Die! Kill! Fight! - application



Gao Minlin



About Me↴

Username: InpiniteuTinTap

Anything the author should know: Um. Idk. I'm a highschool student? I'm on almost 24/7 though orz


About My Character↴

Name: Gao Minlin

Other Names: Gin (to be used when she is hired for an assassination job)

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Classification: Psychic/Assassin

Birthday: June 21st

Birthplace: unknown/Ern

Abilities: can manipulate people's emotions and to an extent, their memories (if it's an emotional one); an extension/specialty of her psychic abilites

 Talented in makeup/disguises

Weapon: n/a


I Claim You↴

Face Claim: Hwang Mi Hee

Photos: Gallery/Resource 1 2 3 4

Back-up: Lin Ke Tong

Photos for back-up: Gallery/ Resource 1 2 3 4

Appearance: Usually keeps her hair jet black, but will dye it occasionally to keep unknown; same with her eye color, though she usually has brown contacts on. Her left eye iris is discolored (a mix of red from blood vessels and purple) from when she tried to psychically change her appearance (force her brain/body to change her genes). She is 170 cm and weighs 54 kg - most of it lean muscle. She is never seen without something hiding her true appearance.

Who You Are↴

Personality: Minlin is a strange gargle of personalities, because of her constant disguises. However, inside, she is mischevious, clever, and a thrill-seeker. She will do anything to get what she wants, even if it means dirtying her hands a bit (although she much prefers making others do her work). She is also vain and conceited, believing that most men cannot resist her charms and body. Minlin doesn't like settling down for long periods of time, and often takes assassination jobs just for the thrill of disguises, manipulation, and finally, the kill. However, there are times when she longs for a little sense of peace, but those periods don't last very long.

 She is also very good at reading people's expressions (without having to exert her psychic abilites), but is still cautious when in large areas/meeting new people. She is more cautious when hanging aroung in or near Arcule, because of their law enforcement. She does love to hang around in Arcule, though. There's a calmness in the city, yet she knows there is corruption; she has managed to coax a few so-called refined people to give her things through some, ah, persuasion.

 Although she is normally cautious and clever, sometimes her need for a thrill will get the better of her. At those times, she will be impulsive and reckless, leaving a few tracks so that someone will try and chase her. So far, though, anyone who tried to chase after her and fight her has lost and died. She does like to take revenge on the ones that come close; she will let them live, but make them suffer until they become insane. One of her favorite methods to do this is the gradual killing of loved ones. So, in short, she loves playing around with people.

Habits: She habitually bites her bottom lip when thinking as an unconscious seduction technique. It used to be manual, but after a few months it became natural to her. Another manual-turned-automatic technique is fiddling around with her necklaces. She's found that it draws attention to certain...assets.

Interests: Her favorite hobby, besides toying around with people, is using makeup to turn herself into someone else. She'll spend her free time contouring her face, dyeing her hair - she loves it when nobody realizes she's the same girl that killed their boss two days before.

 She also loves changing her pitch/tone of voice, and is quite good at switching from a deep chest voice to a high and airy head voice. It adds to the disguise.

Fears: afraid of being recognized, afraid of growing attached to someone, afraid of mutating (why she stopped trying to change her genes after the eye incident)


Why You Are Like This↴

Background: The earliest memory (estimated at age 3) she can remember is being taken by a barbarian pack to be eaten. As she was about to be maimed and killed, her captor began to sob and convulse violently. After that, she fell unconscious. Instead of killing her while she was out, they decided to keep her and raise her because of her abilities; they were a pack that consisted mainly of simple mercernaries. She proved useful to them, often being sent out with the older members to attack and raid other packs. Usually, if she went along, their raids and attacks were successful.

 However, as time passed by, she grew extremely bored of her life. She heard news of an entire pack being slaughtered by one of their members; that sparked her idea of escape. One bye one, she her pack members: she invoked grief and sadness in the weaker children, prompting many to suicide; she seduced then killed the men; she made the women turn on each other. The few that were left she took with her briefly, promising them safety - only to turn on them and kill them when food ran low. 

 She settled for a bit in Maelinia, taking on a few assassination jobs, before traveling around to Arcule. She attempted to manipulate/kill a few people in the city, and succeeded with about two; the rest, she had to painstakingly alter their memories to avoid being caught. Tired and fatigued, she only narrowly escaped Arcule. Despite that fact, she still returned occasionally when it fit in with her assassination jobs. In Maelinia, she had several different places she called home. Despite Maelinia being a known city of killing, she didn't want to be found out. Sometimes, she'd go out disguised as someone else and date somone - usually a rich man - to kill them later.

Family: orphan

Companions: Henry (Former): One of the people that managed to escape her massacre of the pack. He was the last one to be killed off while traveling with her, because he was the alpha and the strongest; whenever she tried to kill him, he'd somehow avoid getting killed. Eventually, she stopped trying as often. In fact, she grew attached to him. His dad was the one that had decided to keep her when she was 3. However, one night, she awoke to him injecting poison into her bloodstream. She attempted to kill him, but the poison was affecting her already. She managed to wipe out most of his memories (leaving him at the memories and abilities of an infant). Hoping it was not too late, she cut herself where he had injected the poison, hoping it didn't reach her heart yet. By the next day, the poison had left her blood stream. However, she was fatigued and tired from the blood loss and the previous day's events. She swore never to grow so attached and let her guard down.

Rival: N/A


Your Team Up↴

Teammates: Xiumin, Luhan

Back-up Members: Baekhyun, Suho


Extra Info↴

Love Interest: Xiumin

Back-up Love Interest: D.O.

Other: if possible, can you make the most prominent point of the growing attraction/whatever her love of messing with people? Because Xiumin came from Ern as well, she wanted to toy with and defeat him a lot more, and D.O.'s coldness made her want to manipulate him and break him. Oooh, but because she swore never to grow attached (and is afraid of it) it'd be interesting to see her denial and the acceptance. I'm thinking it might make her go bat insane.

Password: strawberry milk


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Wow! This one is intense. ahaha. ouo I'm not sure how many applications I'll get, but from the looks of the applications already turned in I might have to pair her with Xiumin and Suho if she gets chosen.
I'll let you know if your character gets chosen~ :)