SJLS Character | Shin Chaeyeon



Username/Profile link: DreamAndDance
Nickname: Ariana (nice to meet you Jae~)
Activity: 10

The One in the Shadows

Name: Shin Chaeyeon

- Yeonie; a nickname from Shindong

- Twinkle Toes; another nickname by Shindong, as she has no talent in dancing

- Charlotte; her English name, her co-workers and customers call her this

- Lottie; a shorter form of her English name, an affectionate nickname from fianceé

- Chaeun: by younger sister Dayoung, a combination between her name and 'unnie'

- Baby Sun: another nickname by Shindong, since she has a bright smile like the sun

 Age: 22
Birthday: October 14th, 1990
Bloodtype: O
Height: 164cm
Weight: 51kg (and she's slowly gaining weight)

Hometown: Los Angeles, California, USA
Ethnicity: Korean
Languages: Korean (fluet, native tongue), English (fluent, she was sent to California to study at the age of 15), sign language (conversational, her best friend is mute)

On the Surface

Ulzzang Links: 1 2 3 4 5 + Gallery
Ulzzang Name: Park Hwan Hui (Hana)
Back-Up Links: 1 2 3 4 5
Back-Up Name: Yoon Ae Ji (AJ)


Style Description: Chaeyeon has a feminine style, but nothing elaborate. She loves bright colors and patterns that gives off a sweet, girly look. Chaeyeon mainly wears dresses and skirts that are flowy and normally patterned with flowers. She also likes wearing jeans and shorts, along with oversized sweaters and cardigans. For hair, Chaeyeon normally has it down, but there are times where she puts it up in a ponytail, a messy bun, and braids. She loves wearing cute hairbows and headbands with her hair.

Ex: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Special: Has a piercing on each earlobe

Behind the Mask

Personality: Chaeyeon is described as someone who is happy-go-lucky and very friendly. She can easily befriend people and is usually the one who initiates the conversation. She doesn't like to get stressed and prefers to go with the flow rather than create the waves. Chaeyeon has a positive outlook on life and believes anyone can do anything. She loves nothing more than seeing people smile and being in the center of attention. Chaeyeon is also a good listener and people flock to her to share their problems with her. Even though she seems clumsy, Chaeyeon is very detail-orientated and she has a photographic memory. She is very hardworking and she rarely gets distracted once she puts her mind into something.

Unlike Shindong, who is a natural comedian, Chaeyeon cannot make a joke to save her life. Although she already lightens up the atmosphere with her cheerfulness, she tries to add jokes so her friends can continue smiling. Whenever she cracks one of her embarassing jokes, people laugh awkwardly or fake a cough so there won't be silence. But it's her innocent appearance that has people laughing. Because of her naitivé, Chaeyeon is the normal target for trolling and her confused, adorable responses makes it even more humorous.

Chaeyeon tends to trust people wholeheartedly. When she does, she easily gets hurt and taken advantage of by other people. Chaeyeon always tells herself to be tougher, but it's hard because she's simply too nice and cheerful. She falls into great despair whenever the trust is broken, yet she still continues to fully open herself to others. Chaeyeon is quite willing to forgive, however she'll never forget those who abuses her trust and holds grudges for quite some time in her heart. Chaeyeon rarely gets provoked, but she's scary when mad and develops an unladylike demeanor. It's advised that you don't immediately confront her or you'll receive a string of swear words from her or a very strong glare of absolute hatred. In two or three hours though, she'll calm down and return back to her happy self.


- Children/babies (she's very excited to have her own)

- Baking

- Chocolate

- Stuffed toys

- Playing the piano

- Dancing (even though she's horrible at it)

- Animals

- Classical music

- Music boxes

- Disney/Pixar films

- The scent of rain

- Vanilla ice cream


- Horror stuff

- Morning sickness

- Coffee

- Seafood

- People who make fun of her brother

- The smell of cigarettes

- Saesang fans


Blattodephobia (fear of cockroaches): A cockroach flew right in her face as a young child, and plus they look really gross. She freaks out whenever there's one.

