WARNING!!!!! Repost this if you want to live!!!!

Okay, so I was browsing my friend's blog today and I found this post that really did scare the out of me:

 PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!!!! I don't want you guys being murdered so REPOST!!!REPOST!!!!!REPOST!!!!!

(credit to ihavenofriends2920)





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Sorry I cant repost on phone!!!
I really do believe that others may see this and repost!

This is sick! I thought this was fake but I searched her up. I never knew humans could be more dangerous than the wild!
This is inhumane!!!
I never know a girl like this exist..
I thought this was just a chain letter or something O.O Turns out she's real though >< What kind of sick minded person just murders people...for being gay, lesbian, bi, transgender etc? *shakes head in shame*