Hearts And Hands Application~ Ryu Jimin



Ryu Jimin


Nicknames :

Date of Birth + Age + Grade : August 4th, 1992+ 11th grade

Ethnicity : Korean

Birthplace + Hometown : Daegu, South Korea+Seoul, South Korea

Height + Weight : 170 cm

Languages : Korean+fluent, English (he studied it in school)+conversational



Ulzzang : Yu Hamin

Links :  LINK, LINK, LINK 

Backup Ulzzang : Ho Junyeon

Links :  LINK, LINK,  LINK

Appearance/Style : Jimin prefers to wear simple but comfortable clothing. He's normally seen wearing trench coats in the winter time and as for spring or summer he loves wearing sleeveless t-shirts. He likes wearing things like jeans, shorts, khakis, whatever he finds comfortable really he's not too picky when it comes to clothing.



Family :

Father ||Ryu Jaemin || 53 || He was a former police officer || Cold, arrogant, heartless || Jimin and his father never got along. After he witnessed his father do something horrible to his mother, his whole view point on him changed. || Alive

Mother|| Ryu Haebyol|| 52 || Nurse || Sweet, gentle and compassionate|| Haebyol is very, very close to her son. She is also very protective of him especially after what her husband had done. || Alive


Friends/Enemies/Rivals :

Best friend/brotherly figure || Kim Jonghyun || 23|| Goofy, fun loving, playful || Jonghyun and Jimin have a very close relationship with each other. Sometimes people think they're related because of how they are with one another. Always laughing, having a good time, Jonghyun is like the brother Jimin never had.  

Rival|| Kim Chaerin (Not CL)|| 21 || Arrogant, bossy, rude|| Jonghyun unfortunately has a younger sister named Chaerin. She's very, very arroagant and cocky. She thinks she owns everything and everyone, she disobeys orders and doesn't follow them. In a nutshell: Just a really.


Children Under Your Care : { must have 2. }

Kwon Lillian || 5|| Shy, innocent and quiet|| Lillian is very sweet and cute when she's around Jimin, while he's slightly nervous around most children he's not around Lillian.

Bae Myungjin || 8|| Energetic, playful and sometimes a bit of a troublemaker|| Jimin is honestly the only one Myungjin will really listen to. He doesn't like to follow orders but he will stop doing whatever it is he's doing if Jimin tells him not to.


Background : Jimin's life wasn't like the life most kids had. His mother was constantly abused by his wicked and cruel father everyday. Nobody knew what his father was really like though: Jaemin was a very good actor so if someone asked why his wife had a busted up lip or a black eye, he would just say 'Oh she just fell down the stairs'. Jimin was not normally the type to get angry at anyone, but he hated his father no-he loathed his father.

The day Jimin and Haebyol got out of that nightmarish place, their life did get better in the end. Once word had gotten out of what Jaemin did to his family everyone who knew him was disgusted by his actions and resented him. He was eventually arrested and put in prison for assault for a good ten to fifteen years at most.

Jimin still has that fear though of his father getting out or escaping prison, but he assured himself that he can't hurt them anymore. He also promised himself that if he'd ever witnessed a crime like this again to another person, he'd do whatever he can to help and comfort them.


Personality : People usually tend to see Jimin as a 'shy' type of person but he's far from that actually. If he feels like you are a good, trustworthy and kind person then he'll open up to you and be a bit more friendly. Sometimes he's been told often that he gets taken advantage of too easily and this is unfortunately true. When Jimin was about five or six years old once, he almost got taken away by a total stranger because of how easily fooled he was.

Now he's sort of improved after that incident. Really frightened his mother let me tell you, she was thankful though that her son was alright. That's another reason why Jimin is cautious around people at least, more then what he used to be. He's also not very good at expressing himself either. If he's afraid or scared, he'll try to mask his emotions, making it seem like everything is fine and dandy when in reality things may not be fine like he says they are.

Especially after the incident with his father, that's when his mother noticed he had a hard time expressing himself and sharing how he felt. He also tends to get a little too sensitive at times: Sometimes he can even be a sympathetic crier where if another person cries, he cries right along with them and after him and the person have both calmed down, he'll try and help comfort them for whatever it was the person was crying about.

Despite all the troubles Jimin has had in his life, he still tries to remain positive and optimistic. Sure he knows not everyone he meets will be a good or nice person, but that's why you should try and stay positive. Who knows, you just might meet someone who's friendly and polite in the end. Positivity is the key.



Trivia :


  • Children
  • Reading
  • Video games
  • Writing (romance, drama mostly)
  • Dancing
  • Stargazing
  • Animals
  • Energy drinks



  • Arrogant people
  • Abuse of any kind
  • Bubble Tea
  • People who use their cuteness to get what they want
  • Complainers
  • Loudmouths
  • Being alone in the dark for too long
  • Blood
  • Violence



  • Muttering when deep in thought
  • Pacing back and fourth
  • Spacing out when someone's talking
  • Forgets things easily
  • Sometimes interrupts people without realizing



  • Writing
  • Going for walks
  • Reading
  • Dancing
  • Video games



  • Can be too stubborn at times
  • Doesn't like admitting he's wrong
  • Is a little too over protective



Love Interest  : Choi Minho

Personality Minho is very loving and may seem a little cocky at times, but he truly does have a heart and loves children plus Jimin very, very much. When Jimin first met him, he assumed he was probably the type of guy that cheated or used people for his own personal needs but once he got to know the other, he realized how considerate and caring Minho really was.

Minho does have his flaws though of course like everyone else.

Sometimes he thinks he's always right and will argue with people endlessly until they admit he's right and they were wrong. That's one of the things Jimin sometimes finds annoying about him but they work it out in the end.


Relationship : Minho is very romantic much to Jimin's surprise. He loves to take him out for dinner or see a movie, sometimes they'll even go stargazing together and just talk with one another. Jimin is very, very greatful to have met him and Minho gets along well with his mother much to Jimin's relief.


Back Up Love Interest : Moon Jongup

Personality :  Ah 'Moon Jongup'. He can be arrogant, full of himself and quite the flirt at times especially around Jimin. He doesn't really care much about his grades or school in general so Jimin sometimes has to nag and nag him in order to keep the other male in line.

Relationship : At first they didn't really hit it off at all with each other. Jongup was too full of himself for Jimin's taste and Jimin was too much of a 'goodie-goodie' for Jongup's case. However after Jimin tutored him for a few months, the two did end up getting along eventually. Key word: Eventually.


Children Under Their Care : { must have 2. }

Song Yuhan || 7|| Energetic, free spirited and playful|| Minho and Yuhan get along surprisngly well with one another. He can be a bit of a handful but he still listens to Minho

Bae Sujin || 4|| A bit of a cry baby at times, shy and mild mannered|| Sujin is not like most children at the daycare and that's what Minho likes most about her. She's very mild mannered though she does cry a little bit now and then, but Minho knows how to handle her and he's very protective of her.   



Comments/Questions/Concerns : I just hope I got everything right ^^;

Scene Suggestions : Hmmm how about a scene where Minho asks Jimin out the first time?

Username : ChaoticDarkAngel

What Should I Call You : Whatever you'd like ^^

Activity Level : 8 or 9

Password : Glass House




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