I Hate Exo now!!!!

I had everything all figured out! I had my list all ready and I had been sticking to it for a while now ... 

Then someone had to go and ruin it. 

I'm talking about my bias list with them ... I don't actually hate them (far from it actually! I'm totally an exotic)! But I had my list perfect!! 

Then Suho decided to ruin it! 

I have no idea why I am suddenly liking him more and more, but I am. I mean, I have like 3 biases who are number one in my bias list, but to be honest, he wasn't one of them ... until now. 

Why?! It's like they wait for me to be comfortable with my list and then BAM! it's like they try to sabotage my list purposefully to make my life that much harder ... Aish ... why?!

Anywho, I really felt like ranting and if you read through all of that ... I'm sorry for wasting about a minute or two of your time!

Regarding my updates, I still have no idea when I will be updating my stories. (Sorry!!) School, a tthe moment, is going okay. I hope it stays that way, but we'll see I guess. Umm ... I don't really know what else to tell you all ... 

Anyway, I hope that you all are doing fantastic!! Oh and if any of you are going to Kcon ... take pictures and post them!! I realy want to go, but I can't because of school and I have no money at all to go ... *cries* 

Okay, enough of my pointless rambling! 

Bye~ *huggles*


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4 me~Sehun did...-.- 왜!!!!ㅠ.ㅠ I feel like betrayin' Baek...well,Baekhyun ruined meh list and took Kyungsoo's spot n NOW...Thehunnie ish *sobs*
Tao and D.O were top of my EXO Bias list then Xiumin, Kai and Baekhyun decide to do and screw it up TT0TT.
PFTTTTTTTTTTT- I feel the same way with Jonghyun from Shinee. Key had been my bias for life and then some how that doofus weaseled his way into my heart. 8I

Love is hard. D<
Omg gramps got you too? Well he is like 7th on mine maybe higher, but that doesn't stop me from having many feels for him. ESPECIALLY since my friend is Suho biased (and Kris and he is like 11th xD)