Kinda Leaving This Site

Hey. Sorry for the inactivity, but I,ve decided to not be active on this site anymore. Sorry for all of you who have been looking forward to story updates. Why am I leaving? It's because I'm not into kpop that much anymore. I've discovered other music that I like better and I guess I've matured and extended my music taste? Idk how to word this. Point is, when I first started using this site, all I'd listen to is kpop, to some extent. I started discovering pop-punk bands around 2014-ish and that kinda made more more open-minded to new music and now that I've discovered different genres, I just can't find myself getting into kpop again. I don't hate kpop, I mean there are some good songs too, but compared to the stuff I listen to nowadays, it's just... eh. I've also started creating more OCs and writing stories with my own characters as opposed to kpop idols, and I prefer that. And all this is why I'm leaving. I won't deactivate this profile though. Just don't expect me to go on this profile. If you want to reach me, you can find my Tumblr (shreksnudes) or my Instagram (_sofa.chan_). 



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I hope you would be able to venture into things you like and you can consider writing on wattpad? :) We'll miss you yea
Aww, I liked your stories though! And I already follow you on Instagram so yah XD I don't listen to kpop that much too, but I still like it~
But I'd like to read your stories with your OCs in them >.<
Ah same here. If not for the site itself and the people, I have left long time ago. I have stopped listening to kpop since... I can't remember ahah. And I also found my ship: Kili x Tauriel. But anyway, time comes when we have to leave and move on with our lives. Hope you gained something from your AFF experience.
awww im going to miss u sweeite! Well ive been missing u here on AFF for a while now but im glad i can still catch up with u on insta :)
I'm not into kpop that much anymore too like you..