Coulrophobia (fear of clowns): When she was around ten, she snuck into Shindong's room while he was having a sleepover with his friends. She peeked in, and saw that the boys were watching a horror movies about killer clowns. Chaeyeon finds their smiles creepy, and it doesn't help that Shindong has a tattoo of a clown on his arm. She always asks Shindong to wear a long sleeve shirt or jacket whenever they go out so she doesn't have to see the tattoo. Chaeyeon will never get clowns for her child's birthday parties.

Losing her baby: It's her first child, and there's always a possible risk of her miscarriaging since she works a lot. 


- Chaeyeon tends to flap her arms when she's happy

- Traces circles on her palm when she's thinking

- When nervous, she repeatedly pushes her hair behind her ears

- Touches her stomach every ten minutes to make sure her baby is alright

- Eats a banana every morning to prevent morning sickness


- Watching Food Network

- Baking

- Drawing new designs for cupcakes

- (a recent one) Talking to her baby

- Playing the piano

- Coming up with new pastry recipes


- She is three months pregnant, the gender is still unknown

- As she was raised in a devout Christian family, she attends morning mass every Sunday

- Chaeyeon is right handed, but she draws with her left hand

- Her home screen on her phone is a picture of Eunhyuk, her bias in Super Junior (she used to have a crush on him too)

- She has a subtle American accent when she speaks in Korean

- Chaeyeon wants to save money so she can buy Shindong the sports car he always wanted

- Like her brother, Chaeyeon's favorite color is purple

- She's somewhat of a mini culinary star, having her bakery featured in Food Network and reviewed by well known food critics

- When she was a young teen, Chaeyeon had major body issues but soon got over it

- Has a husky puppy named Astrid

- No one in Super Junior is aware of Chaeyeon, except for Sungmin, Donghae, and Eunhyuk since Shindong is close to them

- Is secretly a huge fan of Big Bang and EXO (she loves playing their songs on the piano)

- Favorite Suju song: No Other and Mr. Simple

- Shindong gave her two Rilakkuma plushies for her 20th birthday, which she keeps on her bed

- Chaeyeon cannot dance, she has two left feet

- Whenever she misses her brother, she watches the variety shows Shindong MCs.

Random Talent: She can tie a cherry stem into a knot with her tongue and cry at will, rather convincingly too! (or maybe it's just her hormones...)

Welcome to My Life

SuJu Sibling: 
Leeteuk | Heechul | Han Geng | Yesung | Kangin | Shindong | Sungmin | Eunhyuk | Donghae | Siwon | Ryeowook | Kibum | Kyuhyun | Zhou Mi | Henry

How is your relationship?: When she was younger, Chaeyeon used to resent Shindong and was extremely jealous of him being an idol. It wasn't until the 2007 car accident when she realized how much Shindong meant in her life. Chaeyeon came to deeply love and adore her older brother afterwards as she matured. Shindong loves to make Chayeon laugh with his jokes and they try to plan a meet up or a phone call. Chaeyeon's very attached to Shindong and even cries whenever she reads hateful comments about him.

What is it like to be in his 'shadow'?: As Shindong was more successful than Chaeyeon, her accomplishments were often ignored by others. No one knew about her relation to him in school, but it irritated her whenever people squealed and fangirled over Shindong. Her parents are still fair in their love towards Chaeyeon. They did not compare her to Shindong one bit, though Chaeyeon feels they're just being nice.

What is his reason for keeping you 'hidden'?: Shindong cherishes Chaeyeon, and she has an aura of innocence so he believes he must protect her. Because Chaeyeon easily trusts others, he's worried that if people knew she was related to him, they would try to take advantage of her and she might get hurt. He couldn't protect Dayoung, so he wants to hide his other sister from public eye. And since Chaeyeon used to have an eating disorder, Shindong is scared people will criticize and hate on her. It's almost like a cruel joke, how Shindong lost weight safely while Chaeyeon dieted the wrong way.

