to balance his actions between his head and his heart, though sometimes he finds this a little difficult. He likes to think he's a level headed kind of guy with set morals of good and bad, but his kindness can sometimes interfere. He likes to display leadership even at the darkest of times when he might not be feeling sure of himself, but would never want others to know that. He likes to do the right thing whenever he can.

→Brother || Kim 'L' Myungsoo || 21 || alive || courageous, determined, heartfelt, sympathetic, sincere

Jang Hyunseung(BEAST) || 24 || alive || Hyunseung is a little unpredictable to say the least and a hard book to read. He remains aloof and distant from most, even whilst he's hunting and that's how he likes it and will often hunt alone. He's sometimes hard to take but has his own charming take on life and takes most things on effortlessly. || 4 || Sunggyu and him are able to talk with one another when they need to and at best appreciate each other in a comfortable silence, and though he doesn't necessarily share Sunggyu's views on mythical beings not all being bad, he accepts it, and won't try to tell him otherwise.

Henry Lau(Super Junior-M) || 23 || alive || For someone of his age, Henry can sometimes be a little lost and still has a long way to go in terms of hunting skills and has yet to make it as a hunter at all. He's inquisitive and often scolded for asking too many questions and doing things his own way instead of how he's been taught. Despite this, he has fiery optimism and stays cheerful almost always and is determined to make it as a hunter one day. || 3 || He looks up to Sunggyu as a kind of role model and admires the way he isn't afraid to have his own opinion even though it's an unpopular one. It intimidates Sunggyu a little to have someone look up to him but tries to guide him as best he can without influencing him too much.

Heo Gayoon(4Minute) || 23 || alive || She may just be a farmer's daughter and good with livestock but she has a lot to say for a small girl. She sees the good in everything and anyone and thinks all creatures deserve live, and second chances. She has a big and sweet heart and a positive look on the world. || 3 || If anybody is going to slap Sunggyu on the wrist for getting into trouble or saying too much it will be her, though she admires his different way of thinking she thinks he needs to watch his tongue if he's going to save the lives of anything. If Sunggyu has a particularly hard day, he'll turn to Gayoon.

Kim Heechul(Super Junior) || 30 || Heechul is humourous but his sense of humour is a little close to the bone and cutthroat for some as he doesn't hold back and has a venemous tongue. He holds the title of an Elite Hunter for a reason and is unwavering when it comes to killing those that need to be killed. He is cold and distant with any kind of emotion when it comes to his work, which is most important to him to keep others safe. He's elitist when it comes to humans, believing that they should rule superior over all other beasts and he has no problem in showing it. || Heechul and Sunggyu have never seen eye to eye, and usually they are able to agree to disagree as they aren't always directly involved in one another. Sunggyu doesn't agree with his cutthroat heart or lack thereof when it comes to others and is a little repulsed by how easy it is for him to kill anything without a second thought. On the other hand, Heechul doubts Sunggyu's ability as a hunter due to his surprising compassion when it comes to dealing with beasts that need eradicating. They have, on more than one occaision, gotten too close to losing it with one another over Sunggyu's wavering heart and he questions his committment, which would only get far, far worse if he were to ever find out about Siyeon.
*Scene Requests:
→After Sunggyu and Siyeon have already met, for her to hear something in the middle of the night and immediately she springs into action and is about to attack the intruder without hesitation until she sees it's him and for some reason she cannot, and she hates herself for hesitating, even though he was going to cause no harm to her or the pups.
→For Siyeon to be out with Changjo or the other pups and she suddenly senses danger and for to have to go into action immediately to make sure they're safe whilst the hunters pass by.
→When it gets to a point where despite Sunggyu telling the wolves he means no harm to them, which they do not believe and are at the point where they're discussing whether or not they should kill him, Chansung is the one that protects him because he can tell it would mean a lot to his sister even if she doesn't say so.
Who Dies?: him || her || both
-if she were to die I think it would be her finally realising this is her chance to save the day and make everyone proud if she were to sacrifice herself.
-if it's more convenient for him to die then maybe he intervenes at the last moment and dies instead but I'll leave all creative rights to  the authors!
I'm not afraid to face a little bit of Danger


Questions? Comments? Concerns? Suggestions?: I hope that this is all filled in correctly! I'm very thankful for the extension^^
Are you the hunter, or the hunted?: The hunted



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