Age is Just a Number!



Age is Just a Number!

To all the people who say Super Junior are too old and that EXO are better because they’re young and fresh…,

EXO’s oldest member was born in 1990. Super Junior’s youngest member was born in 1988 (1989 if you include Henry). The age difference is very small!

SO! will you be saying that EXO are too old two years from now!? WIll you abandon them for a younger group? Will you declare them unfit to be idols because of age?

No? You love them, so why would you, right?


Age is just a number and your logic makes no sense!

-Signed a frustrated E.L.F



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ELFlisa #1
i love suju so much...whatever their age are !!!...suju forever!!!..
kim_seul_young #2
I couldn't agree more!
bunch of idiots
this is why hyuk said all those saddening words
they arent even in their 30's!!!!
what is it with ppl?????
bookworm2305 #5
Agreed. Many are still in their twenties right? Albeit later twenties, but still. There are still fans of Shinwha, etc, and they are in their mid-thirties. SuJu are young compared to them.
Super Junior are idols because their awesome and they worked hard for this. Their not old. Getting close (or being) 30 isn't old. your really only old after 50 depends on how you took care of yourself when young so... yeah.
Support you 100%
What the is the age????! Do they look as sungmin's and wookie's faces?!. They even look younger than Chen and G.O and maybe Kris too.
i totally agree with u !!! :D Super Junior 4ever <3 I love those guys sooooo much :D
Kyubby #9
Age is irrelevant. i love SuJu, and i love EXO, and how old or young they are makes no difference to me. i'll still enjoy their music, their dance, their randomness, and crazy personalities. How could you ever say you truly loved them if you could leave them so easily?

so... i wholeheartedly agree. Age is just a number, not a popularity and fan love expiry date...
Psst... 30 isn't old, and thats the oldest they got. Thats 20 years under middle age which is pretty much 50 and besides Super Junior acts like children but mature at the same time. Also look at people like Cliff Richard and David Bowie, they're still going and they're senior citizens pretty much
Besides as you age going for younger men seem kind of paedo-ish
I like EXO and their songs... Hell! I'm an EXOtic too but their fans are just MEAN!!!! How do they expect other fan bases to respect them if they are like that!!!

SUPER JUNIOR IS THE BEST! They've gone through alot already and EXO IS JUST STARTING! End of story!!!! Age doesn't matter at all! Argh!
I seriously hate EXOSTANS. I'm an EXOtic but I have never said those type of things before. I really think that the stans need some help.
i know right. some exotics are too mean, even if im one too. but i didn't abandon suju for exo and i'm not planning to.
that's the meaning of elf, isn't it? ever lasting friend? many years from now, i'll still proudly say that i love suju. boo to all elfs that leave suju. i guess they can't understand true love.
--minyoungiie #14
YEAHHHHH ! so agree wif you .
so much of a true FAN ! when a new group appears theyll say EXO is old,huh ?
wow .