What do you think his reasoning is?: As Shindong's sister, you'd think she's an amazing dancer like him, but Chaeyeon has absolutely no talent in dance. She believes Shindong is ashamed of her because of that. It's a silly reason, but that's what she thinks. She also knows that he loves her and only wants to protect her from the saesangs and anti-fans, especially since she's expecting a child.

Other family members (I'm just going to make up the parents' name and age ._.):

Father | Shin Woohyun | 51 | Alive | Chaeyeon is still hurting from her parents' divorce, and she blames her father for it. And although she is grateful now, she resented how he sent her away to America without her consent. Her father understands, he respectfully gives her space and he offers his help to Chaeyeon if she needs it, but she rarely accepts.

Mother Ahn Junghwa | 50 | Alive | Chaeyeon's a little more closer to her mother. Her mother cares for each of her children equally and Chaeyeon tries to support Junghwa whenever she can. Chaeyeon often sends Junghwa money even though her mother refuses to keep it.

Younger sister | Ahn Dayoung | 15 | Alive | Chaeyeon is very affectionate and doting towards Dayoung even though they are in different countries. They do tend to bicker over the silliest things but they'll always make up within a day or two. Chaeyeon always reminds Dayoung to work hard and "take care of our umma."

Living Arrangement: Chaeyeon lives with her fianceé in a two-story house in Los Angeles.

Past: Chaeyeon was born in Mungyeong, North Gyeongsang, five years younger than her older brother Donghee, who would be later known as Shindong. She had a regular childhood, and she got along fairly well with Shindong as a young child. Being the stereotypical Asian parents her parents signed her up for piano lessons when she was aged four, and they also decided to bring the siblings to dance class. While Shindong showed natural talent and love for dance, Chaeyeon stumbled and the teacher kindly told her she wasn't meant for dance. Though she was skilled in the piano, she was overshadowed by Shindong's accomplishments, and he won the grand prizes in the Goyangsi Youth Dance contests. Chaeyeon grew envious and deeply resented Shindong for capturing everyone's hearts. Sensing her jealousy, Chaeyeon's mother suggested she should try baking after seeing a flier. A few culinary classes later, Chaeyeon found another passion she was talented in, but it did not fully extinguish the burning jealousy for Shindong in her heart.

When Chaeyeon was eight and Shindong thirteen, little sister Dayoung joined the Shin family. A year later, Chaeyeon's parents filed for divorce, citing unknown reasons. Their mother raised her three children by herself while juggling with their classes and schedules. Around the same time Shindong was accepted into SM Entertainment, Chaeyeon's father had her mother send fifteen year old Chaeyeon to California so she could get a better education at a boarding school specializing in culinary arts. The first couple of years in Los Angeles were dark times for Chaeyeon. She suffered from extreme homesickness, and she grew lonely because of the language barrier and she could not make friends. As a young teenage girl, she had major insecurities since the girls at her school were so beautiful and Chaeyeon soon developed a eating disorder. She skipped meals and was obsessed with weighing herself. Teachers began to notice her lack of energy and her dropping grades, but no one confronted her about it.

In April 2007, Chaeyeon received terrible news: her older brother had gotten into a car accident with fellow bandmates Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun and Leeteuk. The seventeen year old Chaeyeon was allowed an absence of leave from class and immediately boarded a plane to Korea. At Shindong's hospital room, Chaeyeon believed Shindong was going to die and she regretted hating him. It turns out Shindong was in good condition, and he noticed his little sister had lost a significant amount of weight. After Chaeyeon confessed about her anorexia, Shindong forced her to promise to take care of herself. Feeling much better, Chaeyeon returned to Los Angeles, where she slowly brought back her good grades and started eating healthy again. Her love for the culinary arts intensified, and she decided to become a pâtissier.

Best Friend:

Juliet Feng | 21 | Juliet and Chaeyeon share a very tight, fierce sisterly bond, with both of them telling each other everything. Juliet is mute, Chaeyeon initially rejected Juliet when she came for a job interview. Once Chaeyeon tasted Juliet's pastries however, she accepted Juliet. Juliet writes on either a notepad or her phone to converse with Chaeyeon | The two girls love to shop together, and Juliet teaches Chaeyeon sign language so the two can communicate better. The girls spend time baking sweets too.


