I'm getting dumber...

I think I'm getting dumber. Aside from not being able to remember some of my friends' names (I kid you not, I called my closest friend "you" for a whole day), I picked up a feral kitten up and it just chewed up my hand :/

It's tiny, though, and it'll die if I don't get it inside (it's raining heavily - at night).

I think my fingers swelled up, but I can't be sure. I just slapped 0n my some cream mam got for a wasp sting ...


I have several cats and two favourite ones. They're the complete opposite of each other - much like my two #1 biases - but my black one is mad at me ... he hates kittens ... it's not my fault it's tiny.

But frick it's sore... And I have to babysit four kids tmr - well, today, really ... - for eight hours (yay!)


But I fimd this and though it was cute:

Lay is climbing my bias list sooo fast!


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naww you're not dumb :3
and lay is just so cute <3 tehehe
ur not dumb..
i dont think so.. ^^
that's not dumb. you're just being un-cautious, alongside memory loss.
btw, how old are you? :0 if you dont mind. :D