EP application

AFF Username: Supfunkayhelen

Character Info

Full Name: Chae Hae Rin

Nickname: Helen, Melon, Hae

DOB: 15/05/1992

Age: 19

Place of Birth: melbourne Australia

Ethnicity: full chinese

Languages: english chinese korean





 Ulzzang Name: Choi Seo Hee

Height: 168cm

Weight: 110lbs

Blood Type: O


Helen seems to be like a very quiet, shy and nice girl to strangers as she's always the pretty one smiling and standing quietly in the corner, but her true personality is a whole mess when you get to know her! She is an extremely messy girl who hates cleaning up and is a really forgetful person. She smiles nicely to everyone and tries her best to keep a nice message but if you get really close with her then you will discover her true colours and be absolutely shocked! She is an extreme crazy person when it rains, or if she drinks some energy drink and of course alcohol which she hates. But still sometimes she will randomly go hyper and people would wonder if she had turned into a whole different person. Helen is a girl who loses her temper very very easily but she tries to hold it in to strangers, fans and the other idols that she hardly interact with. But with close people she just lets all her emotions, bad behaviour and her own random craziness out. Close friends of her hardly ever see the 'girly/women' side of her unless she's on stage(she calls it as practicing her acting like a really nice girly girl.) or when she plays the piano and organ like a goddess. She calms herself down and her beautiful long fingers would touch the keys of the piano or the strings of the organ and wonderful music would be produced which is of course her charm, her biggest charm. Another charm is her competitiveness and her determination, how much she tries in singing and dancing just in order to debut as an idol. All that hard work that she puts in. In front of the strangers Most of the times she wouldn't talk much and just sit at the corner playing games or facebooking/tweeting on her phone. She's a technology addict, anything related to technology like games and phones, she would have them. The latest things that come out she would be the first one to get it. She hardly shows her emotions when she's 'normal' but sometimes they leak out when she goes hyper (crazy).

Instruments: Organ, PIano (main). ||| others: violin, guitar,   chinese organ thing 古筝 (just search it in google if you don't know :),

Hobbies: reading, dancing, playing organ and piano, composing, facebooking/twittering, taking pictures


strawberry flavoured things

the smell of air after rain

plain chocolate



going crazy once in a while

teasing her friends

pranking people secretly

the beautiful night sky at night





people interuppting her

fights between friends that last a long time

getting drunk

people who boast a lot

the dark


horror movies

haunted houses

Habits: fidgeting/biting fingers when nervous

pacing up and down the place when impatient/worried

jumping up and down when extremely happy

Any tattoos/piercings? just piercing on the ear , 1 on each ear

Any siblings? nope, single child

Family past: dad disappeared straight after a car accident but the body was never found, disappeared when Helen was 10. This is the reason why helen was always so cold and quiet. SHe tried her best in everything because her dad always told her to when she was young, she always believed that her da is still alive and is waiting for her to discover him. Her mother is a really caring and loving mother who eventually collapsed and had some mental problems staight after the accident and sometimes hurt helen but always apologized and comforted helen after. Helen has a very very close relationship with her mother.

Relationship Info

Love Interest: nichkhun

Rival: have to have one? then rainbow's jaekyung

Best Friend(s): JIa, Krystal, Victoria, tiffany,

Friends: hara, jessica, suzy, taecyeon, L (infinte)

Stage Info

Stage Name : Helen

YOUR fanclub name: melon

YOUR official fanclub colors: green

Years trained: 5

Position: Main dancer, lead vocal and sub rapper

Persona: the unexpected one / the unexpected melon LOL

Singing Voice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6x9bfxzkW8&list=FLq368L06DeeOEKGOlNUWMTQ&index=1&feature=plpp_video

Dancing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gus6xbnrb6o

Rapping: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VYkhtACFJw

Talent: instrument   :  Piano and organ

Anything else you wanna add?

Not really but hwaiting! and hope you choose me :)


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personality? it cant b blank.