Jung Nari | 26 | Shindong's girlfriend. Chaeyeon and Nari are extremely close, with Nari being the closest friend after Juliet. Chaeyeon simply adores Nari and looks up to her as an older sister figure | Since Chaeyeon lives in LA, they don't do much, but will Skype and FaceTime each other almost daily. Whenever Chaeyeon visits Korea though, she and Nari like to eat out and take pictures together at the photo sticker booths.

Daniel Kang | 25 | Daniel is one of Chaeyeon's regular customers at her bakery and her fianceé's best friend. He's another older brother to Chaeyeon and someone she would confide her secrets to | They love going out to watch the latest movies or try out the newest restaurants. The two also enjoy watching Disney and Pixar movies at Chaeyeon's house.

Im Seungho | 19 | One of the workers in the bakery. Chaeyeon treats him like the younger brother she never had and loves doing skinship with Seungho, much to his protests but he secretly loves it. Seungho has absolutely no talent in baking, but he's so charismatic and keeps bringing back customers, so Chaeyeon won't kick him out | Chaeyeon tries to teach Seungho baking, and in return Seungho tries to teach her how to play video games.

Francesca McBeal | 22 | Francesca is another of the workers in the bakery and a part time model. Francesca is a good friend of Chaeyeon's, but she's not the one Chaeyeon would go to advice since she's quite blunt | When the two girls aren't at the bakery, they like to grab some drinks and walk around the local park while gossiping. They also sneak around in other rival bakeries to experiment and compare.

Relationship: Ryu Junho | Works at Sugar Dots | 23 | Junho is a native Los Angeles citizen and knows very basic Korean, despite his ethnicity. Unlike Chaeyeon, Junho's more on the quiet and serious side, though he always has a big smile whenever Chaeyeon is around. They love each other very much and like to say '143' (I love you~) to each other. Junho can't help but feel a rush of protectiveness towards Chaeyeon and he was at first against the idea of the SJLS documentary. He gets jealous easily whenever unknown guys are interested Chaeyeon, and once threw a fit when he saw Eunhyuk's picture in Chaeyeon's phone. Mutual friends introduced the two in hopes of them getting together during their first year at college. He was unaware Chaeyeon was Shindong's sister until two years of dating, but his attitude and treatment towards her did not change. Although Junho's parents strongly disapprove and hate Chaeyeon, they are engaged. His parents look down on Chaeyeon getting pregnant before marriage, so it's awkward at family meetings.

Punchin' the Clock

Job: She works at the bakery she opened with Junho, Sugar Dots. It is located in Los Angeles, near Rodeo Drive. The bakery is well known for its cupcakes and macaroons.
What's work life like?:
Chaeyeon loves her job, and is devoted to working as a pâtissier. She's very social with her customers, and always greets them with a smile before asking how their day was. Chaeyeon remembers each customers' usual order by heart and occasionally adds another treat in their order without charge. Because of her friendliness (and extra sweets), people like her and they keep returning to the bakery. Around co-workers, she treats them like they're her family, and always comes to the rescue if they need help.
School: She graduated from Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts in LA last year
What's school life like?: -
Anything else?: She and Junho often make food for the homeless shelters and she also volunteers at the local animal shelter. Sometimes Chaeyeon teaches children how to bake at the open classes held in Sugar Dots.

And Now the Adventure Begins

Questions?: Nope!
Comments: I really like this idea ^^ hope Park Hwan Hui isn't too pretty, she's the only ulzzang I know who has a baby so I decided to use her.
Scene Requests?:

- Chaeyeon asks the girls to offer name suggestions for her baby

- The Super Junior sisters bake some treats for their brothers ^~^

- A brother-sister moment between Shindong and Chaeyeon

- Chaeyeon goes with one of the SJ sisters to find out the gender of the baby (you're welcome to pick the gender, though I feel a boy would be suited)

- Chaeyeon and Junho discussing their wedding (I would like her to get married towards the end of the documentary, if that's okay. Shindong can be best man while the SJ sisters are her bridesmaids)


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