2011... before the dawn!!^^

so far the first five days of 2011 is beating 2010 into the ground!!! this is a blog on my honest opinion about Kpop, and well, I've always been optimistic about music, but to be frank, Kpop has thrown out three of it's best comebacks in the last five days then is has in 365^^

I was skeptical about infinate when I first saw them, I mean simply because they had connections with EpikHigh... big fan of Epik, but the thought of them being able to mold a boy band was questionable... then I saw "You're my Oppa" and became a huge fan before they even debuted. their songs... well the first two were good, I won't lie, I loved them, but they just didn't have what it took to be huge! their new song "BTD" IS EPIC!!! it incorporates several of the things I love^^ I mean strong singing, strong dancing, Bromances and FIGHTING!!! I'm a er for a good fight scene and this whole video was one BIG fight scene^^ ahh~~ and Woohyun, Eunhyuk has some competition if Woohyun keeps moving me like that ^-^ but I think that's what makes me like Infinite so much, they remind me of early Suju when they were first starting out^^

Now~ MBLAQ!! the only thing I have against this song and vid is the makeup, "wash it off now!!!" the boy's are beautiful enough, they don't need make up!!! and there was also Joon's "cwy!" instead of "cry" it made him sound adorable and that took away from it a bit... not huge things, and now that I think of it, if they hadn't their fan club (which I don't know the name off...) would probably explode from their awesome, so MR. Rain forsaw this and decided "I can't have those girls exploding all over the place, it'll make a horrible mess!!" so he purposely made them detract from their beautiful manliness... God, sorry, I'm charged from a million cans of soda right now, I'm to hyper for my own good^^

GD&Top... love those two so much^^ but there song reminded me of another of there songs so it wasn't incredibly  "omg!! BB IS BACK!!!" but still, it made me think of their older stuff and I love it^^

HOMIN time... apparently that's what everyone calls them now... I'll settle for DBSK cause I guess I'm a horrible JYJ hater (even though JYJ's Junsu is my favorite DBSK boy and Yoochun's my third... but no, I call HOMIN DBSK so I must hate JYJ -.-) I love their song, it's gritty and ah~ boy they're hot^^ to tell you the truth, I've never payed much attention to DBSK until the JYJ scandal came up, I've just never been very interested and they were big during my Kpop absence period... it also helped that my friend was an anti towards them, so I stayed pretty clear of them until another friend pointed them out to me (cause I'm that easy I guess, one friend says no and they other says yes, whatev, they're just Hot guys to listen and look at^^) But yeah, I like "Keep your head down" and while I only like a few songs from their album, I can't wait to see what they have in store for 2011.

ok, I also wanted to talk about BEAST. they were the first group that I've watched from Debut to today so I sort of have a special fondness for them that clouds my judgement. this was supposed to be about just 2011, but about two weeks ago they came out with a "lights go on again" extended version... please, if they have any sanity, come out with more songs like this, it beats "Beautiful" "soom" "shock" and "bad girl" into the ground!! I don't give a damn if they can't dance to this, it's probably the best song they've ever came out with and sort of kept my hopes up for 2011. so please BEAST, keep it up, and I love that the last few vids have been Junhyung centric, you really know how to catter to me with out even knowing it ^-^

ok, so I promised my self that I'd never blog about Boybands again, but I'm just sooo~ hyper right now and Infinites song brings me joy... and I'm bored~... so to the (maybe) three readers, hope you didn't fall asleep... or got bored, hell, your probably clicked on this on accident and made my veiw count go up, either way, thanks for viewing^^

I'll stop rambling now...

ok, I lie, I'm working on my stories right now, just a heads up if I randomly throw a whole bunch of chapters out or even a whole new story... I can't help it^^ OH~ and there's a possibility I'll be getting a new job soon!!! I'm really very happy, I love money^^ so I'll probably be making up for any chapter delays in this week... probably, my minds a big mess of excitement right now^^

happy new years, this year's gonna be great^^


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